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Posts posted by Wolfgang

  1. If you're wanting her to be permanantly heeled, that generally takes a mutual fetish for such a thing. It's a commitment that isn't always convenient for her or you. Wearing the shoes more often isn't much of a demand. For as stubborn as I am, if I have a piece of clothing I know my boyfriend likes, I'm more likely to wear it around him. You might want to just tell her subtly through a compliment.

  2. Wolfie, you go girl! I've got about 3 pairs of pointy stillettoes (the reason I spell it with 2 l's is because sometimes they're **ll to wear) and it's just about certain I'll never wear 'em out. About once every other month I try 'em on just to remind myself that they still fit.

    But please don't go back to the chopines.

    Don't worry, no chopines.

    I wear my stillettos around the house, but I wouldn't dare wear them to school where I have to carry a stack of books approximately 25-30 lbs [3 notebooks, a big 3-ring binder, a big history book, smaller chemistry and psych books, a planner, and a graph calculator] and walk down stairs a lot.

    Besides, I'm a little too insecure in school to wear them.

  3. Idunno. Pointy toes look nice, but they're very uncomfortable to balance in - okay around the house, not good anywhere else. As far as chunky shoes and platforms, I can wear anything no matter how high; and the heels tend to look higher than they actually are because though the heel itself is 5 inches, the difference between the heel and platform migh only be 3-3.5 inches, which I can walk in with no problems.

  4. Oh those, I found them on ebay ages ago, never did bother getting them. Yeah I am talking about my avatar boots. Just posted a pic in the Freestyle Fashion Pics thread of me wearing them.

    Well, those are quite nice too. I have a sort-of similar pair.

    I just have a serious fascenation [read: fetish] for silver shoes.

  5. Well, I can think of about 10 or 12 right fast, but without knowing where you live I'm hesitant to suggest them. Why don't you just plug High Heels or Shoes into your search engine and see what you come up with?

    I live in rural pennsylvania.

    The search results I get with that are usually the same fetish shoes, or sites with shoes over $100.

  6. that just made me think of my school's majorette's high-step marching in heeled boots. ...not really high heels, maybe 2 inches, but that's pretty high for a heel that's meant to be seriously walked on [sometimes parades have lasted for over an hour]. Hah, I wish my position in the band allowed for high-step marching, but I can't dance or twirl :evil: What are some good sites to find shoes on? I don't really know of any that don't have goth or fetish shoes.

  7. I don't wear heels often - first because I don't have much money to buy the kind I'd really like off the net just yet, and second, I don't want to be confused by a submissive or even dainty female. That would be false advertising since I am clearly, IRL mainly, a quite dominant female-creature [kind of almost a masculine flavour to me - forceful and bold, but I don't say much] What are some styles that might possibly advertise my personality accurately, or some associated with dominant women? However, it's got to be something wearable :evil:

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