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Posts posted by JeffM

  1. If your theory is corrct FF then maybe we here in Oz will benefit with our recent signing of a free trade agreement with the US, that Zappos will export to Australia. Seriously there does seem to be some strange rules and regulations governing export from the US. I recently requested a CD manual of some equipment I repair on a regular basis, from the manufacturer. They agreed to send it through regular post but twice it got knocked back. The postal services refused to send it over seas. However sending through UPS was no problem at all. Jeff

  2. Thanks for your comment Bubba. Yes I chat with Juliettta nearly every week. She has left the hospital, has a new job that pays more on less hours per week. She is very happy in her life at the moment, and I would say it is only going to get better. I have tried getting her to come back here even if just occasionally to drop in so to speak and let every one know how she, what she has been up to. Would you agree to me saying "Bubba really misses you and would like to see how you are getting on" She might do so if it came from others instead of just me. Still wouldnt be any garrantees though. Jeff

  3. An open letter to the forum A week or so back I made some scathing accusations against some members of this forum. I was very angry at them over matters to do with Mornington Crescent and accused the street heeling group of being frauds. I was already angry over some thing else from about a week previous, some thing I couldn’t put my finger one. This in it self made me angry, an anger that has lasted until yesterday morning. There was a PM from Shockqueen and as I finished reading it I realised what Mornington Crescent was about. And in the same instant I knew why I was so angry all this time. Thanks Shockqueen. I wont go into details they are too personal. In the flash I had I didn’t just see what was going on in Mornington Crescent I saw that Firefox and nhoj62 were telling me the same thing as Shockqueen had. And my anger has evaporated because I knew why I had been so angry I am sorry for what I have said and done. I apologise to all forum members, to the players (Londoners as I called you) of Mornington Crescent, and to the street heelers, to you in particular Firefox, nhoj62 and Shockqueen for the crap I threw at you. I hope our friendship can be re-established Thanks for reading Jeff

  4. Great idea Laurie. Now wouldnt it be fabulous if we could get the comunity news papers to run your articles on a weekly basis, with maybe some pics. I have already phoned our local news paper group and the person I spoke to was very interested. However it is not his decision so I will wait till Thursday to talk to one Amelia Verendes and hopefully go on from there. You never never know if you never , never give it a go. :) Jeff

  5. Bob

    Is it possible that you are asking your GF to jump in at the deep end before she can swim.

    The shoes/boots you mentioned are high for her to wear when she obviously doesnt wear them that high.

    Maybe if you tried a pair of elegant heels for dinning out or clubbing only 1/2 an inch or 1 inch higher than she normally wears, she might wear them them a lot more often. And if by chance they are suitable for work she might just start wearing them to work, ( honey you arent getting a lot of wear from these shoes, if they are comfortable to wear why not wear them to work on occasions.) allowing the two of you to buy another pair, a little higher in the heel. Slowly with your support she could work her way up to a heel height that you would like her to wear and she would not just feel sexy and elegant in them but know that she was making you happy at the same time.


  6. Bob this made you smile.

    They make my legs look awesome, but my husband gets a little upset that all the guys look my way. So I will just wear them when he is not around.

    I think it sad. I would be ever so proud if guys looked at my lady and her heels.

    Look at the comments from Laurie and Anne Louise for example. The looks that they get that make them feel so good. Why would any one be ashamed of their partner attracking looks that made them feel good about themselves.


  7. ShyGuy How disappointing. I thought with your friendly approach to play

    The best way to get in with the gang is to just jump in and have some fun. I'll admit I didn't know the first thing about Mornington Crescent - since I come from the US

    you would have a bit of compassion for a novice. But you seem to be just as determined as the others to stuff it up new comers.

    For my next trick......*drum roll please*

    Please what for. Sticking me out there at Mile End near Colchester that isnt even in the Greater London area.

    Do you really want praise for that.

    Stiill if you can get out there l can get back through Upminister, West Ham, Tower Hill, to Monument then up through Angel to Euston and hey look at whats next Mornigton Crescent.

    Dud Duh :)

    Looks like its easier to win than I thought.


  8. To Laurie and Firefox give your selves a pat on the back for a job well done. It is a pity that we do not give you the credit you deserve except at times like this. It could be given a little more often I think. A pat on the back for the work you have done in resurrecting Jenny's site and for the maintenance of it as well. And congrats to Jenny herself for such an informative, and friendly site, and for choosing Laurie and Firefox as the two to maintain it. Well done all of you. Jeff

  9. Firefox

    You may not believe it but then you don't have to "believe" anything. Anyone can look at the photographs and draw their own conclusions.

    With todays software we all know that a pic taken at home can be made to look as though it is a street scene. So that takes care of the street heeling.

    As for your explanation of the game you have proved my point. What other explanation could you have used to cover your ploy. With the nature of the game being to deceive "people not in the know" do you expect others to believe your explanation?

    I gave quite specific examples that were rejected by one of you toward a new player, yet these same stations were accepted when one of you used them himself. So either a station is ok to use or it is not. How can you possibly say "you cant use that" because of some unwritten rule then say to your buddie that it is ok and ignore that same unwritten rule.

    And as nhoj62 admits to in his post

    good way of learning the underground stations from the old to the new to the ones that are no longer in use an not on the map,

    He admits there are stations used in the game that dont exist.

    So I could start using station names from Tokyo to New York and even here in Perth and you could not challenge me legitimately because you wouldnt know if I was pulling your leg or not.

