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Status Updates posted by sharon

  1. Tammy hi thanks for asking about my bunions, well after a week wearing new stilettos there what u call faily sore,god i hate new shoes or do i mean my feet lol,btw how are your corns now ?.

  2. hello luiza hope your ok,i just saw your post about feet shape,i think you suffer with corns alot becase you like me injoy high nice sexy shoes,chat soon from Sharon.

  3. Hi tammy how are your feet, im considering having bunion surgery i just thought your veiws on this chat soon Sharon

  4. Hello Tammy i had xrays on my feet dispite them hurting iv now desided not to have surgery,the drs said i will need tendon surgery also to make bun surgery sucsesfull,im staying as i am,chat soon

  5. Hello Tammy sorry its took me ages to reply i have had comp problems, yeah just to let you know i saw a foot dr who specilises in bunions and lower leg problems, she has took xrays of my feet ect and sadly she thinks my fore foot has shaped to the point that if i did have surgery on my bunions i would most likley not walk flat footed any way becase of the shape of my arches, i have some kind of bone fussion and i have a very cavus arch so she said, also yes my tendons can strech a bit but not much and when i try hard to strech out my achilies thet get very thin and could snap ,so she has told me i must always wear a heel that feels comfey on my legs. Tammy i guess iv damaged my feet alot over the years of wearing heels with out knowing just how much damage is done, hope to chat soon regards Sharon

  6. Hello i do have veery tight Achilles tendons i find streching my tendons out very painfull but i have varios other feet problems and the dr has told me i must try and stop wearing high heel shoes as much, i have started useing a strechy band that ballet dance people use to strech and pull my tendons when sat down but the results are slow ,ho well i guess i have long lasting damage ,chat soon Sharon

  7. Hi just to say,thanks for asking how i am, been streeching alot andd i now can feeel and seee that im regaining more movement in my achilles its slow but i will keep up with it bye Sharon

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