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Posts posted by BlondeBimbo

  1. I have removed the post because it had spam in the www link, but reposted it here BB.

    Forgetful Pilot...

    After an airliner encounters a particularly rough patch of turbulence, the captain comes on the intercom to reassure the passengers that everything is okay and that the flight should be smooth the rest of the way.

    He forgets to turn off the intercom, however, and everyone in the passenger cabin hears his subsequent comment to the co-pilot: "Boy, I sure could use a blow job and a cup of coffee right about now!" As a flight attendant frantically rushes up the aisle towards the cockpit to warn the captain that his microphone is open, a waggish passenger calls out after her, "Don't forget the coffee!"

  2. That’s what you get by belonging to a sicko type species!! :rofl: :rofl: But nice (non-sickos) none the less :) Actually it's a problem on the other side of the fence as well - every time I take my car in, or look at anything vaguely technical I get treated like a completely air-headed blonde bimbo! :evil::D It is equally irritating when people think you must be completely dumb just because of your gender, that your partner would be the major breadwinner, and that you are only doing a job – until you find the right man :D Welcome to the world of stereotypes BB :D

  3. Well – I have just prodded myself and I am real!! :) OK I haven’t been here too often! :D I do think TXT is correct in that "I seriously doubt that the wearing off (stilletto) heels by men will become common place... " – OK there were platforms in the 70’s – but this was never “Real” high heels – very little slopey arch there. :D I could never imagine it being typical that a bloke runs into a shoe shop “Those red heels in the window – do you have them in a size 12?” – hell I had to drag my partner in to the shop kicking and screaming before I could get him to buy new walking boots! :D However just because it may never be completely “mainstream” does not mean that it couldn’t be “not that unusual” and men could be completely comfortable wearing high heels in many situations without adverse comments – OK society is not there yet, but it can be, people just have to be exposed to it in favourable conditions where they don’t feel threatened. After all only 30-40 years ago men wearing “perfume” would have been considered “odd” – now most men use some form of scent everyday – OK if it’s aftershave, body spray etc.. – We haven’t quite got to the true perfume being commonplace yet. I do think the constant “too much Spam” threads are getting a bit much though, I clear out a few a day as do all the other mods’, and looking at the bigger picture we don’t actually have that much – compare it to other areas and we are fairly spamless! – it appears it’s a shared subject to write about, -but it’s actually quite easy to spot and ignore. Most of the spam recently appears to be manually entered rather than auto, and people are joining just to add spam, personally given how quickly it is actually removed, I think it is worth the ease with which people can join/post – please remember for each person doing the posting there are probably 5-10 others building up the courage, if this site is really aimed at helping others we ought to put that towards the top of the list. As for us girls on the site, the problem is we don’t really share the same issues as the boys, for example there was a thread a while back about “is it possible to drive in high heels?” – well I cannot relate to the question after all, I like thousands/millions of others do it every day without thinking! (No comments about women not thinking whilst driving please! :evil: ) so I cannot share the obvious excitement and “dare” that is associated for most of the boys. Perhaps if my partner wore heels, I could relate to it more, you need to encourage your partners to contribute, after all they would benefit from speaking to other partners of HHMen! BB :D

  4. if it's the female mind - I do! :) It’s men’s brains I can’t understand! :evil: In my case had I seen someone in a toyshop in the girl’s (or boy’s) section, if it was a man, I would just assume he was the father or uncle etc. and probably feel sorry for him because you just know whatever he gets won’t quite be as good as the box! :D The problem is in spite of people thinking that we are all actually quite cleaver – we are all surprisingly dumb! Whenever we see something that doesn’t quite fit our (simple) understanding, we get scared and go all defensive and we try to fit it into our simple groupings. :D I would hazard a guess that perhaps Scotty was wearing slight heels so her thoughts were along the lines of: “Oh he’s looking for something for his daughter” – “Oh he has heels on” – “He must be gay” – “he wont have kids”- “he must be a ….Oh no” – “must protect” “must protect” “must protect” With the only reasonable assumption there being that she must protect once she believed there was an issue, all the other “connections” being nonsense! :D It could of course be any number of things, perhaps he looked at her heels with “too much interest”, he looked a "bit like uncle Harry" who was a “bit odd”…..etc Unfortunately most people have a very “small minded” attitude towards what they have not experienced or aware of, men and women alike – the only difference being that women are more likely to notice! BB :D

  5. Well I, for one, refuse to accept "guilt by association". If this bloke is out collecting "trophies" for his mis-deeds then he needs to face the music and pay-up for his crimes. But I came by (buy) all my shoes honestly and I really don't care if the bloke has a whole warehouse full of stuff, that really has nothing to do with me.....

