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Posts posted by Krapsparov

  1. Cool picture! Great outfit! Terrific boots! I couldn't tell from the pic, but were you wearing fishnets? Sure looks that way to me, if so, your outfit is ever cooler!

    Yup - never go anywhere without me fishnets.I recon you can get away with a gothy kind of look with them. (Not that you have to be a goth to wear them of course)

  2. The solution's simple! Do what I do and go out in full female garb!

    No one really cares about your heels especially in London, Birmingham or Manchester- you can even get away with it in smaller cities too. But it's funny, people seem to care even less if you're a tranny, even a not very convincing one!

    I'm not overly convinced this is a good idea!!

    Unless your going to a the gay village in Manchester or any other place to be honest, your going to attract unwanted attention.

    I think the way forward is to introduce girly heels as a fashion accessory - right in peoples faces.

    Trying to wear heels on the sly fails to raise public awareness.

    I played a gig last night with nearly this outfit.

    Posted Image

    It was a different top and with black tights, but basically the same thing.

    Not one word was said about the skirt, but everybody was interested in where I got the boots from - even the guys.

    My advice is, wear what you want with total convidence - make a statement and nothing will be said.

    You don't need permission from anybody to wear what you want, and what you contain in your underwear has no relation to what you wear on your feet.

    Your a human being with the same rights and privilages as the next person, be it male or female!!


  3. Hi Teanna. The next time I'm doing a gig in Manchester, I'll give you a shout. I often get freestylers turning up as Chris will testify. If you want a night out, wearing anything you want, this is the ideal starting point for you. Cheers Jon

  4. I was out in my purple pair on Saturday. I was dragged all round Manchester by a girl from work. I still maintain they are not the most comfortable of boots 8) but they are nice on the eye. You will have to bring your girlfriend to one of my gigs, Chris

  5. Every time I see those cowgirl boots with the silver flames I want them! Will have to treat myself one of these days.



    You must have every pair of new rocks ever made!!!

    Your like the Imelda Marcos of the Malicia range :smile:

    Sicknurse gig Saturday 21st at the Thatched House if you want to wear a pair out?


  6. I promise to send your keys back immediately by registered letter. I don't want that you will die by hunger. I would loose a nice chess opponent from Red Hot Pawn. But I don't know how fast british mail or the german post is really :smile: Be prepared to do your daily purchases on stiletto heels or fill up your freezer! By the way: I have already done my daily purchases on 5'' thigh high boots under long hip jeans. I don't think that I am a coward.

    Hi Micha :wavey:

    I am not bothered about people seeing me in heels - I think they have seen stranger things from my wardrobe.

    My only issue is, I don't find heels comfortable at all and I only wear them if I know where I'm going.

    The thought of being forced to wear them everywhere is the buzz :sad:

    I know your not a coward, Micha ;) Your an inspiration to everyone on here with your courage and insight.

    I just wish that where not so good at chess LOL


    When I get paid next, I will buy a pair for you and you can pay me what I paid for them, if you want


  7. Its really great when you can share your love for shoes with the person you love. I like the pic :wavey:) Highheeldude..... I have just ordered the shoes in your avator. I'm locking myself in and posting the keys to Micha.... should be fun for a few days :smile:

  8. This is a pic I threw together in photoshop.

    We had a rehearsal yesterday and I couldn't get the buggers to have a group photo. I sneaked pics on the sly and put them together.

    As you can tell, the singer (far right) is not even happy about that.


    Black vest top

    Trashed denim mini

    Nearly black tights

    Black ankle boots with small heel (always small when lugging stuff about)

    Posted Image

  9. I disagree. I much prefer the steps about five minutes *after* you go out when you realise that the world hasn't cracked in two!


    I don’t know Chris.

    If it’s your first time then you have probably been building up to it for months.

    Set the scene…

    It’s the morning of your first day out. Wearing heels for the first time has been on your mind for months.

    Your going out at 7 but you have your shoes on in the morning to acclimatise your feet for what is to come.

    At 6:45 you talk yourself out of it and give yourself a million reasons why you should not do it – all of them, in your own mind, valid.

    It’s 6:55 and you’re on again. You have waited far too long for this, and if you don’t do it now, you never will.

    Your coat is on.

    You open the door and the daylight hits you. The everyday noise that you hear each day is magnified.

    As you step through the door, you heels hit the pavement for the first time. My god the noise they make!!! The world and his dog can hear them.

    Your mouth is dry and your heart beats as the door shuts behind you. – No turning back now!!

    The pavement is a totally alien environment , harsh and unforgiving. No more the comfort of the carpet that you have enjoyed for years, you have entered a territory that women have had dominion over your whole life.

    The more you walk, the more your confidence grows.

    The more your confidence grows, the more daring you become.

    You encounter shoppers, people cleaning their cars; People from all walks of life just going about their daily grind and guess what? Nobody notices or cares.

    The world has not cracked in two, but somewhere along the line your heels have lost their magic.

    I think the first, tentative few steps through the door is a pivotal moment when your heels transform from a fetish to an everyday extension of your wardrobe.

    There are not many street heelers on here that would turn the clock back and return to the closet, but I feel we have all lost a little part of the buzz.

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