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Posts posted by whynotheels

  1. Good Afternoon, It's been a LONG time since I've posted here. I'm debating a trip to Sea World in Texas next month. I'm trying to find some comfortable heels for the day. Does anyone have experience with Pleasers Devine 420W? I'm 6'5" so a 3 inch heel would be good, I also like the thicker heel. It's hard to tell what they're made out of, but it looks almost like what I'd call a "real" shoe. That being a confortable shoe that a lady would wear to work instead of the outragous fetish footwear that's fun, but poorly made and way too out there for "polite society". Any experience with The Red Door out of North Carolina? Thanks, --Miles

  2. Thanks for the info. I'm not trying to get my wife to wear heels. She's been to the chiropractor with limited success and is approaching the "try anything" point. I really wanted to know if they'd help so that I could say "hey it helped this guy" so it wouldn't look like I was just trying to get her into heels. Actually it's better when she doesn't wear heels because it keeps my mind from thinking about how much I want to wear heels.

  3. I'm a guy and I'm just wondering something while sitting here in the office catching as many heel shots of the visiting ladies as possible. Being noticed is a big hangup for guys in heels. Do the ladies like getting noticed --in a nice, non threating way? I've worn heels and a mini skirt in public a couple years ago and had great fun getting noticed --no one got hurt, just something to liven up the boring work day .

  4. I'll go my own way here and say that if YOU decide that YOU love her more than heels, YOU can stop the habit --it's a lot of work, but it is possible. I have it easy since it's so hard to find heels in my large size, but I've been "clean" for about two years now. I tossed my old heels that didn't really fit right and have avoided looking for new ones. One thing to avoid at all cost: NEVER EVER think that you stopped heeling because of her. In your mind, you'll start to hate her for it. It has to be YOUR decision. And don't just trash the heels. Sell them on e-bay and buy her a nice diamond ring with the proceeds!

  5. I'm in my mid-30s and I've always done the right, responsible and respectable thing. I never try anything that someone else might object to. My fetish for heels is rivalled only by my desires for a Mini Cooper. HOWEVER, I'm driving a responsible and practical beige four door sedan --BORING!!! When I wore heels, hose, and mini skirt publicly for a week a couple years ago it felt GREAT!!! The feeling of the clothes --tight hose, airy skirt, shoes changing my posture-- were all great. More than that, I got a great feeling of freedom from the right reponsible and respectable thing. I did what I wanted, hurt no one, and had a GREAT time!! And yes, I did go test drive a Mini in my Mini skirt and heels --now that was HEAVEN!!!! Since then, I've reverted back to the bordom of respectibleness. Though when I see a cute girl in skirt and heels, I feel SO jealous and long to buck the system once again.

  6. I'm wondering if someone can answer this math related question. Pick a cute girl of your choice. Say Charlize Theron --she was adorable in 'The Italian Job' --almost as cute as the Mini Cooper she was driving. How big would her thighs, inseam, and feet be if she was 6 foot 5???? I'm curious if my legs are porportionally the same as a woman's and I just happen to be a bigger version. Somehow in my mind, I'd feel better if I had the same porpotions as a cute girl. I don't want to be lumped in with the women that should have hung up the heels and hose 60 pounds ago. Hope that makes some sense.

  7. Always one to ponder, here's my latest... There are three types of people: Men, women, and those who look good in heels! IMO, wearing heels (and skirts in my case) has always been a men vs women thing. Common opinion is that I can't do it because I'm a man. Well, I've been looking and watching and I think skirts and heels are like anything else. There are those that look good in them and those who don't. There are plenty of women who, IMO, shouldn't be in heels. Likewise, there are a lot of men that look good in skirt and heels just like they would in a nicely tailored suit.

  8. WELCOME BACK JEFFB!!!! While your journal has been a hard one, it sure sure sounds like it has benefited many on this board. I've been yo-yo-ing for 20 years over heels. A few years back, I wore a mini skirt and heels in public for a week. It was great fun but at the same time it left me with bad feeling about what I was doing. I'm sorry for the termoil you've gone through, but it has REALLY help me!! Thanks. I find comfort in knowing that there are other in the world going through the same stuff I am. Glad to have you back! --WhyNotHeels

  9. Luxxyheels, Are you sure you wrote that post? Sounds just like me! I'm five and a half months without shaving. It must be over a year since I've worn. I even said good bye to this sight sometime last year. As you can tell, I'm back. Like you I'm just windows shopping. I recommend not debating it too much until you get a job. I was unemployeed for a summer and it messes with your head. Don't know about others, but I enjoy wearing skirts and heels when I'm already feeling good. When I'm already feeling down, I have little interest in doing all the work to put the stuff on. Good luck with the job hunt. Try for an office job with mostly women. I think that's the best chance for being allowed to wear skirts and heels to work. Now, THAT would be awesome!!!

