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Hi Everyone, Just wanted to say a big hi to everyone here, so here goes a quick intro. I am a male I am as straight as they come I adore heels I love the fun of walking in them, I usually think of it this way... If men and women share similarities, i.e. we like similar things, some men happen to find high heels just as great as women do. Now, I have read statements online which said that the only reasons men wear high heeled shoes is for fetish reasons or transgender issues. I am sorry, but this is bull, I love wearing high heels for the same reason a woman loves wearing high heels, the only difference is my gender. If I were a woman, people would think nothing of me wearing a modest 3" stiletto, but because I have a dingle dangle then I must wear shoes that have a heel of 1.5" no matter what?????????? Sorry to rant on my hello post, but society sometimes gets me wound up.

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davidicus Excellent intro and what a statement to begin with, welcome. The former factors yes do exist but are note the rules of the game. oh and what are the rules? Just be yourself, tolerate and educate those that think otherwise. Al

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