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HELP! Tips on coming out to friends


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Hey, i cant stand wearing only 3-4 in heels around peers and friends, my best friend Cliff knows about it and every once in a while he wears heels too! But i'd really like to come out of the closet totally. Any paticular way of saying/telling my heel fetish to people?

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If you are already wearing heels around your peers and friends, sometimes accompanied by a friend doing likewise, it sounds as if you're already 90% of the way there! Why not simply extend these wearings into the other areas in which you move, and let the heels tell the story for you? Cheers, Heelsfan

Onwards and upwards!

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I agree. If you're wearing your heels around friends and they're cool with it, then what the heck. I don't think I'd bother making a huge announcement about it. You might find that the topic comes up in conversation quite naturally, and then you can take it from there. Or, someone might ask you a question, you can answer, and then you can discuss it until the topic is done. All of my Uni mates down south know, and there's never really been an issue. I told two of them straight off, they were cool with it, and then it's gone from there to the point where they haven't seen me in flat shoes for a couple of years, and it's almost never an issue. All that ever happens is that someone might ask if I can drive in them, or something like that. Oh, when my car broke down and we needed a friend's car, he said that his car was a couple of miles away and I might want to walk it in trainers instead of heels. That's almost the last time my heels were mentioned! I don't think a big thing is necessarily required here, just carry on and it will almost certainly work out.

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"

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Well why don't you wear an alternative style of pants once in a while which shows off your boots? Also, I've never ever said anything like "Oh yeah I wear heels, is there a problem with it" or "I wear heels but if you're not comfortable then I wont do it" or "I've got somethining to tell you..." That is a psychological way of telling them you are guilty or not happy with it yourself, whereupon they are more likely to make fun or get at you the way sometimes guys do. I just wear them, don't mention it, and let them bring it up if they want. If anyone does bring it up, I just laugh it off in a matter of fact kind of way and tell them it's something I've done for a long time, it's a gothic thing, or I like the style or I like being taller or something equally truthful. I never act guilty or make untrue exuses. That way it never becomes an issue. It's the same in shoe shops. If you sit down among the women, put them on, and try them out like any other girl nobody gives a damn. It's just an honest guy who wears alternative styles. If you take them in a corner or over to the mens section, or furtively look around not daring to touch, then people will think you are some kind of pervert. It may be easier said than done , but the best way to attract attention or ridicule is to act abnormally or try to discuss them in a context where people don't give a toss about footwear.

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