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Putting Up Christmas Lights in Heels and Back Pain


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Hey All,

I decided to finally get around to stringing the Christmas Lights outside On Sunday. I also decided to wear my 3.5 inch block heeled boots to do it. At first, everything was fine. As I was into it (took alot longer than I anticpated), I noticed my feet were screaming! Perhaps because the insides of the boots are alot harder than the insides of my shoes (since I usually have inserts in them as well). I didn't string on the second level of the house, just the first level (fortunately for me). When I did the front porch, I decided to just staple them to the underside of the rim, so I had to stand leaning backwards to staple upward. At the time, only my feet were sore, but after I got inside I noticed my back was killing me. Took a hot bath but could barely move Monday morning, so did the Ibprofen (fortunately I still had some prescription strength from previous aches and pains).

On a positive note, remember how I said the excuse I would use for wearing heels if anyone asked? Well, I wore my avatar shoes yesterday (inserts and all) and everytime I just sat, my back would kill me when I stood up. But after walking around in my heels for a while, my back would feel great!!! So, the excuse seems to be actually reality:) (athough, more a side benefit as I wanted to wear the heels anyway).

Anyone else have any similiar experiences?


PS: The boots in question

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Sscotty727:-) Wearing heels repositions the entire body as you no doubt realize. Wearing heels on ladders also puts more strain on those body parts. You might have been stressing those body parts and using muscles that are not used to such strains in your daily living as putting up Christmas lights is only done once a year. Therefore, your body is going to complain and let you know that you are stressing parts that usually don't get stressed. I know that you are a lot younger than me, but remember that your body doesn't flex as it did when you were a teenager. Maybe this will help you some. Take some aspirin or maybe a muscle relaxant and in a few days you will feel better. Maybe there is some good in the statement that doctor's of old used to say---"Take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning". TEE! HEE! Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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I'll back up Scotty on that one. Whenever I wear anything less that 1.5" my lower back bothers me. In my usual heels (3-4") though and it feels great.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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