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Posts posted by HighHeelLover86

  1. I for one would be ecstatic if true "men's" heels went mainstream but then again I am probably in the minority even among heeling guys anyway. On the flip side of that though I'm not sure how I would feel about every guy thinking it was cool or even trendy. I also don't think that men's heels would have to be ugly etc but they would definitely not be as artistically appealing as women's heels. That said it wouldn't affect me much at least in public, which I plan to return to as soon as I get some new boots, yes you heard it here my heel hiatus will soon be over thanks to my new girlfriend. I prefer a more masculine look personally. Thick square block heel, moderate platform, in a simple black or brown design. Like the boots that all the cool chics in high school were wearing in the early 2000's. I also think that a purpose designed line of men's heels would open up a much broader spectrum of guys to it. Especially the guys that want to but just haven't figured out where to start or fear criticism like i did when i started. Mainstream access would also make it easier for those among us that want to push the envelope, even though most of you guys don't really care about others opinions anyway. BUt that's my bit so I hope I made some good and valid points. Have fun and do your thing no matter what! :)

  2. The general idea to me is very appealing. I do admit that I would prefer only stiletto heels for the fetish side of my passion but if some boots like these could be found with a wider wedge then these would be great for street heeling for me. Inconspicuous but enough height to feel the height. I prefer a very basic block shape in street heels. minimal sculpting and the thicker the better. not just for more stability but I like to put very masculine yet still high heeled footwear with outfits. Thick heels, heavy broad platforms, and simple design elements, with rounded or square toes. These are just CUTE though. Hard to resist but for the gigantic price tag. I've never paid more that 100 US dollars for a pair of any kind of shoe and I never will....... unless I hit the lottery lol. I'd give these a passable yes I want them although not my top marks.

  3. I very cautiously lead into the conversation. This was during the week leading up to our date where we would spend hours a night IMing back and forth. As we discussed our likes and dislikes the topic of sex eventually made it into the conversation. She, like myself, has no trepidation towards the topic and with both of us thinking about it logically we both knew that sex would eventually come into play should things go that far. During that conversation my fetish for high heels did come up which lead to a conversation about heels in general and thus to my love of the heel in my everyday fashion. She is very supportive of it and in fact wants to encourage me to start doing it again as I have not in a few years. Now granted the way the discussion of heels as it pertains to me came up in a rather unorthodox fashion but even under more normal conditions I try to make it a point to bring it up in conversation before the first face to face meeting. As many have said here its better to put it on the table early to avoid the potential for losing someone that you are more attached to down the road. Basically she has no issues with it that I can tell thus far, and perhaps even more importantly during a few more steamy conversations after our date she has expressed that she is a bit turned on by my fetish specifically. So I'd have to say that if nothing changes with regard to her feelings on my heeling that I couldn't have asked for a better match in that particular aspect of our relationship. Of course the best thing of all is that everything else seems to be just as good a match so who knows. :) I would like to also add that I've probably had fewer problems with explaining my love and desire for heels than some because I truly do enjoy some of the shock value that always occurs when I come out about it, especially to a date etc. In some situations I even find it a bit of a turn on. She hasn't yet gotten to actually see me in heels but we both hope to have an opportunity to remedy that sometime soon. :) Hope that answered your question kneehighs, and thanks for the well wishes.

  4. Throughout history going back thousands of years, individuals who show an aptitude for "free thinking" have always been attacked for their beliefs and their so called "unorthodox" or "radical" way of approaching things. Although PC is something extremely bad I doubt it will ever truly go away. In the deepest sense PC is an extension of nature itself. Fear and trepidation towards things that are not considered normal by the majority of the group is an extension of the very genes which compel us to only mate with members of our own species. This could also be linked to racism or any other predisposed behavior encompassing intolerance. If we as a species and as a people are to overcome our differences we must either learn to throw off the shackles of millions of years of evolution or evolve to such a state that our deepest instincts can be left behind. Many many people have learned to screen out this feeling of insecurity concerning things that are different but even I have to admit that those feelings are still their. Its hard-wired inside us all. The question is whether or not humanity has the power to overcome that wiring. This is an excerpt from a term paper that I literally got kicked out of college for writing. Just goes to show you the size of the mountain we must climb.

