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Men sex it up with high heels


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Just spent the last month circulating within the high fashion community from New York to London to Milan to Paris. Again, I saw numerous men in stilettos in Paris and New York. The guys wearing the cuban/block heels were so unnoticeable that in my mind, their shoes don't even deserve a mention. In all cases, the heels were a piece of an overall cohesive look. Some did the masculine 70's biker leather jackets with 3" cuban/block heels and aviator glasses. Other's did a feminine 70's high waisted, flare cut pants -- flare cut pants by the way are making a comeback now, so embrace that opportunity now guys to wear your heels with stealth. Last night I embraced the 80's a bit with a women's Zara sequined blazer and 4.5" cone heels. My female companion for the night never noticed until I pointed them out. It doesn't take long to discover that those most successful within the creative arts community are those who are most true to their individual self expression. From music, to art, to fashion, those people who hold a single unique vision of what they represent are those who rise to the top. Ultimately, it's a lesson that can be applied to everything in life, but more poignantly, to the deeper meaning of this forum. For as they days pass and turn into weeks, and the weeks turn into years, and the years into decades, people here should really be learning to live with the courage to be themself.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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lets hope so dr. shoe designers have been pushing for a non gender fashion for a few years now, it looks like it might just be starting to take off in the big fashion capitals of the world and from there it should start to filter down to everybody else in the world. here's hoping.

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It seems from what has been said in this thread that men in heels is an under reported, unemphasized, and steadily advancing fashion happening. In other words, those who deal in fashion see men in heels all the time, but the general public hasn't as yet had the same familiarity. Most people think it is just a small number of guys in some sporatic appearances of alternative fashion layouts and a few other guys participate on envelope pushing runways that are the only ones that would attempt to wear high heels. Actually, the before mentioned photographed sightings of men in heels are just a tip of the number of men who are actively incorporating high heels into their daily attire. I hope the high heel industry is gearing up for the demand that is coming to their doors.

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