    Not really! – although I agree with your sentiments

    When Hamilton went postal in Dumblane there were a number of things about him

    1) He owned a gun

    2) He was into little boys

    3) He belonged to a Lodge (actually the same lodge as the chief constable who authorised his firearm ownership in spite of him not meeting the legal requirements for such ownership).

    Now the “powers that be” saw nothing wrong/kinky/weird about being in an organisation which insists that you have intonation ceremonies exposing one’s breast and leg, and other Enochian rites, but that wanting to enjoy a sporting activity using a gun is!

    Therefore the whole media circus brought the idea that shooting was somehow connected with little boys, and that anyone associated with gun ownership must be weird and therefore into little boys, the Masonic connection was of course not promoted.

    What has this to do with people here? – Well, although I do not share the view that men in high heels is wrong/kinky/or weird, I, just as most of you here realise that this is probably the most common thought for many of the general public, and almost certainly the views of the “powers that be”. So I would not be surprised if a connection is made directly between heels and serial killing!

    Wrong – yes

    Inappropriate – yes

    Unfortunately also quite likely – especially if it he is found to belong to a Masonic or other “connected” organisation!

    Just as those who shot pre-Dumblane were aware that that had nothing to do with them, and were equally horrified by the events, the media circus moves without regard to truth or facts, so if this "connection" is made so could thousands of innocent of heel wearers be made to suffer guilt be [wrong] association.


  6. I don’t know how it happened – locally it’s been described as a swimming accident and a diving accident – as a diver it is totally unheard of unless the ray is “attacked”. Knowing how he earned his living (sic) it’s more likely to be a “poking a dangerous animal” type accident. I am sure he knew the risks in encroaching and “attacking” the animals he did; after all they are not to know it is not a genuine attack. Yes at the pearly gates he will be in the same queue as the rest of the Darwin awards contenders – but I am sure he would be the only one who realises why he is there! A loss for many viewers – but probably the most predicted death ever as there can’t be one family who hasn’t watched what he did and say, “It will get him one day!” BB :evil:

  7. I don't think she has ever released 'Music'! The only thing she has ever done well is make some great money in spite of being a talent-less, fashion bereft, figureless halfwit! It makes one wonder what the world's coming to. Not that I dislike her or anything.... :evil: BB :D

  8. Unfortunately there is a grain of truth in this, though like all these things one has to be sensible about it. Basically it’s to do with the weight. Taking myself as an example, I weigh 60kg (about 9 ½ stone) (Reminder to self – must loose some weight! :roll: ); so with my heels - my toes/front of foot support this weight, even with correctly fitted shoes that is quite a lot of pressure on my skin/foot – never the less still OK and comfortable. :lol: Now take someone 120kg (19 stone) – again even with correctly fitted shoes it’s about twice as much pressure on skin/feet! – In this case very unlikely to be comfortable. :oops: I have a few friends (no don’t laugh – I do! :cry: ) who are “generously plump” and I know from experience they cannot wear high heels for any length of time, and in general they have more issues with corns etc with any shoe. :oops: Never the less – if your shoe size/weight/heel height combination is comfortable then go ahead – you haven’t got a problem! :) BUT - this isn't to say that one has to be spindle-thin to wear heels - this is not the case for me - now for that diet....... BB :wink:

