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I've always loved women in HH boots (so the trend in the last few years has been welcome), and I myself had always wondered what it would be like to wear some, just around the house and such. So this past year I bought a pair of Nine West from Amazon, and they had a link to a discussion on their website about men wearing HHs. Intrigued, I followed it, read it all and one of the postings mentioned hhplace.org. Wow, it was like finding lots of people who share the same interest for the first time. Thanks!

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Hi ! and welcome from an other woman boots lover . It always starts at home , around the house at night , in the car , and one day you can not stop you from leaving your car with your boots on , for a little walk in a discreet zone ( outside but not yet in public ). Then you stop buying them from internet , you go shopping for them , first saying it is as a gift for your GF , and again one day you dare trying them on in the shop with the courage of asking advice to the nice girl selling them , at this stage you enter in a wonderfull world when wearing them in public . Enjoy your boots !

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