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Sexy Boots.


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Yesterday, My wife and I went out for Sunday brunch. Seated in a booth accrosed the asile from ours was two woman and three kids. One lady was dresed to the nines and she was wearing the sexiest foot wear that ive ever seen. She had one leg crossed over the other and I could clearly see the the entire sole and stiletto heel of her boot. From the tip of the toe to the curve of the arch was nothing less than 6" .Very long pointed toes and about 4.5 inches of the very thin stiletto heels. I kept sneaking glances at her boots and later during our meal my wife said something about taking our vitamins and the boot lady overheard and said thanks for the reminder and we all took our vitamins at the same time and my wife said cheers and the boot lady said heres to our health. My wife left me with the bill and tip and walked off to a gift shop next door. I paid the bill and the lady in boots was in front of me as we checked out. In the parking I sez to the boot lady I really love your boots...theyre so femenine. She said thank you, They feel great and theyre fun to wear. I'm suprised at the compliments that i'm getting. I thougt that these were a bit much when I bought them but I just had to have em. Then I asked if they were real leather and she went off on a tangent. Yes real leather and I only wear them with some kind of nylons because I dont want to stretch them out of shape and she babbled on and on about her boots. This time was the exception....I never compliment any strange woman on her shoes or anything else. This time it worked out....Larry.

Love those heels!

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I find that women who wear heels are usually very open to being complimented on them. Let's face it, everybody like a compliment as long as it's not rude, crude or socially unacceptable.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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yeah, if your compliments come off as sincere and not driven by an ulterior motive, i find that people are far more appreciative. i'd branch off into a story here, but it requires a bit of background and i don't want to detract from your thread.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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