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Just discovered my Boyfriend wears womans shoes (link)


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Thanks Nigel, It's too bad all of the stuff I wrote is gone, but I'm glad this link is here, especially for any other women in my situation. For anyone who didn't read the original post, I found out my boyfriend bought a couple of pairs of high heels in his size, spends a lot of time looking a heels in his shoe size online (I saw the stuff in his computer history), and owns several pairs but he doesn't know that I know. I wish he'd open up about it because even though the thought of him in heels is not a turn on (in other words, I would not say "put on heels; I think you'd look sexy in them"), it does not freak me out and I want him to be comfortable around me. I love him in spite of this quirk. I've thrown a few things out there to see if he'd respond, but he really hasn't, so I've decided not to push it too hard. If he wants to tell me, he will. LE

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