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Office Styling



Here we are at the end of another work week and as they say TGIF! But hey I can take a moment before I run out the door to the weekend to share a few pics of me styling with two of my favorite heels! Both are so comfortable and sexy that I am bustin' out with joy! So here are a few shots of them.


It's great to be able to wear heels every day, work or out and about. I do not know how I would feel if I were to be told I could not wear them. I mean they are a part of my style. Plus they make me feel good.

I had to laugh the other day when I walked by a woman wearing the black stilettos shown above and she said, "You're a brave soul to wear heels in this weather!" Well it might have been raining a little but that does not stop me from wearing my heels. The first thing I do will all my heals is treat them with water proofing. I just smiled to her and kept on going. What's a little water on my toes?

Well it is my birthday this coming Monday so I will be out on the town with my honey. She is cool with me wearing heels so I will be dressed to kill with some sweet black pumps, my oh-so-skinny silver jeans and a silky black blouse! Gonna rock it for sure. I mean you only turn 62 once, right?!

Well all, I am closing up shop now so I gotta get moving. Hope you all have a great weekend! Rock those heels now! Chow!


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