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Peer pressure to wear...


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I drive past one office everyday and watch the women heading out to their cars,especially if I'm stopped by the light. There seems to be peer pressure at "work" to at least wear some kind of heeled shoe. Virtually all the gals, regardless of age, wear a heel, even in pants. Mind you, not the kind we like on this board very often, but occasionally there will be an above average sight to see. Do anyof you ladies feel peer pressure to wear some kind of heel at work? Perhaps at church? Or at one particular friend's house? Or some other event? Thanks for sharing.

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Interesting observations e. I'd be interested to know where you're from as I'd say that at the moment it's not so common in the uk. a lot of ladies are wearing summer sandals. Bob.

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apart from flip flops id agree with this at my 2nd job, a girl was wearing some block courts about 4in, and saying they were killing her feet. I suggested she wore flat shoes instead to cure the problem, to which she replied that she would look like a butch lesbian. A similar story to a bank colleague when her thin fitted stilettos were hurting her, i suggested the same flat items and was told to get real. i think they think its a must for the image

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Having worked at various different companies over the years, I have noticed that each has a heel height to which most conform. Like an unwriten rule. For example at one company I worked at, most of the women in the office wore heels of around 2 inches high. Each time a new girl joined the company, she would come to work for the first few days in higher heels (or sometimes flats) within a week she would start wearing heels around the same height as everyone else. In a smaller company I worked at, we only had three ladies, but they all wore heels of 3½ to 4 inches. At my current employer (a larger company) most of the ladies wear heels of around 3 inches, and again, any new recruits soon conform to the same height. I believe it is about wanting to fit in with everyone else. Of course there are often exceptions. :D At my current employer, there are two ladies who wear 4 inch heels every day, regardless of what everyone else wears.

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I suggested she wore flat shoes instead to cure the problem, to which she replied that she would look like a butch lesbian.

ROFL ! Apparently this lady has exactly the opposite problem than us men who would like to wear heels more often ...

You're a women, but you wear flats, you're a lesbian ...

You're a man, you wear heels, you're gay ...

---> Over 90% of the people are closed minded morons :D

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ROFL ! Apparently this lady has exactly the opposite problem than us men who would like to wear heels more often ...

You're a women, but you wear flats, you're a lesbian ...

You're a man, you wear heels, you're gay ...

---> Over 90% of the people are closed minded morons :D


Actually, I think the percentage is significantly lower, but it's still beyond critical mass with respect to public opinion...

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