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This may have been discussed before, I don't know. I am bored, and Eva posting something about ternds for Tweenagers on Jenny's. Whatever inspires, I run with. Thanks Eva! So people, if you have kids, or when you have kids, will you encourage them to wear heels? Boys and girls included. Obviously you will let them wear heels, yes, but will you foster the fashion trend? And at what age would you allow your children to dress themselves and choose their own shoes? I know if I ever find a man and I have daughters, I will encourage them to wear heels. My mother helped me develop my love of heels, and I would hope to do the same for them. If I have boys, well, they can wear what they like. For either gender of children, the rule will be simple. You can wear whatever you like, provided it does not get you into trouble. If it does, save it for home. Sure a parent will need to take an active roll in a child's life and make sure things go okay, but I think well adjusted children are those treated like human beings and allowed to explore their individuality. That way, they don't have as many reasons to act rebellious because being a rebel is cool. And yes that is just my theory, I could be wrong, so don't attack that position. What say the rest of you?


Good advice, that's just how I'd approach it. But of course they shouldn't wear till their teens except for short periods so they don't deform soft bones.


I was until recently a teacher in a comp and many of the girls would wear 3.5 inches plus (if they could get away from it) don't know if this was parent inspired or just pure rebellion jo-jo xx

Don't ask me how I walk in them just try a pair


it would be rebellion, as they are pushing the boundaries that had fausted upon them. how many of us have done the same? push the envelope to breaking point? even playing truant was a type of rebellion! kids will attempt to do anything that their parents do or anything that their parents tell them NOT to do! aren't kids wonderful!


I was wearing pretty high heels already when i was age 14, and nowadays schoolgirls are wearing even higher heels now. Lot of these girls dress like they are 20 or 25. I think that's ok, as long as they feel good in it.


On 2002-04-24 21:17, Francis wrote:

it would be rebellion, as they are pushing the boundaries that had fausted upon them.......

kids will attempt to do anything that their parents do or anything that their parents tell them NOT to do!

aren't kids wonderful!

The whole idea is to allow them the freedom of expression so that they are not rebelling, just being themselves. I would think allowing the option for heels would help foster that.

Until I have some children, I cannot comment for certain, of course. But I think it is possible to raise children that have only minor rebellious aspects in them. :smile:


My cousin (a girl) has been asking me about my heels and she has been hinting to me on buying her a pair for her birthday. She is only 12 and I thought I should wait till she is 15 before considering getting her a pair for her birthday. Besides, her feet is still small and will definitely grow.




On 2002-04-24 21:17, Francis wrote:

it would be rebellion, as they are pushing the boundaries that had fausted upon them.

how many of us have done the same? push the envelope to breaking point?

even playing truant was a type of rebellion!

kids will attempt to do anything that their parents do or anything that their parents tell them NOT to do!

aren't kids wonderful!

So according to this, if I want kids to do something, I should say the opposite right? :eek:

So if I want them to eat their vegetable, I should say “Don’t eat your vegetable!” Or “Talk to strangers.” Or “Make a mess of your room!”

Hehe :smile:


you should buy your neice heels....i know what its like to ask for something reasonable and then not get it...im sure all of you do. they dont gotta be stilletos or anything, maybe get her a nice pair of boots with like a 3-4inch heel with like a 1inch platform, i know she would really love them, and her feet are going to grow whether she is wearing heels or not, and its not like you would be spending hundreds of dollars....go for it and make her happy :smile:

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