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Posts posted by LiveAndLearn

  1. It's okay, everyone has different tastes. But i'm young, and im andrognyous, and gorgeous. These shoes are the shit, and they're amazing. Besides, if your avatar is anything to go by Puffer, the shoes you enjoy, then your opinion holds no ground on my taste, or style, in shoes. No shade boo. Nevertheless, i'm happy with my purchase, infact more than happy, i'm a little estatic. The shoes look killer with pretty much any outfit, they're easier to walk in and they're overall a great shoe. A lot of people here don't enjoy my taste in shoes, and it's whatever, but I find a lot of people here are a (LOT) older than I am, and that shows in a lot of their shoe tastes. Your shoe games are weak. Sorry 'bout it.

  2. Me personally, I felt the whole "Im a guy and I wear these and my wife is fine with it" comments were kinda pointless to the whole thing. Your review was good, it gave good insight onto the shoes but people are reading the reviews to see what people thought of the shoes, not to see what sex the person is and what thier home life is like. I could understand if the shoes were aimed at men, like on Solestruck.com, the mens section has heels and they're designed for men, so in that context I can understand, but to me a simple "The sizing is really good, especially as I am a male and have bigger feet!" would have done well enough. Needless to say it's a review on a shoe website on the internet. That kinda sums it up really.

  3. I think it depends on a lot of factors for me. My Jeffrey Campbell Pixie Man's are zip up, and they're perfect, but I have pull-up boots from eBay and those too, are perfect. Zips can be a tricky thing, for the fact that if it's on the side and you have a wide foot, it can spell disaster, but if the zip is on the back, it can be your best friend! I generally dont focus on zips or pull ups, just the style of the boot unless told that it's narrow in which case I never buy if it has a zip on the side.

  4. If the subject came up again I'd be inclined to say something like "I know it's really difficult for you, but your acceptance really means the world to me, thank you". I mean, it's easy for someone to "tolerate" things they agree with, but true tolerance is accepting things they don't necessarily agree with.

    I would enjoy the conversation with her I think. I dont know if / when the topic will come up again soon but im glad it's been raised at least.

  5. An update on me: Me and my mother were talking today, and we were talking about my makeup / nail polish wearing, and she said she accepts that which we understood years ago, however she said out of the blue "It's if you start wearing heels and female clothing I can't bare. I won't stop loving you, you have to be you, we would never kick you out, and I accept you for it, but I just can't bare the thought of it." I think she must know that I wear heels and stuff, and that was her way of saying to me that she accepts it I guess. I didn't say anythng back to her, which is stupid of me because it might have been the perfect oppertunity for me to say "well I wear them and im glad you accept me for it." But alas I didn't say anything, but I think we understand eachother.

  6. I've loved Kazaky for a while now, since thier first song "In The Middle" blew up really. I learned to walk in heels to a lot of thier songs. My favourite video of them is in the DSquared fashion show. Just search Kazaky DQsuared to find it. They give me LIFE in that show. Since then of course they've released a lot of new music videos and even collaborated with Madonna on her Girls Gone Wild video. If I do recall correctly too, there have been men in heels in Lady Gaga's, Gerri Halliwell and Kylie Minogue's videos too.

    A lot of korean stars wear heels. Well I say a lot, a few of the males do in thier live preformances. Funnily enough a lot of the K-Pop male stars wear makeup, hair extentions (ect), and it's not seem as a sign of weakness or femaninity, if anything it's just fashion and makes the girls swoon! (I guess all that talk about Asia being 5-10 years ahead of the western world in fashion is true.)

    Jo Kwon of 2PM could be sporting the Jeffrey Campbell "Shadow Stud" shoes in thier live animal preformance!

    Posted Image

    Justin Tranter of the Semi Precious Weapons is another male who has been wearing high heels for pretty much all of his muscial carrerr, along with makeup as part of his andrognyous outlook.

