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Today, as I was walking over the never to melt parking lot snow. A stiletto heel is not the best choice for snow covered pavement and slush. I made it without incident, but I must have been a bit too adventerous since I have only had the shoes for a week. It was fun anyway.


I was in Italy driving around on a weekend in an official staff car going from one shoe store to another on a saturday afternoon. The only shoes I had with me were my BK5 Deichmann suede knee high boots with 6 inch heels and 2 inch platform.

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At one time the car refused to start although the engine turned over swiftly. I checked everything but with an electronic ignition my options quickly ran out. The only thing I could do was either call the base to send me a towtruck or call my boss to come and get me to tow me or go to the hotel and get the car towed next monday. Neither option was tempting in those boots and I was glad the car started 20 minutes later. That phenomena happened every once in a while and although they replaced the ignition box, it came back every two weeks. As from then I always took extra some "normal" shoes with me when I drove that Astra around.


Be youself, enjoy any footwear you like and don't care about what others think about it, it's your life, not theirs. Greetings from Highluc on http://walk.to/highluc

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Highluc on 2002-03-14 04:32 ]</font>

Be youself, enjoy any footwear you like and don't care about what others think about it, it's your life, not theirs. Greetings from Laurence


sometimes i wonder why i want to wear womens shoes...but then i just go look at my great boots, and they look friggin amazing...or i just tell myself that in an hour or so ill be in a different mood and will want to wear them again! i guess i havent mentally acceptedmy desire 100% into my mind yet, and i often have doubts....im sure it will pass though


Last time I was in London, I was wearing 4" boots and they were quite new. I only dropped in to see a client about another job, but he insisted he showed me this building which needed repair. I thought we were going to take the underground but he wanted to walk; it must have been about 2-3 miles. I wonder if he was testing me out! Anyway, it wasn't the height, but they were very stiff and rubbing on one of my toes. To Tera: I don't think of my shoes as "women's" shoes. They're just great styles that I want to wear. I don't think your liking will ever go away, and I'm sure you'll come to terms with it completely :smile:


tera - I understand your mental frustration, I often work it over in my mind. But it's like the Fox said, you've just gotta work to get comfortable with the idea. It probably won't go away, but there's nothing wrong with that. To answer the question, why did I wear these shoes? My wearing is very situational, so I've never looked back and said I shouldn't have (I consider the slight perverted guilt a different issue and not pertinent to this question.) VIVA LA DIFFERANCE!


The evening I first went out seriously in my 4" vanes - ouch! And the next day... and the next...

I will learn to be more sensible about this :smile:

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"


I had just bought a new pair of boots from Next, about 3" with a square toe. Quite discreet worn with longer leg bootcut jeans and so decided to wear them to the pub with my mates from the quiz team. Plans got changed and we finished up at a pub on the other side of town about 3-4 miles from home. I got a lift most of the way there to my mates house and we walked the rest of the way. I didn't consider the journey home,but the newness of the boots was soon broght home to me :smile:

Do your own thing. Don't be a victim of conformity.



Sorry, Anonymous, I have not been as "lucky". Calgary is filled with access grates to underground power vaults and water systems, all laid out across the entire side walk. I have become quite skilled at keeping my bootheels out of the spaces in those grates. Okay, granted, they do have foot prints on them for stepping, but in the winter, they are more of a hazard as these little plates do not react well with snow. Consider it excellent training for just that situation.


I feels that its hard to walk over an iron grills that are laid across the drains especially when i'm wearing a 4 1/2 inch stiletto heels. If I were to walk on tip-toe, my arch doesn't allow me because that's my maximum heigth in 4 1/2 inch heel. Once in the while, I will let my heels drop into the iron grills eventhough it may damage my heels.:smile:


On 2002-03-20 04:37, terayon wrote:

calv..do your friends know that the boots are high heel, or did they think that they were normal?

Hi Terayon

I have received no comments from my pub friends about my boots at all. I have not pushed the envelope too far, and keep the styles discreet. I am surprised really that I have not received any comments.

I even wore a pair of wedge ankle boots at New Year and returned to my brothers house where I took the boots off and left them at the foot of the staircase along with several other pairs belonging to other people.

