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Have fun, but don't run...


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Just by chance, I came across the following letter and reply from Dr. Tracy Cabot's advice column of 20 April 1997. Dear Dr. Tracy, I wear heels from three inches to six. I wear panty hose every day and enjoy them. I dress as a woman when I'm home. Why can't I be accepted in public. Early mornings I have found women who love how I look. In the dark of the early morn I can go to stores and show off my appeal. They envy me because some can't wear heels because they hurt. I wear them to bed when I make love to a woman. I have always been straight and always will. I know a woman's needs by my dresssing. When will the world accept me for who I am???? ANY WOMAN CAN WEAR COMBAT BOOTS AND JEANS TO DINNER AND NOTHING IS SAID. LET ME TAKE OUT MY GARBAGE IN HEELS AND I'M CRUCIFIED!!!!!!!!! Dear Flake Lover, Neither I nor many of the people I know would care what you wear, but lots of people do. They are old fashioned enough to think men should wear men's clothes. If you're waiting for the whole world to accept you the way you are, then you're in for a long, long wait. Be happy with the people who accept your high-heeled ways, and don't worry about the ones who don't since you can't change them any more than they can change you. Frankly, I'm amazed that you'd want to wear the piece of clothing most women can't wait to take off. However, if you're crazy enough to want to squeeze into high heels and teeter around, go right ahead. Have fun, but don't run... Dr. Tracy

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>> I'm amazed that you'd want to wear the piece of clothing most women can't wait to take off <<

There are enough women around who wear heels all the time to amply show that statement to be completely untrue, and stereotypical of the rubbish that appears in mainstream newspapers.

>> However, if you're crazy enough to want to squeeze into high heels and teeter around, go right ahead.

Squeeze? You only "squeeze" into them if they are the wrong size. I take a UK size 7 so I never "squeeze" into them. They fit just fine.

Teeter? You only "teeter" if they are too high, and you haven't had enough practise at that height (or you try walking down a steep hill).

I hate how those advice people force their stereotypes into what should be a straightforward answer, therefore colouring their advice.

All the readers now have this image of a bloke wobbling down the road, almost out of control in heels, and with size 12 feet stuffed into size 8 shoes, when the reality is probably very different to the picture painted.

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Here were my e-mail comments to Dr. Tracy Cabot:

Dear Dr. Tracy,

Single guy, 56, in Minnesota, here.

Just by chance, I came across the following letter and reply from Dr. Tracy Cabot's advice column of 20 April 1997, about a man who wore high heels.

Not every man in heels is a teetering flake, who squeezes into his shoes.

In fact, there are forward thinking, male fashion freestylers who enjoy the look and feel of high heeled shoes and boots. Just guys, really, many of us married or with girlfriends, who like tall heels.

For decades now, lots of women have been practitioners of freestyle fashion, choosing attire, footwear, and even haircuts, from traditional male styles.

If some men borrow from women's fashion styles, with long hair, earrings, or high heels, that seems like a harmless hobby to me. Long hair and earrings? Remember when these choices were extremely controversial for men? But they are rather middle of the road now.

The male fashion freestylers are men with cutting edge proclivities in attire and footwear, hardly average conformists. We ask equal respect for our unusual (for men)style choices, as accorded to everyone else's personal style selections. I can't think of any good reasons that all men should be compelled to select from a very narrow range of clothes and shoes, defined by gender segregation.

I am merely a middle class fellow, who likes to wear high heel boots, from 3" chunky heels to 4" spikes. Lots of women, in both social and commercial situations, offer me unsolicited compliments, along the lines of, "I LOVE YOUR BOOTS!" My girlfriend likes them, too. I can live with that.

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Obvious her response is that of someone who can barely wear her stilettos herself. Shes already said that you can't run in them. I can run just fine in 3.5 inch stilettos, and quickly.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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I had to have a good giggle at her last statement---"but don't run". I haven't been able to run in heels for some time now. But don't hold that against me---I walk in and wear my heels daily. For me, and at my age, that's good enough for now. I'm satisfied. Her reply would probably be very interesting to read. Keep us all posted if you receive one. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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