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Posts posted by whynotheels

  1. Last time I was in heels was the fall of 2011 in 4 & 1/2 plastic Pleasers sandals.  plastic sole, plastic heel, clear plastic across ball of foot.  In the seven years before that I had a couple pairs of Pleasers pumps --plastic soles and carboard uppers.

    Now I'm thinking of taking that next step and getting a pair of real heels.  Leather sole, suede uppers, reasonable heel.  I found these Nancy Jayjii mid-thigh boots.   Anyone have experience with these boots or company?

    Nancy Jayjii boots


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  2. I think we should use body rather than sex to determine what is acceptable. If you have the body to look good in it, go fo it. I actaully, catch myself during the day asking myself "would I like to see that in stillettos?" It's a rather fun little diversion.

  3. Nice looking picture. Won't she run her hose kneeing like that? My real question is: won't she cave in the toe of her shoe kneeling like that? I can never figure out how to kneel in heels. I know. Just look at the pretty heels and don't ask stupid questions. But I real want to know.

  4. Just goes to show that in years (centuries) gone by, that men used to wear heels. Do you think if white wigs and capes make a come back, heels will follow???? That would be great. Who said anything about heels? You need to look at the Burger King's pictures.

  5. Hi all, Thanks for all the replies. I'd have to vote no as well. It was a point of curiousity. I do like jhs's idea of stillettos being orthopedic shoes --then you could deduct them as medical equipment on you taxes! On a side note, good luck with the toe issue. Would you be able to safe it if you wore boring flats?

  6. Shrimper: no thanks. I love hose way to much to skip them. If I was doing flats, I'd just go with running shoes. No reason, just the way I am. Now ballet heels... that would be COOL. Perhaps I should suggest it to me wife --ha ha.

  7. Regen: I'm 6 foot 4 and 5/8" call it 6'5". Due to my height, I like to keep the heels around 3" which limits the selection even more. Barbara: thanks for the input. What do people think about these (drum roll please while I try to attach a picture)...


  8. I've read a lot of posts here about public heeling away from home. I've done quite a bit of that myself. I went out last weekend in a long skirt and boots and was mad at myself. I drove 45 miles away to do it. Sure I was in public, but a public of strangers. I want to get to the next step which is stepping out of my house and going to the local stores, restaurants, anywhere. Public close to home vs a public of strangers. How many here have reached the level of heeling in public close to home?

  9. HappyInHeels: thanks for the link. Those are nice heels, however, I wear a women's size 15. BoyLegs: Those are the nicest MaryJanes I've seen. Is there any chance you could tell me wear to get a pair in size 15?

  10. Jeff, I highly recommend trying a denim or leather mini skirt with your boots. Hose or tights are warmer than you think especially with the boots covering most of your legs. I once shoveled the driveway in a miniskirt and had a wonderful time (at 4am).

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