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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2023 in Posts

  1. You can add all five of those terms to the description of me! I cross dress, right down to fake breasts and hip padding. I have considered gay relationships, but never acted on it. I have thought about transitioning, but just a thought,as I don't see it ever happening. I have felt like I am straddling the fence between male and female ever since I was a young child. I started dressing around five years old. I love presenting as a woman. For some reason it is very comforting to me to dress. fortunately for me I have a very accepting wife and spend many evenings dressed. Often I just want to say the heck with it and dress 24/7/365, but I realize it would be a huge shock for friends and family and it would turn my and my wife' world upside down so I keep it under wraps at home. I read an article from a legit source on this a few years ago. The article explained there is much more to male or female than the X and Y chromosomes. Just like you can be a man at 5'5" and 125 pounds, or 6'6" and 250 pounds, or be a tiny woman or some big hulk of a woman. The X and Y is just the start of it. There is more genetic material that "creates" the male or female us. It isn't a simple "line in the sand". On the other hand I feel for the confused people that have to deal with it. I feel confused about my gender every day. I have come to accept I am male, but have some female floating around inside of me. Many people have it much worse than me.
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