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Heaven for lovers of loose slings and heel popping!


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Today was Melbourne Cup day here in Australia and everyone comes to the races dressed up. At the moment slingbacks and pumps are in style over here and today was the best show I have ever seen. Nearly 1 in 2 slingbacks were loose there were several pairs of pumps that were popping completely off the women's heels as they walked. I saw one woman wearing some slingbacked sandals and one strap was down at the very bottom of her heel but not quite off, the other was a little higher. She flicked her leg up behind her and pulled up the lower strap, a couple of minutes later the othero ne started falling too so she pulled that one up. They were falling slowly which made for great suspense. Another I saw sit and pull her straps up on another pair of high heeled sandals. When she got up she took 2 steps and the right strap was under her heel and the left one was sitting really low. Another woman had her right strap on a pair of pointy toed slings half on and half off her heel. It was clinging to one side of her heel. Another one I saw had one sling that popped on and off her heel. Yet other I saw whos straps clinged to the bottom of her heels all day, never falling off but staying just at the bottom. There were countless numbders of women with one strap up and one strap under their heel. Also there was one woman with a pair of pumps on and her left pump popped off her heel everytime she walked. Another had one of those sexy pairs with the cut out, even when she shuffled her feet her left heel came completely out of her shoe. When she walked properly her heel came all the way out and the shoe slapped against her heel and made a great noise. It was an unbelievable day!

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Days at the races are great for heel lovers. I went to Paris for the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe a month ago. There were so many fantastic pairs of heels on display. A pair of cerise sandals with leg straps and gold sandals with various leaf appendages stick in the mind. Certainly made up for losing all my bets.

Heel thyself

Over 50 pairs of heels now on my website at www.geocities.com/wayneheels/

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Too bad I wasn't there to witness the heel popping.:-? My size 12 Sexy Pumps fit very loosely on my feet, so much so that they flop when I walk. It's OK; I wear them while sleeping. My toes don't get squashed in those shoes.

Black 5-inch stilettos - the only way to go!

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