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Posts posted by sharon

  1. Hi tam i know how you feel,i my self has bunions & corns on a few lesser toes and deformed arched from wearing ill fitting h/heels alot,but dont dispare if like me you still like wearing heels just carry on dont have surgery its the last resort so they say, many woman have bunions even young girls these days so keep heeling & take care.

  2. Iv been wearing stilettos now for about 15 years,what iv noticed is a largening of both big toe joints and when in high heel sandals my big toes angle was very pointy across,i strugle some times to get my large big toe joints in my slim dainty shoes,so for me Yes i will consider having surgery to correct my feet if they become more out of shape.

  3. Tammy corns can be very painfull i also have corns on almost all my toes but mine are caused from having bunions and this in turn makes all my shoes very tight, what helps me is the use of corn pad rings they take some pressure off the tip of the corns. apart from that if you wear heels often try to keep the corns as small as poss by rubing them down or even having them removed by a foot doc,hope that helps Sharon.

  4. :roll: Me i just love pointy shoes courts and boots i wear pointy shoes all the time but my feet have adapted to the shape and my big toes angle over and fits nice into a pointy toe box with almost no gap at the end of the big toes, my friend see my feet and wished they had feet to wear pointy shoes so apart from developing bunions i had no probs at all wearing them and i will for as long as i can.
  5. :roll: Hi all for me on a daily basis is 4 or 4.5" i have tryed 5 and 5.5" but becase i have uk size 3 i find any higher than 5" and my feet curv to much and my sole is visible over the side of the shoes and to me this makes the shoes look as if they dont fit right, so thats me .
  6. :roll: Hi i wear a uk size 3 and have for years but recently developed bunions, i had my feet measured for the first time in over 15 years and was shocked to find they measure a 4 and a half, but i feel happy in a 3 and have always liked the feeling of a tight fitting shoe rather than a losse one. sharon.
  7. Hi i wear heels alot for work and out and i notice wearing low heels hurt my legs, and another thing is the pain in the arch area of the feet when wearing flats, my Dr told me its from wearing heels alot and i need to strech out alot more, so be carefull regards sharon 26 uk :roll:

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