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Those are hot boots.


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"Those are hot boots." That's what a young gal said to me as I was walking to the door of a theater, for a showing of the "Kinky Boots" film. For the record, I was wearing my Nine West "Koolbreeze," black leather lace-up, knee high stiletto boots. My date met me in the theater lobby, and we found the movie to be hilarious, in the understated British way. Then, on the way out of the theater, after the show, another sweet young thing said, "I love your boots." Two girls, not over twenty, found my boots to be attractive, and so did my date. Of the small crowd at the Easter Eve show, I was the only one there in Kinky Boots. It was fun, though.

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thats a great sory....always nice to hear about getting compliments from women. I wouldnt have been brave enough to boots, let alone stilleto boots, out to a crowded theatre I was thinking of going to see that movie with my girlfriend....Even with the huge 20+ screen theatres we have scattered all over the place around here, Im not sure where, or if, its playing in my city.

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