  5. OMG those are so CUTE! hehe little moment there. As far as my tastes go they wouldn't really fit too well into my collection but I wouldn't rule them out either. The whole alternative thing with the store clerk though? Yes I'd have to agree with Foxy. Even here in the south it would seem that "Alternative" is "trendy" which I guess means that all the truly alternative people are gonna have to start shopping at Old Navy until this baby blows over. On the flip side some of the shock could have come from her thinking that you doing your own thing openly was refreshing in her eyes although this would probably be a only a small possibility. I also agree again with Foxy that times are indeed changing but it might be cool if it changed just a bit faster for us that are still shy like me. A sweet and in a way, romantic story. Thanks for the share. :)

  6. YAY for me hehe and thanks for all you guy's well wishes. I think once she gets out of the situation she is in and into something more stable (I think that was innocuous enough) she might be interested in checking out our little community here. I have mentioned it anyway and how important I've come to feel about being here. We're hoping to hang out some tomorrow so yay again. I'm just trying to stay grounded in all this but at the same time not be self-defeating or pessimistic. It can be rough to strike a balance. I do tend to fall hard and fast so I'm trying to keep things in check as best possible. You guys are so awesome thanks. :)

  7. Holy smokes Batman! ILK you hit the nail on the head. I couldn't agree more. And Megan, you are right we Americans are probably not only the most widely versed in PC usage but I'll wager to say the we may have at least in part started the whole modern notion of it in the first place. One reason that if I ever get the chance I'd love to move to England. It would seem that I'm definitely not alone in my loathing for euphemistic language. Its nice to be among kindred spirits. :) Anyway I'm glad I started this thread. It would seem to be one more thing that binds together many of us here.

  8. Apparently you didn't read about the above GMO BT corn. I ask when people talk about serious matters that they do their homework.

    I'm somewhat familiar with the general principle. It honestly doesn't bother me though. Besides even if it did bother me their is really nothing I can do about it so I don't worry about it. The government, powers that be, or whatever will always find a way to do what they want to do. I do agree with your point of doing your own research though. It would be nice if our food didn't kill us before we find a way to do things better but hey I'm just another animal on planet Earth trying to survive like everything else. If its our fate to kill ourselves off I'm at least going to try and have a good life while I'm here. I know my views are most likely in the minority but I make no apologies for it. I'm sure you folks can understand my views as I think I can understand yours. :) Great discussion too.

  9. Well its update time. The date in general was a total success. I went to meet her at 8:30pm est and we were so into the conversation and getting to know each other that our date didn't end until about 6:00am ! a nearly ten hour date holy smokes. Plus it would seem that heels are never gonna be an issue at all. I'll bet we spent half our time talking about them. She is a great match in every other aspect as well so double bonus! We already have plans to see each other again next week and of course to continue talking on the net quite a bit as well. I feel like a billion dollars right now. We might have gone on even longer except that we were both getting terribly sleepy. At any rate I've very very very happy with the way things turned out so YAY.

  10. All very good and valid points I believe. I'll see if I can conjure a group response. As I see it we have three root problems with this issue. Number one is essentially a need that people possess to either over classify or under classify something for reasons of either deception or a need to solve an issue personal to themselves. In either case this stems from the deeper need to be a part of a group or to belong in society in some form. Number two is a desire to purposefully mislead for either personal gain or to reduce the gain of others. This is often seen in business and politics especially. The third and perhaps the most admirable and insidious is to use euphemisms etc to attempt to insult or discredit someone OR to approach someone in a less insulting way about an issue. In all three cases I believe its possible to say that each is tied to the desire to gain ground, however figuratively over another person. Whether that be for noble or underhanded reasons is to me irrelevant it still amounts to willful misdirection. I find this intolerable and while I could personally get along with the world at large in a much more positive way i choose not to. It goes by many names, Tactless, blunt, inconsiderate, rude, brutish, etc but all it comes down to is how honest you want to be. I prefer those around me to be fully aware of where I stand and most people can respect that. Now if society as a whole could do the same thing we might just get somewhere. I hope I have succeeded in coalescing all of your posts for the most part as each of you made wonderful contributions. Thank you.

  11. I for one have never been one to use so called "politically correct" terminology. I'll give you a prime example of one that truly makes no sense. Toilet Paper, also known as "bathroom tissue". Well? Which is it? Frankly I have both in my bathroom. a roll of toilet paper and a box of tissue on the back of the toilet. One is for my nose and the other is...well.. you know. There are literally thousands of terms that have been created and often perverted just so people will feel better about what the word represents. Another example to me would be a term like "Shell Shock". Now I don't mean to piss anyone off but in my mind if we still used this term instead of the completely sterile "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder" I feel certain that our men and women in uniform might just get more of the help they need after returning from war. Euphemisms and political correctness are wrecking our world. Anyway, this is obviously my personal opinion and while I do have strong views I would enjoy hearing others thoughts on the subject. At any rate i feel its an aspect of society that needs to be addressed. Lets see what you guys think, shall we?

  12. I'm one not to care too awful much about it. I figure that their is a good chance that by the time I suffer any irreversible damage the technology will exist to put my consciousness into an android body or some other such medical miracle. I've always looked at genetic engineering as progress just as I view cybernetics, robotics, and Artificial Intelligence. I can understand some people's hesitance towards it but if they could alter a food to make it provide every single thing my body needs in a day and make me glow in the dark I'd be first in line quite frankly hehe. I wouldn't even mind an extra set of functional arms now that I think about it.

