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At the Movies - Getting Ready



After a thoroughly frazzling week at work, during which return dates to the states remained up in the air, but during which I managed to knock the crap out of any task that came my way (probably because I was so pissed off - I'm at my most innovative and efficient when I'm royally pissed)...

...I decided to go to the movies!

A quick check online revealed Underworld: Rise of the Lycans was playing at the local theater, and I thought, "What better film could there possibly be to go goth than a dark film about vampires and werewolves?

Particularly at the 10:30 showing. Heh-heh.. MUWHAHAHAHA (cough, sputter)

I came home and took a long, hot shower to chill the nerves. Interesting how that works, huh? Hot shower - chill nerves? It works.

As I would be wearing a single sheath, I skipped my Fruit of the Looms briefs and pulled on a waist-shaping tank as well as a high-waist brief. Next came a simple black t-shirt (it gets cold in the theaters over here!) as well as a pair of opaque black tights. I pulled on my light gray Nike microfleece pants, which are both warm and comfortable, while looking very sleek so long as I'm wearing a tunic or other top which covers the dratted Nike logo over where the left front pocket would be.

I used a soft, silvery-flesh paint on my nails, then the usual touch of mascara, eyeshadow, and other basics, including a dark tone of a natural lip color (for me).

I pulled my hair back, sliding on a very dark wooden hair barrot I'd found from India, before pulling on my knee-high heeld boots.

I pulled on my dress, which is really more of a full-length, full-sleeve high-collar tunic that comes to between my ankles and calves. It left about a foot of the silvery sports pants hanging out, which didn't really look right. Fortunately, I have a nearly identical one that's normal tunic length, to above the knee. Nah! Too much silver. So I went with the full-length one, instead.

Here's the scary part - heeling in public. I know some of you are old hands at it. Good for you! I'm not, especially when the heels are high, and the shape of the toe clearly says they're women's boots.

So, I chickend out there and pulled on a pair of round-toed Sudinis. They're still black leather, and still have heels, but three inches, not four, and a little less svelte.

Last, but not least, my anti-glare shades. These puppies are really cool, and amazingly, only $19. They reflect just about all light in the blue to UV range, while letting most of the rest pass through (which is most of what our eyes use). Thus, they attenuate light only slightly, but have a silvery-blue partial mirror reflection. I can easily wear them while driving at night, and all night long. Since I have somewhat feminine features anyway, with these on, some flowing clothes, my long hair, and a stylish hat, I've been mistaken for a misses.

No hat tonight, but the effect is complete!

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I would like to see a pic of that. I have some goth heels I wear pretty much every day. Hope it was a good movie!


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