  10. I'm fascinated by religion. A couple of years ago, I wore heels and skirts in public to a training course I was attending. It was shortly after I had read a study bible cover to cover. I was quite stressed about the clothes of the oposite sex thing. I was mad at myself because "everyone" knows it's "wrong". Then I was confussed because my wife wears pants and I'm not gonig to hate her for that. It's an off topic, personal question, but I just have to ask. Does your mother wear pants? I'm just really curious and it has nothing to do with this topic. Just curious. If you want to discuss it with your father, you might see what he thinks of the New International Version Study Bible. It explains in the footnotes that the clothes aren't the point of the passage. Rather it is saying that men shouldn't pretend to be women to go places and do things they shouldn't. For example, guys in heels are still guys and that's fine. Guy's dressing up like women so they can sneak into the locker room and get their jollies is VERY gross, disgusting and WRONG! I'm 6' 4" without heels, 6' 8" with heels. I wore a skirt and heels because I liked the fashion. I didn't once try to pass as a girl. As for the gay thing. I worried about that too. Actually, it's quite the reverse. When I went to class in skirt and heels, the guys ran in confussion and the women couldn't stop talking to me.

  11. While reading this board I got hooked up with www.howcool.com. I really like the 3" Pleasers. I've heard the brand mentioned here before. Can anyone tell me about them? Are they the typical plastic and cardboard shoes from China or do they have some padding and other signs of quality?

    Second question is about size. In the past I've wore 3.5" pumps that were wide and still crushed my toes. I've also worn 5" T-straps that were a bit loose. Based on that, which probably isn't relevant at all, should I go with a 14W or a 15W in hte Pleasers?

    BONUS QUESTION: Is howcool.com a respectable company?

    Thanks for your advice.

  12. Thanks to everyone for all the good advice. Well I haven't heard back from www.dragqueen.com about my shoe questions. I haven't heard about the business trip either. So I guess I'll save my money, not buy the shoes, and wait for a better time to go heeling.

    Thanks again. Now I'm going to fade into the woodwork again.


  13. I'm 6 foot 4, so passing as anything but a guy is out of the question. I really like the feel of mini skirts, hose, and heels. As for above the waist, all that other stuff takes too much effort. I'm glad I'm a guy and don't have to deal with makeup and curling irons. The only holes I've put in my body are from mountain biking and the only tatoos are chain grease. If I may ask a question, when you go as a women, do you wear skirts? I watched a Lifetime TV movie about a guy passing as a woman. He went to a lot of trouble and endured a lot of hassling to do it. In the end he was murdered for it. It struck me as odd that he'd do all that and then not wear than many skirts and heels. To my way of thinking skirts and heels is what it's all about. It I was shorter and could pass as a women, I'd do it just to be able to wear skirts and heels!

  14. Thanks for the feedback. This wouldn't be my first adventure out in heels. Two summers ago, I took a couple computer courses, each a week long, within driving distance of my house but still away from the office. For the first week I wore pants and heels. For the second course a month later I wore a mini skirt, hose, and heels. I took nothing else with me and that was that --I was in heels until I got home at the end of the day. The thrill was almost as good as the feel of the outfit! I even did some shopping at Target and test drove a Mini Cooper. Airport security would be fun. I think I'd be calm enough to avoid the strip search. I think I'd have to take a pair of ankle socks with me to slip into at security. I wouldn't want to run my hose. Plus I'd have to walk somewhere out of the way to sit and put the heels back on --why do they have to make those ankle strap buckles so small???? :roll: Actually, it would probably be better to wear a skirt and heels to secuirty. Last time we flew, I forgot about the pocket knive that is second nature to have and almost got it taken away. I ended up going out of security, checking it as luggage, and going through security a second time. My skirt wouldn't have a pocket for the knive --problem solved :rofl: As for lost luggage, I've thought about that. If the suitcase got lost, I could always resort to the plastic suitcase in my wallet (aka credit card). Go to the local Target or mall in heels and charge some guy clothes.

  15. Hi all, I'm back. I was big into this about a year ago and then dropped out. Now I'm back with a fantasy I can't stop thinking about... I may be flying to Baltimore to a week long conference in August for work. I might even rent a car out there and drive 5 hours each way to visit relatives for the weekend after the conference. Here’s what I’d like to do. Pack menswear for the conference. I simply can’t show up in a skirt --word would get back to my boss and I’d be in big trouble to embarrassing the company. That isn’t to say, I could take my suitcase and menswear and drive to the airport in skirt and heels. Park in the long term lot, walk to the shuttle, take the shuttle to the terminal, check my suitcase, and then be trapped in skirt and heels until baggage claim in Baltimore. Walking the concourse and waiting for the plane to board. Being trapped next to someone for the flight. Would they be understanding, or curious, or furious? Perhaps it would be a friendly girl and we’d have a great conversation about the whole skirt and heels thing. Once we landed, I’d be in a strange city and airport in a skirt and heels. I’d have to walk all the way to baggage claim and pray that my suitcase didn’t get lost. Then make it to a shuttle or taxi going to the hotel where I’d change in case others from convention were around. The convention ends with lunch on Friday. I could change into skirt and heels for the taxi ride to the car rental place and the long drive. I might stop for gas or to grab a bit to eat along the way. Coming home, I could wear skirt and hose for the long drive, have to get gas before returning the car, do the whole airport thing, flight, baggage pickup, shuttle to long term parking and the drive home in skirt and heels. It would be GLORIOUS!!!! Wonder how many camera phones would take my picture? That’s a little frightening.

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