    There are more and more examples of men wearing heels in public, especailly for fashion purposes or as part of an outfit for music-related tasks, you just have to know where to look I guess! Haha.

  7. Currently I keep my shoes under my bed in the draws, and when we move my friends have offered to keep them at theirs while I move the rest of my stuff so my parents don't see. Maybe if you have even one friend who knows, you could do that! As for the storing situation, i'd say get a wardrobe that can account for the heels too. If not, just buy some plastic boxes and put the shoes in there and shove them under a bed or to the back of the room somewhere out of the way. It's your place, people shouldn't be going through your stuff in your place.

  8. Congrats on another fine outing and i agree going to house parties is as public as going anywhere else.

    Also have to add, those leather boots are absolutely beautiful... I really would love a pair of those babies.

    I can take a hint! I got them here:


    Shipping is a little expensive, with is being £15 to the UK. However I have 2 pairs of shoes from this seller. and couldn't be happier

  9. Sounded like a heeling event to me. Isn't it great to get a compliment from the last person you expect it from? It's even a bigger confidence builder than a compliment from the ladies.

    Yes I agree! I mean we've never really seen eye to eye, probably because we kept our distance, but now we're friends on facebook, and it's just nice to see someone step out of thier own comfort zone simply to try and better themselfs, and making yourself feel good in the process! It was just slightly magical to witness haha!

    Super congratulations for the step into the real world.

    My 1st real heeling was to leave the house and go to London for the weekend and the only shoes I took were 3.5 inch skinny cuban heeled brogue boots. I was the same as you. Just go out and wear the bloddy things. Nothing happened apart from people loving my shoes and bravery.

    Re the party: I think it's definitely public if it's a venue where you will meet people that you have never met before.

    Yes I agree, it's deffinatly a public event, though others say differently. And im glad you had that experience. Since the first time I went out, I have yet to go out to a public venue such as a resutrant or a place where the general public reside again, but im sure the day or oppertunity will come soon!

  10. So I went out to another house party this Wednesday. House parties seem to be my free zone for wearing what I like and doing what I like with next-to-no one minding.

    It was a simple early 20-something house party. Too much booze and too many people for one house, nevertheless it was a fun time.

    I was wearing my black leather boots (5 1/2 inch heel 1 inch platform I believe), an oversized grey top with gold jewlery, metalic aqua nails, blue jeans and a black / silver / grey / white smokey eye.

    (Click for shoes!)

    I managed to keep them on all night, for around 7 hours, while consuming a very large sum of alcohol, which was an achivement in itself for being able to walk in them for that long, even up and down stairs! (As dangerous as that it, I dont advise it. Be safe, kids!)

    Overall I got very good compliments, the new people that were there said they admired me for being me, and for being able to walk in those while both drunk and being so tall.

    One comment I got was from a very alpha-straight male, who as been known for his sexism and homophobia. Now I intended to stay out of his way but me made it a point to come comment on what I was wearing, and surprinsgly enough he said that he admired me for being me, and that he hasn't got a problem with it. We had an in-depth talk about it and he said he feels ashamed of his past, and it all stemed from fear of the unknown, and he thanked me for opening his eyes and his mind to a lot of new things, though im not exactly sure what I did, and this was pretty early on in the party too so he wasn't completly drunk, it was nice to get a compliment from someone who you wouldn't expect to get one from. If anything it was the biggest compliment I got all night!

    I plan to go to another party in August. While you may not consider these "public" heeling events, they are still events and they are still heels, with a lot of people I dont know most of the time. It helps build up my confidence in wearing them around people, and they're usually a laugh!

    Hope all is well with all of you!

  11. Well just an update on my previous post in this thread. I was chatting with my dad the other day and he came out with "I know you have your issues, but I still love you" to which I replied...

