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New to Heels

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Hi all, I am a very straight male, and not in the least, interested in fully crossdressing, but have always wondered what it would be like to wear heels, but was just never confident enough to go through with it, then 3 months ago, me and my Fiance was talking about it, so she secretly ordered me a pair of 6 inch white platforms, and OMG i could not have imagined just how sexy and comfortable they really were till i wore them. Now i have over 30 diff pairs ranging from Pumps to Boots, and even more platforms including my sky 302's from Pleaser with a 7 inch heel and almost 3 inch platform, which i absolutely love those, and since i mostly wear them all around the house, i sometimes late at night walk around outside in them, as it would really be weird if somebody outside saw me as i would never be able to pull it off without being noticed, since i am 6 foot 9 inches tall without them LOL and with them i am 7 foot 3 so yeah i would get some awkward stares if not vicious comments. Maybe someday society will change, i hope so as i would definately love to be out in public in them, more men should really try them i was quite skeptical at first, but now if i didnt have to i would never again buy mens shoes. Mens shoes are big bulky, and quite frankly ugly and boring LOL, Anyways just thought i would share with the community, and say hi to everybody, and to thank the people who started this forum. Thanks and Hi All.
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and I thought I had problems at 6'4 :blinkbigeyes: Welcome Cobrajet62 - sounds like you have landed a partner we all dream of - you lucky Chap! Enjoy your time here and we look forward to hearing more from you

Gingers Rogers did everything Fred Astair did .. but backwards and in heels

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Thanks for the welcomes, yeah she is a dream come true, not too many around like her, i got really lucky, i just love to wear heels, but if somebody sees you or hears that you do, your automatically a fag, or a freak of nature, i just dont get it, i mean just because i wear heels doesnt mean i want to sleep with other men, i guess its just part of societies stereotyping, its a shame too, because if some of those guys would just try it, they would be hooked as i am, or as everyone else who likes to wear them.
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