  9. Definitely a problem with “unlimited broadband” – I am with Tiscali, and as you say unlimited 2Mb - but with a “fair trade policy” – which roughly translates to “You can download as much as you want – but we will slow your speed if you do!” :roll: Basically with broadband, you share your final internet connection with say 20 other users – of course you are unlikely to all be using it at the same time, so you end up with the 2Mb speed, but the more of you that are using it at the same time the slower your actual speed – this is the contention ratio – many of the big suppliers use contention ratios of 40 or 50 (a high chance that you will be sharing with others at the same time). In my case with Tiscali, I bought a new computer, and needed to download the updates for XP, Microsoft Office, and the firewall/virus software. However after I did I received an email from Tiscali: Extract: Your broadband Internet usage has been highlighted as exceptionally high and is affecting the service that we provide to other customers. If you do not reduce your usage we will manage your usage. This means that you will share bandwidth with other heavy users instead of sharing bandwidth with normal users. Your service will continue to be unlimited, but by sharing bandwidth with other heavy users you are likely to experience slower speeds. Basically “You can download as much as you want – but we will slow your speed if you do!” So much for a real 2Mb Unlimited!! :wink::oops: BB

  10. I am very disappointed with this thread! OK, some of us may not be into firearms etc. but I am shocked by the hostility here. In this forum many talk about openness and furthering the cause of men wearing high heels; yet which is the most unusual – there are millions of sporting Gun owners & users out there – my guess is there are not as many male high heel wearers! My belief is that if you wish to be treated with the openness and acceptance you desire, then you must yourselves offer the same acceptance to others with their interests. As an aside, I note some remarkable stretches of either imagination, or twisting of truth here – a pity because the investigation findings are available to the public. Nether Ryan, nor Hamilton were responsible gun owners, Ryan was rejected from the club he tried to join, they passed information to the police pertaining to his unsuitability, he then applied quoting an imaginary gun club, so the police ignored the warnings of unsuitability, did not bother to check on there being a real club and issued his certificate – he then went postal in Hungerford. Hamilton did belong to a gun club in the 70’s, but again was rejected by a number of clubs after showing his unsuitability, for over 12 years he was re-issued certificates besides not belonging to a club or being able to show good reason – in fact he bought or reloaded no ammunition over this time, upon trying to join a club just before Dumblane they also reported his unsuitability to the police so he also applied quoting an imaginary gun club again the police ignored the warnings, issued a certificate and he went postal in Dumblane. (which is just a few miles from me!). As for home storage, what happens for people who use the guns in pursuit of their work – leave it in the middle of a farmer’s field where they were last carrying out pest control? How would you be able to run competitions or attend more than one club/range? The silly arguments about a gun used correctly results in death, or there is no reason why anyone would need a gun other than paranoia or a desire to harm others just illustrates a closed mind and lack of understanding, - why would anyone want to throw a javelin? – there is no reason why anyone would need a Speer other than paranoia or a desire to harm others. - Why would anyone want to put a shot? – There is no reason why anyone would need a shot-put other than paranoia or a desire to harm others. Why would anyone want to carry out historical re-enactment? – There is no reason why anyone would need a sword other than paranoia or a desire to harm others…. Of course the list goes on – there are lots of things that exist today used for good or entertainment or sport whose original use or design was not so helpful – the original design for a rocket was to harm others – yet now we use that technology to launch satellites for entertainment. As for moderators this is also encouraged by the UK government – HSE to be exact! When culling, or carrying out other pest control, this is usually a night – the sound of course travels for miles and can cause harm to both the shooter’s ears and to others - ear-defenders of course cannot prevent this (although it can help the shooter – it does not prevent the percussion effect), the use of sound moderators is encouraged. As for types in the UK locally the BR Reflex T4 or T8 is used a lot (Apparently T4 or T8 depends upon calibre) – though smaller and better is the ASE Ultra Jet-Z – but more expensive. They are distributed in the UK locally, but apparently are Finish in origin. I haven’t used or shot any – but they are used by all local estate managers and gamekeepers. As an aside, I do not believe the way to improve society is to restrict people, I would rather live in a society where people may have guns, knifes etc – yet would not use them to harm others; than live where you must stop people from having “Bad things” because they might use them inappropriately - quite simply if there are people who would cause injury to others – stopping them having legal guns etc is not going to stop them – they are just going to obtain illegal ones, or knifes, or baseball bats etc. The big problem is to remove this evil side of society, rather than going for the simple (politically easy) option which does not cure the real problems. BTW what is a BB gun – Should that be something I should use – a BlondeBimbo Gun? BB (Gun?) :D

  11. You will see I added (MWM) for Married-White-Male.

    Ah Ha - now it makes sense - I though it was for Must-Want-More! :evil:

    Actually as the MOD for the girls forum, I would be opposed to blocking access for male members of the forum, for me it is not the gender which is of concern, but the type of reply.