    "I don't have issues, YOU have issues with me"

    I've taken a massive stand in sticking 1 big finger up to everyone who doesn't like me for who I am, and i'm opening my arms up wide to everybody who does! After a complete admission openly on Facebook about who I am, I have had many people message me saying how inspiring they think I am and how proud of me they are. And so far, nobody has said a bad thing to me about it :)

    Seriously guys come on, be yourselves! stop caring about others and live your life the way makes you happy! Also if you want acceptance in your heels then you're going to have to show people you don't care what they think of you in them!

    Wel done, i'm happy for you. It sounds like our dads would be similar. The "I know you have your issues" line when I was reading it shocked me, and i'd probably have the same reaction you did. But at the same time, speaking from what I can see my father reacting like, I guess it would show at least some compassion, so while i'd be angry at that line, I guess i'd also appreciate the at least half-compliment / understanding he was showing.

    All my friends know about my heel loving, well most anyway, it's not something I hide from my friends, family is just a different matter to me I guess.

    Nevertheless, I am happy for you and I hope you have many good times in heels and the like with your friends! We want to hear all about it!

  12. LiveAndLearn,

    A lot depends on how old you are and whether you are living by yourself or living with your parents. If you are a minor, living at your parents' home, you are still expected to respect your parents and whatever rules they set. If you are of age and have moved out of their home and support yourself, you no longer need to live by their rules, but you should still respect your parents and their values when you are with them.

    You should have a talk with them about your interest in wearing heels. You may be fretting over nothing. Perhaps they're more liberal than you think. If they grew up in the 70s, ask them what kinds of funny clothes and shoes THEY wore back then! They were once your age, and might be much more tolerant of fashion deviations than you expect. Communicate and find some common ground that lets you expand your envelope so you can wear heels comfortably with them. You never know...



    While this maybe true, I still dont feel confident in myself to bring it up with them yet, it's not just my mother and father, once they know, my mother will proceed to tell the whole family about it, even if I ask her not to. In regards to the whole "what kinds of clothes they wore back in the 70's" thing, my mother could relate, she had a whole collection of shoes with mega paltforms on them, she even fell down some stairs and broke her ankle on multipule occasions because of her platform boots, I think she told me she had 6 inch platformed boots at one point. So like I said before, she wouldn't mind as much.

    My father has always been, and will always be, the mans man, I don't see him disowning me for this, I see him still loving me, but I just see it effecting our relationship a lot. Me being gay has been a journy for him and I feel as if we're just starting to get over that whole fiasco, I wouldn't want to start something else with them just to annoy them futhur.

    And at the moment I live with my parents yes, i'm 19 and go to university, and until I finish I doubt I will be moving out anytime soon.

    It all comes down to me, I suspect they already know, parents have a way with these things after all. It's just a topic I would rather aviod until I have moved out, or at least until I wear heels out in public more. With me only having one public event and a handfull of party events with me wearing heels under my belt, it's hardly like it's a daily occurance, and it's best not to "burden" them with this if you will, until im more confident in myself to be wearing them more.

  13. My parents both know, my mother is accepting of it and so is her husband and both applaud me for being true to myself and others. My father on the other hand although says he still accepts me for it, I feel that he is embarrassed that he has a son who wears girls shoes and clothes.

    That's my situation!

    While my parents still remain mostly unaware of my heel wearing, I think my situation would be similar. My mother would probably be very accepting of it, but my father would accept it but it would effect our relationship a lot, simply because I am a guy in heels.

    I already wear makeup and girls acessories a lot, and I get comments from my parents for it a lot, but I think heels are a bit different.

    Nevertheless, I still dont plan to tell my parents anytime soon, unless they see them around or see me going out in them, then I guess it's a different story.

  14. What about these.... this seller sells loads of them on UK Ebay


    just noticed you said Giaro surely they are high enough?