    I notice that neither of you offered an explanation for the Euston Road Hammersmith Flyover or Petty France stations. Would that be because you would have to admit that some where some one was having a good laugh at some poor unsuspecting outsider.

    I am not convinced by either of you that the game is legit. In fact all you have done is reinforce my view of it and your selves with your invitation to keep at it.

    Posting something irrational which is accepted may cause the lightbulb to burn, so you try it again and work it through.

    See the put down even here in your post with "light bulb" as though these outsiders dont have a brain just a light that goes on when they have an idea.


    there is lots to learn through playing so don`t be down about it.

    have fun an enjoy

    There is nothing to learn, there are no rules as you have said, you just have to make up station names to confuse others throwing in proper ones most of the time to keep it going on a map that the others can see.

    How much fun and enjoyment would any one get from that unless they new they were having it at some one elses expence, like the outsiders.

    I should maybe mention to you some thing of the other game I played in.

    The connection they used, the pattern, was real.

    Each station had to have some reference to the previous one. As an example some one had put Arsenal. The next post was Did you think the GunnersBury any thing there. A cryptic clue. Gunners for you outsiders is the name of the soccer team from Arsenal. My answer to them was A flaming horse of course. Well did you work that out. I gave them 30 hours and none of them thought of Hackney Wick. Then it was Come On lets do tennis with a nearly famous tenis star. Guess what they took nearly 12 hours to get Layton. Nearly refering to the Aussie tennis player Llayton Hewitt. See there are 2 L's in his name.

    That game was still running last night with all sorts participating, from the US Scotland and Ireland. A fair and reasonable game it seems to me.

    Both of you have offered some sort of explanation on how the game is being played on HHplace, some thing you will KNOW is totally not allowed if you are to play by the rules.

    I dont know if I will be allowed to stay here on HHplace because I can see I have upset the apple cart, but in case I am, be assured that I will PM any one who wants to play and asks the rules.

    That should fix up your fun quite a bit.

    Lastly you might wonder why I am going to stay on this site saying what I have of some of you. I joined it from Jenny's site back when it was first started to talk to women who liked/loved wearing high heels. As time has passed we have less and less women here. I think there are only 2 regulars left now, Laurie and Anita C. Anne Louise has left, she doesnt like where it is heading, and there have been no posts from Virginie or Jenniferhoustan1 for quite a few weeks. But I live in hope. The other site that plays MC is a much more friendly site than this one as is Jenny's site.

    Having implied maybe that this site has no friendly people on board, let me say that I think there is a terrifc bunch of people here. Its just that I have found that some who I had a huge respect for have caused me to change my mind. You even said to me FF in a PM that not every one in cyberspace is who they claim to be. How true.


  10. To all you people who wanted to play this game of Mornington Crescent take cheer.

    I have the answer. Don’t bother playing.

    You will be taken for a ride.

    There are no rules so don’t waist you time trying to find any.

    It is supposed to be about getting to Mornington Crescent a station on the London underground.

    It is about a bunch of Londoners who think they are superior to others and play this game making out that there is a pattern to it.

    There is no pattern either.

    When you ask them for the rules it has long been a tradition that players must never admit that this is what is really going on - the usual answer when asked is "oh, just watch us play for a while, you'll pick the rules up". This tradition appeals to the cliquery of these insecure people, the Londoners, in a very obnoxious way.

    For them the main appeal of the game is the feeling of superiority over those who are seeing the game played for the first time, and the warm feeling of being in the clique that knows the secret. For them, Mornington Crescent is no more than a socially acceptable form of laughing at the “want to be players”.

    They do this mainly in the hope of keeping you out of the clique and thereby demonstrating their superiority over you in some insignificant matter. It's clear that this does not stand up to reason, because the many strange exceptions being quoted indicate that the rules are way too complex to pick up.

    It is interesting to note that quite a few of these “nice” people in the game are the main stay of the street heelers in London and other places. Your credibility has been shot to pieces guys. I for one no longer believe you go street heeling as you say you do. I am totally disillusioned by this forum and all you Londoners or near Londoners at the moment. In future you will be treated by me with the contempt you deserve.

    I'm sorry if this spoils the fun of the honest players. I was one too and yes I would liked to have played. I don’t like being put down at any time let alone by a group of stuffy nosed Londoners who think they are so much better than the rest of us because they live in London.

    Some examples

    1 There is supposed to be a pattern to this game that started at Bakers Street. What pattern could exist for novices to find at this point?

    2 Nhoj62 said Angel which was accepted but he later claimed he didn’t know how to play the game.

    3 Nhoj62 said Edgeware but it wasn’t allowed being an illegal move.

    4 The legal move though Edgeware Road is ok but there is two of them, which one is correct?

    5 Next play was “So why can’t I have Edgeware and yet can have Edgware road?

    Please explain?

    6 Answer “Can't you see it? It's time to play Paddington. (getting the idea folks)

    7 If any of you want to, go back over it take a note of the nonsensical reasons given for making their choice.

    8 Notice how the game suddenly stopped when there were no outsiders participating.

    This is played on another site that I frequent and actually got the clue from, as to what this game is about.

    They even invented station names to confuse the serious uninitiated contenders like me.

    Station names like Hammersmith Flyover, doesn’t exist, Euston Road, doesn’t exist, Petty France doesn’t exist, that from the Official London Underground Map and doing a search on those places in London Maps web site.

    In the end I do not believe there is or ever was a game that could be played by outsiders.

    If it is important to you convince me otherwise.


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