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I walked into a casino this afternoon with my wife , and was stopped by the frong door security. I was wearing my "pirate shirt", a pair of khaki pants, and my Linea Paolo sandals (4" heel, black leather, T-strap). The guard stopped us and said, I'm sorry, but I can't let you in wearing those. I didn't argue (never works - they will always win), so I walked to another entrance and proceded to catch the floor show (1.3 hours) and spend a few hours at the blackjack machines, the bar, and the other attractions, including dinner. As we walked out the front, I recognized the security man, and walked over to him. He seemed to be a little miffed, but I told him the following: "Evidently, the side door security guard, the numerous guards on the floor, and your security manager have absolutely no problems with me wearing heels in your establishment. I just spent 3 hours in your casino, dropping over a hundred dollars. I really hope you get to the bottom of whatever problem you have with others like myself doing business with this establishment, as it's contrary to sound business principles." Two other guards instantly appeared, and caught the last 2/3's of my diatribe - all were dumbfounded. I went back there two hours later, and the same security guard didn't bat an eye as I and my wife walked in.

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ha ha quite funny. lol

bet you couldnt resist putting him in place. Did he have nothing to say about that?

Also, are you a bit of a gambler gene just out of interest?? :roll:

Actually, I didn't put him in his place - merely gave him food for thought, and fortunately, it didn't him long to come to the right conclusion.

I must admit I've a weakness for video blackjack, but only for one form, the one I worked the stats on years ago. Using that particular form of video blackjack, I can throw a $20 in the machine and get comped two beers in less than an hour before I pull $16 back out. The way I figure it, I'm still paying for the beers, but I'm playing video blackjack for free!

During the same time span, my average bar-buddy will go through approximately $80.

Sad, really.

I know that's why the casinos are in business, but 98 out of 100 people I meet keep telling me they're either "on a winning streak," or they've "got an angle," etc.

To date I've only seen one individual win big ($4,000) at the video gambling machines, and that would include about 500 hours of play amongst an average of 10 people. That's about $400,000 in by hundreds of people for a "jackpot" of just $4,000.

Not exactly a haul, if you know what I mean.

Vegas will advertise the few (ten or less) really big winners all the time - while letting the millions of losers drive, fly, hitch home without any fanfare at all.

If you're willing to come here and throw away a few hundred dollars while testing how well you play the game, come on down. If you think you're going to hit the jackpot, stay at home and invested your money, as 1.025 (2.5%) is a far better return than 0.85 (-15%, and the average rake by the casinos here in Vegas).

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Last time I wandered into a Casino I was in New Orleans for business.. sat down at a blackjack table with $20 and figured if I lost it I'd walk away entertained.. wandered off with $80 and had a nice dinner. I love to play cards against friends, but have no illusions that I'd ever get rich in a casino. I have sat next to a client in a casino in Sint Maartin and spend $20 to get my 4 drinks, while he dropped $200 and bitched that I was stealing his cards.. I then wandered off and found out I got better odds at the bar with the other client *grin*.. came back and the first guy was almost out of money, even though I was no longer messing up his game. Unfortunatly the only heels I had with me on the new orleans trip were 5" knee high boots, and the french quarter's roads/sidewalks are really f*cked up so I didnt dare wander around wearing those. Oh well Jim

(formerly known as "JimC")

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Heh, funny sad that he stoped you in the first place. But congrats on finding another way in and giving him a piece of your mind afterwords. I think its cool that he didn't say anything to you when you andyour wife went back in.

It's all good. ~Arron.

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Heh, funny sad that he stoped you in the first place. But congrats on finding another way in and giving him a piece of your mind afterwords. I think its cool that he didn't say anything to you when you andyour wife went back in.

All casinos have a security protocol, and I'm sure when we walked out and I said what I said, they conferred with their supervisor, who set them straight.

There's a lot of reasons casinos escort people to the door or deny them access, and all of them have to do with loosing money. I've no doubt that my wearing heels was noticed by the monitors within 60 seconds of my walking in the door, and a decision was either made then, or made a long time ago (and printed in some 3-ring binder) about whether to allow a guy wearing heels to remain on premises.

I spend a LOT of time in casinos, and have very rarely had any problems.

The guard was probably just new.

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