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Heels and a snow storm


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Unfortunately I couldn't get any pictures, so just try to envision this in your mind. Yesterday, we had a snow storm here in NY - a good 17". I went to a Chinese buffet for dinner tonight with a friend of mine and his kids. While troving the buffet, I heard the sweet sound of heels on tile. I started to look around and found them - a girl, probably no older than 17 or 18 was wearing a pair of metal-heeled 4" stiletto clogs with normal-length jeans. I don't think I have ever seen shoes like this -- they were brown/grey suede with brass 'tacks' going around the side of the sole with a gold colored metal heel. I don't think they could be considered mules because of the overall look though. I must have followed her around for a few minutes before one of he friends joined her. Her friend was wearing bright yellow 5" stilettos with super pointy toes. She was also werating really LONG jeans that all but hid the heels. The only way I knew the height was when she picked up her leg to scratch an itch. Mind you, the heels on her shoes were PENCIL THIN!!! I grazed the buffet while following now the two of them until... a third friend came up to them. This new friend was wearing a pair of white knee-high fur and leather boots outside of her jeans with a really high wedge heel -- I would guesstimate about 4.5-5" with no platform to speak of. They too were kind of sexy in their own way. Mind you... these girls all appeared to be the same age and were wearing the stereotypical 'hoochie' outfits -- tight jeans, tighter shirt, make-up, nails, etc... Each with hair that obviously took time to do. I saw them a couple of times throughout my dining experience but was unable to get any pictures without being overly obvious amongst the crowd (it was crab leg night which always draws a crowd). Now... here's the point of my story: we just had a foot and a half of snow... The roads and walkways still are a bit nasty. Were these heel maidens not smart enough to wear snow boots or were they very much aware of what they were doing. Maybe they were looking for reactions similar to mine. Who knows. I guess we'll never know.

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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It sounds like at least one of the three girls was wearing boots. The other two may have brought their heels to change into for indoor wearing only and stashed their boots elsewhere while dining. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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