    In general I have little contribution for the guy's section as I cannot relate to many of the issues, on the flip-side of this it is a pity that some of the guys do not recognise this in relation to the girl's forum. :D

    But I feel it is OK to post guys in the Girl's and girls in the Guy's area providing it is appropiate and does not change the subject or tone of the posting theme.

    As for identification being compulsary - please remember that Girls tend to be targets for the wirdos out there - I guess I get a PM every week which targets my underwear etc. preferances! :wink::wink:


  12. I guess I have confused and mixed feelings about swearing, for a start– is a word a swear word or not – it’s a completely arbitrary thing? For example in American one refers to an Ass – that is a Donkey as a swear word – albeit quite mild, in English this is meaningless! In English we use the term “Bollocks” - decidedly offensive today but actually this was Standard English up to the early 19th century – and unknown in American (as far as I know). And there again – how many of us use really offensive terms without knowing it? Many of us say “That is NAF” – we have forgotten that NAF is an acronym for Not available for f*****g, Similarly I understand the tem Bletherskate (I am really sorry for posting that) is actually still used in the USA – (from the song Maggie Lauder) – this is a seriously offensive Scottish term – basically a “bag of sh*t” – but rather more offensive! Perhaps the classic example is Penis, - meaning of course a tail (Remember your Latin class at this point?), then used ironically as a male member then becoming indecent and offensive through the dark ages, and yet it is now once again an acceptable term – although no longer used for tail! I remember as a child watching TV, when during an American show – one of the actors referred to someone’s “Fanny” - But NOT as the abbreviation for Frances! – Well my Mum and Dad went berserk – Obviously – the TV was turned off – I was sent to bed, there were letters to the papers, absolute outrage – How could the local TV station allow such offensive terms at any time of the day? Etc. So why should such arbitrary things offend us? In reality perhaps it is the meaning behind the words used rather than the words themselves. I worked with someone a few years back who used the “F” word like a punctuation mark rather than a pause where a comma should be – there was a “F”, rather than an appropriate adverb, or adjective again it was a “F” – but the conversation flowed naturally – it was not offensive in any way! – Actually I did not see him as foul-mouthed at all – whereas often one hears just a few words used and rather than aiding the flow of speech – they are the verbs – or meaning behind the sentence – rather a different matter. I think that in time words like “F” and “C” will become acceptable – like penis, wagtail, tup, etc today – but as we stand today – they are not quite there yet! The whole point of communication it to get your point understood by the other person, it would be no use filling a sentence with words that would not be understood: When I talk with “senior managers” or highly educated people – I use elegant English. When dealing with foreign (non-native English) speakers etc. I use simple English. When dealing with “shop-floor” people who use colloquial terms – I use colloquial English. It is not a sign of being uneducated to use the appropriate form in the appropriate place. It would be however if one used the inappropriate form in the inappropriate place! That includes not demonstrating the appropriate form in the appropriate place in front of children – remembering they should not be exposed to the colloquial terms!! (But I would NEVER use the term “Fa**y” – If my Mum found out she would still kill me!) BB

  13. I would go for the Leather - knee high :wink: Well actually - I did! :D I allways find knee high very comfy - I have a pair of rubber thigh high boots (not Ballet) and all too soon they become uncomfortable behind the knee, as did a previous pair of tight - lace-up leather boots. The only comfortable thigh-highs I have had are the zip-up type - the type one tends to wear over jeans (well in the late 80's anyhow!) :wink: BB

  14. WOW - someone else on gmail! I have invites available as well if anyone wants them. I like gmail - but don't know many others on it. - I find it a pity you need to log on to the site - I prefer accounts where you can just use outlook direct to the pop server. If it wasn't for that I would use it all the time for my email. BB

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