  13. I enjoy this style in general because of the unique fit they offer. with a high instep the laces allow for a custom fit and because they are closed in unlike a pump they feel more secure like a boot. However unlike a boot to get a lot more flexibility in the ankle. I'm not at all familiar with all the different style names and such but I would be most happy if I could find a shoe in this style with a chunky stacked heel as opposed to a stiletto heel. similar to the ones pictured above posted by HEELS2U. Especially if they are styled like a classic men's oxford.

  14. So much love and so many great and intelligent comments thank you. I was planning on wearing my fave boots on my date but apparently my feet have gotten bigger. On a disappointing side note this means that's virtually all my heels now may not fit. A very sad sad day indeed. The good news is that my date and i both share a love of the high heeled shoe and even the same tastes so I think at least the heel thing is going to work out just fine. The rest seems to be great too but i am trying to keep myself grounded for the time being. She did suggest that should we both want another date after tomorrow night that perhaps we'd both enjoy a trip to one of the larger cities in our region to go to Torrid and indulge in a little bit of shoe nirvana. At any rate I'm uber excited I promise to keep up with the updates. Oh and for anyone who likes sexy shoe picks I found a Facebook page called Shoe Box Porn that's full of them, just FYI.

  15. Thank you guys and gals for being so supportive. I am so SO glad I came back home to HHP. I can't express how thankful I am that all the feedback and all the advice and thoughts shared on this post and throughout the site have truly given me that extra push I was seeking in my quest to truly LIVE. To find people that are truly compassionate in any light is a rarity in my life. Its been a hard night of introversion in case you guys were wondering why I might be a bit emotional right now. Tiffany, a woman I've plans to start seeing from a dating site, have been talking for hours every night this week. A full on perfect match so far not just regarding my heels of course but also in so many other ways. It might sound funny but after the conversation we had tonight, like we've had the last four nights, I sent her my Amazon wishlist full of heel choices I've picked out. She left a very pleasant e-mail this morning with a few choices of her own, not only for her but for ME TOO. I'm just gonna take it day by day so don't think I'm ready for the "I love you"s already. At this point though. Its such a perfect fit that if she asked me to take things to a serious relationship right now I don't think I could say no. If months and years from now I find myself with her I can't say I'd be unhappy. Anyway I'm gonna end this post before I ramble another two or three paragraphs. :) Hopefully I didn't sound too much like a high school freshman lol.

  16. Update...

    All seems well with both women that I'm interested in seeing. If fact one has hinted at maybe thinking its cool, or even hot! both seem to have a genuine belief that everyone should be who they are and not care what anyone thinks so score and score. The one I have a date with Friday insists I wear my aforementioned boots. So now to try and get past my housemate (aka my aunt) without a snide comment. This could get interesting!

  17. I'm currently talking to a couple of people online and within maybe the first 24 hours of so I explain my tastes to them. It seems to be going fine so far. I wasn't really looking for advice for myself so much as trying to get a general concensus but all of you have great advice and I appreciate it all the same. I hope to here some more from you guys, being back here is truly giving me that boost I was hoping it would.

  18. Thanks so much for sharing larry, and all of you thus far. I think I'm a wee bit backwards from you in a way Larry. I use to wear heels in public quite a bit but fell out of practice due in no small part to some incidents that occured. i have a trememdous desire to do it again but I'll admit, it would be a lot easier to have someone in my life backing me up. I'll also admit, as I have done in a few other posts, that I may be more open than some about "coming out" as it were, because a part of me really does enjoy that initial shock factor, no matter how small it may be. A scenario often played out in my head is after things move along enough that we routinely meet privately, if I haven't really told her yet i might say something like, "I really admire those shoes/boots you're wearing, what's your size?" and carry on from there.

  19. My heart goes out to you gallux. I would whole-heartedly agree Shafted. Since I rarely ever meet someone new without exchanging some form of communication for a while first these days, nine times outta ten I mention it before a face to face meeting. Also even if they sound accepting of it, if I were to wear heels on a first date I would ask them about it first just to make sure that I didn't go to fast with it if they have any hesitaiton on how they feel about it. I have found that if you go slow with it and are clever and caring enough about how you approach the subject, more often than not they will at least accept it and at most love it. I have never been in a relationship that I was not at least minimally accepted, even if i was restricted to private heeling only. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.

  20. Thanks for sharing Stilletto. When I decide to tell someone I'm interested in about my passion, which can include wearing things other than heels but not often, Its usually even before we've met. I just feel that I'm obligated to let someone know upfront about who I am, in all honesty. Since I don't heel publicly I never had the opportunity to "show" my interest until things get a bit more serious and we start getting together privately.

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