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Posts posted by CRabbit

  1. My only concern is if they capture my face on camera (as I wouldn't want my missus to find out through some freak of chance), but I expect the odds are that those who will take pictures will do so from behind. Personally, I hope those out there who are still in the closet with their heel wearing will see me (or any other man in heels!) and get the motivation to do if for themselves! Chris

  2. Hi,

    Some great shoe shots but I think some of these guys don't look in the mirror before leaving the house.



    That is unfortunately the 'Liverpool condition'. If you are unfortunate enough to go out in Liverpool on a friday/saturday night, you'll see much worse sights! Fake tan so thick they use it as foundation, a united inability to walk in the shoes they wear and dresses hiked up like cheap hookers while they knock back half their bodyweight in alcohol.

    I'm not saying all the women in Liverpool are like that, only the good majority I've had the displeasure of observing on nights out. Still, there's always some wonderful footwear on display. Perhaps I should make the drive out that way again some time, for 'research' purposes of course :unsure:

  3. im really sorry your not being able to talk about it. maybe one day. it took 3 years before i was able to tell my now ex-wife. and all she said was "you know you could have told me earlier right?" and that was it.

    Going back to when I first told her, after calming down and going through the 'usual questions' my wife said "It's totally unfair to keep a secret like that from me. You should have told me when we first started dating!"

    I asked if it would have changed how things played out and she said we wouldn't have continued dating. Not the kind of response you expect from your life partner...

    Regardless, we've digressed from your original post. Congratulations again on getting such great feedback from your friends!


  4. Thats awesome folks. @wxman25 - I had to giggle too when I read the part about being drunk and telling your friend 2 years ago! I've only told a handful of people - all those who either have no immediate connection to my missus or those who I trust enough to keep 'the secret'. It really pains me to have to keep it from my closest male friends, but their wives/girlfriends are very close to my missus and the chance of a 'slip' would be far too high... *sigh* Chris

  5. Indeed, quite brave to post a full-body shot. For those of us who have disapproving partners, we tend to keep the body shots to a minimum through fear of being 'caught'. That said, I love the look. Sure, your legs are as hairy as mine, but taking that step is pretty big too for some folks (like me!). Love the boots though. Looks like you had fun that night! Chris

  6. Chalk up my congratulations there too wxman25, it takes a pretty big pair of cajones to take the step and try-on in public, especially when you enter the store in normal 'male' attire first. Personally, I find shopping for heels while wearing heels so much easier, as in my mind, people already know what I'm about from the moment I walk into the store, so shouldn't get any surprises when I start trying on! Keep on heeling and it'll only be a matter of time before you'll be as comfortable and confident as many of the gents here! Chris

  7. It is a really well thought out and planned short story there Megan. Formatting seems great and I didn't notice any errors in the two times reading through it. The plot twist was dropped when Geoff went to find a parking space. If you'd have broken away as Geoff drove away, we'd had been left wondering what would happen next, as it is the plot twist is given away there, but it's not a big deal - it's explained in the next paragraph anyway :wavey: All in all, really quite good. I'd had preferred it if the heels were too high for her to walk in rather than too big, that way Pen doesn't insult her future employers daughter on the first day while still being unable to walk normally :) Chris

  8. Wearing heels is a sure-fire way to find yourself in a deeper hole when things turn pear-shaped. @monsterp63; I appreciate your concern about being 'out' with a population of gossipers. Hopefully one day you'll find yourself in a position where they either accept you or don't really care what you wear. For my first public outing, I opted to wear 5inch stiletto boots. Bad choice thinking about it now. After taking an age to simply get out of the car, I finally walked the few yards to the first store I wanted to visit and my first footstep inside on the polished marble surface almost sent me crashing to the ground. There was temptation to take my heels off and walk barefoot back to the car but I stuck with it and continued (though a little red in the face by this point!) Chris

  9. I think those shoe sizes are just to cater for the vast differences that can be found throughout the market. I'm around 5'11 and take a EU41(UK 7). My wife is 5'9 and takes a EU42 or 43 depending on brand. My Mother-in-law is 5'10 and takes EU39/40, while my wife's best friend is somewhere near 5'4 and needs an EU44/45 (UK10!) For added irony, her husband is 5'3 and has UK4 (EU36) feet. Genetics has this wonderful way of just having fun with standards! :wavey: Chris

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