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Urban Outfitters


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So I was on a City break at the weekend in Dublin, wandering about Temple Bar (funky, regenerated arts area of the city) and came upon Urban Outfitters. I'd not been in one before as they are few and far between. Anyway, my GF and I made our way up to the clothing dept. As with a number of these types of stores, there isn't a dedicated shoe section, they are just dispersed about the display racks. Amongst the various slippers, boots and strapy snadles I spotted a fantastic pair of black suede stilettos with what must have been at least a 4" heel. The toe box was a cross between baby doll round and a short point, nothing like I have ever seen before with a short vamp giving a small amount of toe cleavage, all in all made the heel certainly appear very high. I pointed them out to my GF who cooed at them but as she is not one for wearing heels over 3" at the best of times, we didn't bother buying (she has no idea about my penchant for wearing high heels, even though she knows I like high heels generally) I would attach a picture but as yet have not been able to find one. If I do I'll post it for your delectation Big D

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