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Lengths people will go to for heels

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Hmmm I think foot surgery has been discussed here before somewhere, don't remember where though. But it amazes me how far some people will go in the name of vanity.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly


Oh, hey - this is the procedure I spoke about in an earlier post this morning about aging and heel wear. My question is, if the designers really want to increase market share, why don't they use tried and true materials and construction methods to cushion the landing platform beneath the ball of the foot? Hello! Are they ignorant? Conceited? What? The most comfortable pair of 4" heels I own are the pair I'm wearing right now, a Fioni tri/T-strap brown sandal with the perfect footbed curvature and tons of the right kinds of padding in just the right spots, courtesy of Payless for $14.95. I can (and have) worn them 16 hours straight even when I've been on my feet 3/4 of the time. The most uncomfortable pair of heels I've ever owned were another pair of 4" heels by Fioni. No padding whatsoever, and a toe platform that was cut to fit an alien, not a human. Twenty minutes in that and you need a 2-hour foot soak! I just measured the difference between the two in terms of the thickness of the "platform" (both are non-platform shoes): 3/32 of an inch. That's less than 1/10th of an inch, and that, and the shape of the insole, are all it takes to turn the worst 4" heel into the best 4" heel. The designers are definately out to lunch when it comes to the business aspects of running a shoe store... I'll be the shoe store owners like Zappos and others are bald for pulling their hair out. Perhaps that's why Nordstroms offers some shoes with their own brand name...

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