Do your own thing. Don't be a victim of conformity.



On 2002-03-15 15:35, Calv wrote:

...longer leg bootcut jeans ...

Where did you get the jeans from? I've got a pair of longer leg jeans, but they're not bootcut, so they don't look quite like I want.

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"


On 2002-03-20 20:25, Yamyam wrote:

Where did you get the jeans from? I've got a pair of longer leg jeans, but they're not bootcut, so they don't look quite like I want.

Hi YamYam.

I've got 3 pairs of boot cut jeans now. A pair from Next, who are very good for longer length legs. These have a button fly on the "mens" side. Excellent black jeans, I'm wearing them now.

I also have a couple of pairs of Wrangler Tina bootcut jeans. These came from Matalan and also see plenty of wear. One pair is a size 12, the other a size 14. They are cut quite slim and I am very pleased with the fit. I tried them on in the changing rooms in store with no problems.

Course you could always go for the baggies with the knee height crotch. :smile:

Do your own thing. Don't be a victim of conformity.



On 2002-03-22 12:25, Calv wrote:

I've got 3 pairs of boot cut jeans now. A pair from Next, who are very good for longer length legs. These have a button fly on the "mens" side. Excellent black jeans, I'm wearing them now.

I also have a couple of pairs of Wrangler Tina bootcut jeans. These came from Matalan and also see plenty of wear. One pair is a size 12, the other a size 14. They are cut quite slim and I am very pleased with the fit. I tried them on in the changing rooms in store with no problems.

Course you could always go for the baggies with the knee height crotch. :smile:

Well, that's me off to the shops then. I've got a Matalan card, and there's a Next in my local mall, so I think I'll have a look around. Thanks.

And knee-length crotches just aren't me B)

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"


And just to get us back on-topic... (Ahem) "The last time I thought 'Why did I wear these shoes' was when I kicked off my dull boring flat no-heel mundane plain black shoes last night after getting home!" Roll on the next chance to pop my heels on. I'm on holiday with my little boy next week, so no more heels for a week or so.

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"

  • 4 weeks later...

My girlfriend wore her heels and a short summer dress to a car show with me. She ask me if she woould be O.K and I said that the indoor areana is all carpeted and she would be just fine. She went on with out me and got off the carpet to look a show car. When she step on tile floor she step right into where the four tiles meet and her thin heel got stuck between the four conners. She could not get her heel out and she was really inbaressed. Pepole where laughing at her and pointing at her. Pepole at the show would say excuse me and she could not move and pepole would have to walk around her, Some girls would say that wath she gets for whereing high heels to a car show. When I got to her her eyes wher terring and she told me. I cant move, my heel is stuck and I cant get it out. I ask how long have you been here she said about 10 minutes or more. When I looked down I could see her tring to pull up and the back of her ankel would come out of her shoe and only pull with the tips of her toes. I guess se did not want to bend over in her short dress to pull her shoe out. She tried to look like nothing was rong but lots of pepole where watching. I bent down and grabed the tip of her heels and it was really stuck and I had to pull really hard at least 3 times to get it out. I was even starting to feel imbarresed. The plastick tap stayed in their but I got her heel free and we went on to see the rest of the show. I told her do not get off the carpet again, and she said. I new I should of whore my flats but I like my heels. Alex


Wearing heels requires extra attention for the walking. Foot placement is important. It is all about being conscious oif one's surroundings and changing walking style to accomodate it. So if there are tiles where people can be stuck, one has to be active in placing the heel in the centre of each tile. It isn't easy to match the stride to the surrounding, but it is one of those requirements for anyone who is going to wear a thin or stiletto heeled shoe.


I couldn't agree more, My entrance hall has large 40x40cm black tyles with large maconned gaps which are in bad shape. When I wear stilettos I have to be very carefull of where I place my feet, falure to do so inevitably produces damage to the leather part on the heels. I'm going to change those stones later this year but having faced that condition since a few years helped me thinking and training for real world stiletto problems.

Be youself, enjoy any footwear you like and don't care about what others think about it, it's your life, not theirs. Greetings from Laurence

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