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I'm Back


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Well hello again folks. It's been some time! I've just got back from my globe trotting year of soul searching and culture learning and I can say its been emotional! Now I'm back in sunny (hmmmm) Portsmouth, UK. After a year of not really wearing my heels I'm starting of slowly again, not going for anything of more than 4" in my collection and I'm not going for stilettoes just yet! Now I'm back I should be contributing to discussions more and hopefully getting involved in some RLM's Pleased to be back and it's nice to see that thigh boots are in this season, let work on getting them in fashion for men too! Paul

Why do we have to conform with fashion??? Boots are the way forward

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It's good to be back. Took a trip up to london today and wore my 3 in Next tan cowboy boots, nothing too much as i did a fair amount of walking around! Glad to see the weather hasn't changed while I've been gone!

Why do we have to conform with fashion??? Boots are the way forward

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