    I dont reccomend the Giaro shoes. I bought a pair of boots and the heel is very flimsy, when walking it's not at all strange to have to walk toe-heel because the heel gives no support, wabbles when walking, bends forward and back a lot. Just an awful pair of boots really, I would have sent them back but I got them for £10 on the auction. It's a shame, really. They have really nice styles of shoes, but the heels just need to be re-enforced.

  15. I am getting out in public with heels quite a bit more and it has been quite invigorating. Yesterday I went to DSW with my black high heel sandals and metallic blue painted toes. Tried on many shoes without embarassment. Bought this very comfortable sexy, two tone pair of Guess sandals. Wore them today to Total Wine and felt great and didn't get a single stare. http://www.dsw.com/s...oductRef=SEARCH

    I have a picture of myself wearing them , but I don't know how to paste them here on my iPad, any help would be appreciated.

    You could ethier upload them via iPad to a picture uploading website such as Pictat, or even Tumblr, push down on the picture and it should give you a "copy link" option.

    Even if that doesn't work, the option to simple copy + paste photo's from the web works within this new software I believe?

    The shoes look great, by the way!

  16. Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

    (Please excuse the legs / feet - though I feel as if this has been said so many times it's a given.)

    I have just come into a new pair of heels. They're 5 inch silleto heel'd, grey suede pumps.

    I got them from the eBay shop howcool-4u - Click!

    Howcool-4u recently has changed a lot of it's selling ways in that they're selling shoes as auctions as opposed to buy-it-nows. I managed to pick up these shoes in a EU 46 (UK Mens 12) for only £9! With an added £15 shipping fee from Germany VIA Parcelforce and it arrived within 2 days!

    The shoes are very comfortable, which is surprising for a pump like this. At first I thought they looked a bit too "proper" or "old lady" for me, but they soon grew on me within about 5 minutes haha!

    There really is no con to this shoe apart from like my other pair of red nitelife heels, my heel seems to still slip out the back of this shoe from time to time. My feet are wide to it streches out the shoe and it's my theory that this causes the back to the shoe to become loose too, therefore the heel slipping. However the gap isn't big enough to fit a heel grip in there, as im pratically fighting to get my heel in the shoe sometimes!

    The craftsmanship on these shoes are always good I find. I have worn my boots out (see below) and they deffinatly do the trick.

    I would deffinatly reccomend that shoe store, I have another pair of heels from that store as seen below, and they came in record speed, decent quality and nice style too.

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  17. I just got a new pair of peep-toe stilleto ankle boots. The design is pretty hookerish... But I mean it's whatever. I bought them from a store on eBay called "dshoes" (Click!) - and to be honest I am unsure as to if I would reccomend them or not.

    Lets starts with the pro's of these shoes and the store:

    • The delivery was good
    • The shoes were cheap, so was the postage
    • The design is OK.
    • The "craftsmanship" is OK.
    • They're just a little too small as most of my shoes are due to the width of my feet
    • The materials look a little cheap.
    • The craftsmanship is just that - OK.
    The BIGGEST Con of all though
    • The heel is very flimsy. It's weak especially for a size UK 12 (Euro 46) foot. Giving that the lengh of the shoe is longer, and the person wearing it will generally be taller, the heel of the shoe needs added support. This shoe doesn't give this, when you walk you often find the heel bending, slipping or generally moving in every other direction that the one you wanted. This leaves the only way you can walk on the shoe is a flat-foot or with most of your weight on the toe, which feels and heels just wrong.
    • The heel is walkable at a very slow pace. but even then it doesn't always preform as wanted. Even when you put your foot at different angles when walked E.G turned out or in, which is unsafe as it is, the heel is still uncooperative.
    I think these heels will be a work in pogress for me. I have heels that are higher than these (These are roughly 5 inch heel with a 2 inch platform), and I can walk fine in those, due to the heel being a lot, LOT stronger (Nitelife Pumps). I am not returning these, as they only cost me £18 from eBay (You get what you pay for, right?) and with the postage return fee (which you have to pay!), I wouldn't be getting that much back anyway.

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