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Entry No. 3



Well, they're not exactly high heels and I'm not exactly walking around town in them but I am wearing them in a public place. These are my lovely Steve Madden flat ballerinas bought from Barefoottess (a haven - or perhaps heaven - for big footed men and women). I'm on a short notice trip down south on a train and I threw them in my bag as an after thought because I like wearing them round the house like slippers. I've always found that it doesn't matter where they're from but fellas' slippers always have an old man feel about them. I might be 37 years old but I'm not ready for that status just yet.

I was just sat here when I thought "Hello, I could be wearing some girly shoes here" and without further ado and without really considering who was around me I put them on. The train is quiet though so not a real biggie. But still felt much easier than it ever has before as it's not the first time I've been in this situation before but it is the first time I've gone this far. One small step at a time, I guess. It's fun tho and I am enjoying it and not really worrying about it.

So I guess this is not-quite-heeling-escapade no. 1! Now, the next question is do I do the train change at Peterborough in them? Means carrying my other shoes by hand though as there's no room in my bag. Also the trains from Peterborough to the small town 15 miles to the south are much more open than the ones I am on and it will be the height of rush hour when I get there.

Find out in the next thrilling instalment of Fatfuzz's blog!

Next instalment:

No I didn't wear them for the train swap. Got to Nottingham and it was looking busy and in a moment of weakness I took them off and slipped them into my bag out of sight. And then a woman sat down next to me for the trip to the next station at which point she left along with most of the other occupants in the carriage so I put them back on for the rest of the journey but wasn't feeling so bold that I could wear them outside of the train.

Felt good though sitting there in my little flat shoes (all my shoes are little!) just reading and staring out the window. Thinking I might take a little walk in town wearing them tomorrow but that a whole new step. We'll see.


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