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Matching outfit to go with ankle boots

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I've got plans this upcoming weekend for another hot date, haha, I hope :wave:. I've decided to wear my 5" Pleaser ankle boots, but choices are tough to reach. I have a 6" pair too, but that might scare off the guy, lol. Too dominating..... I'm debating on wearing either a skirt, capris, or jeans. Tights, I don't know about that. What are some good choices? I'm having a brain freeze moment.

Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards and in high heels. -- Faith Whittlesey


I like the sound of that Karen – starting with the boots and then building the rest of the outfit around them. Depending on the weather I’d go for either skirt or jeans if I was you. I’ve never been keen on Capri pants. And tights? Who needs them! I think of you as the post-hosiery woman anyway.

Hope it goes well, whatever you wear,



Ankle boots and capris sound as if they'd have the optical illusion of shortening your legs. If you want to show the boots and some leg off, I'd suggest a shorter skirt, but cover up the ladies so as not to look tarty. With jeans, you'd be able to show a little more cleavage as your legs are covered up. That's my penny's worth anyhow :) Hope it all goes well :wave:


Personally, I steer clear of most ankle boots and the ones I have only go under trousers. I prefer the shoe-boot style that's cut quite a bit lower. I'm 5'1 with petite proportions, including the legs unfortunately, so I need all the optical illusion help I can get and ankle boots just make my legs look even shorter :wave:


Looks like majority rules on jeans for the most part. I've got a lot of PM's too in regards to the same thing a lot of you guys are saying. It's always nice to get opinions from a lot of different people. It appears that jeans are trendy, yet casual, but can be sexy at the same time depending on the type of jeans and top combo. plus, it seems very neutral. It's not like I'm going to be drooling over this guy the first time or have him hit on me so hard that I'm going to try to find a quick exit. Perhaps the longer heel of the ankle boots will allow the legs to look longer too? Skinny jeans and 5" heels. The reason why I chose the ankle boots is because of my last date when my heels slipped off and the weirdo guy took a big whiff of it. Now, there's no way it's coming off!!!! Boots are too hot for me at this time.

Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards and in high heels. -- Faith Whittlesey


It looks like I arrived late to this discussion. I have to second what Cinnamon said regarding ankle boots. Several fashion magazines I have read have also said that pumps make a leg look longer. Knee high boots add confidence and boldness to an outfit. Ankle boots do neither thus they are best for wearing under pants, be it jeans or dress pants. Karen, are you going out with the same guy as last time? Have you considered gladiator sandals if ankle boots are too hot for you?


Ankle boots are fine and I did wear them in jeans and a halter top. I should have worn my pumps and my little black dress though because we went clubbing yesterday night and danced the night away. I held up really good though and the ankle boots felt really comfortable. I had a nice time. I was a little buzzed, but switched to tonic water towards to the end of the day. I even danced with a couple of girls, lol. Had a really nice time with them. Went home a little early because I was a little out of it and felt tired. He dropped me off and went inside pooped. I slept on the couch with my clothes still on, lol. I went out with a different guy. First date went well and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary about him. Seems like a nice guy. Will wait and see how our relationship turns out, if there is one. Time will tell.

Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards and in high heels. -- Faith Whittlesey


How long did you go clubbing for? I'm glad the jeans didn't get too hot for clubbing :wave: Some clubs here in Germany have the air conditioning turned up so high, you have to bring extra clothes to prevent getting frost bite while other clubs have near zero air conditioning so you can practically go dance in a bikini hahaha

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