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Insolia shoe inserts


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I wonder if anybody has heard of this or tried it before. I did a Google search and ran across this by chance. This engineer guy developed this special shape for the arch of high heel shoes and also has an insert. They apparently tested them in 3" and 4" heel shoes and it had positive results, according to them. No idea if it would work in something with a higher heel, and it seems their sizes only go up to US Women's 12. Anyway, if you want to check it out, here's the link.


You could also do a search for Insolia and see what other info you come up with.


If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.

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  • 1 year later...

My wife loves to wear her heels....has a couple ton of them...but she is in pain after a few hours. These inserts are supposed to relieve the pressure from the toe which is normally 75% of the weight, and shift 25% of that weight back onto the heel. Thus making the heels more comfortable. Of course being a spike heel crush fan, more weight applied to the heels is right up my street! So I'd appreciate any feedback on these inserts if you've tried them.

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  • 1 year later...

I bought some shoes from M&S which have the inserts built into them -- they're actually quite comfortable. They feel a bit different compared to other shoes; I suspect it's the arch contact. But they're definitely worth a go.

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