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Heeling around the resort


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We partook in a couple of evening strolls, two sets of heels around the complex, Chris complained hers were not too comfortable on the first tour so returned across the site, couple of lads looked over a balcony at our approach but no real interest, we had paused earlier at a bench and another couple passed behind us, my heels were quite visible and could have been seen. Chris was very impressed on what we did. Second night we were back late so no serious distance but I was given a mission get a book to read from the reception, as I was in heels, yep a challenge, only 200 yards each way, desk clerk and 2 families on opposite side of the "library" and 2 persons on the computers beside the books. No one even looked up! Chris's comments was I should speed up (she was on the balcony watching and listening) my steps were "too deliberate". Final evening we were going to walk the promenade but we both ate too much and with a light shower we opted out, changed and just heeled it back to the apartment, adjusting the pace to an acceptable and approved speed. An interesting few days of fun, schooling and a perfect time for both of us away from the kids

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Alsheels:-) It is good to get away from the kids for a while and to be able to heel with your hubby. I'm sure that Chris enjoyed that and could relax heeling without worrying about the little ones. Mickey and I don't have any kids, just a dog, (lying on the couch with his master as he posts this). When we are away, Mickey worrys about the dog from the first minute and wants to call the place where he is staying. I say, "Let him be, he is on vacation too". Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Did some (stiletto) heeling at night at a resort on the Spainish mainland about a month ago while on holiday.

On two longish nights out, think I got 'spotted' possibly 3 times. Every time by women/girls.

First couple of times while we walked around bars at the busy end of the resort, amongst (sometimes) larger groups of people. Noise is good.

The last time was during again, a fairly long walk along pathway immediately adjacent to the beaches. We passed many people walking. Groups of men, women, youths playing midnight football. [i guess after work.] No one showed any interest, except one elderly woman with her dog.

She rather indiscreetly looked at my feet almost the whole time we walked toward each other. After we passed, every time I looked around (3 times) she was watching my feet. :):winkiss::nervous:

Coincidently, had the same thing happen to me at Bletchley Tesco just yesterday. I walked along the mezzanine toward the downward moving stairway, and a black woman employee practically broke her neck watching me as she also pushed a cage full of clothes along the sales walkway.... Obviously had something of a sheltered life? :sad:


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Did some (stiletto) heeling at night at a resort on the Spainish mainland about a month ago while on holiday.

On two longish nights out, think I got 'spotted' possibly 3 times. Every time by women/girls.

First couple of times while we walked around bars at the busy end of the resort, amongst (sometimes) larger groups of people. Noise is good.

The last time was during again, a fairly long walk along pathway immediately adjacent to the beaches. We passed many people walking. Groups of men, women, youths playing midnight football. [i guess after work.] No one showed any interest, except one elderly woman with her dog.

She rather indiscreetly looked at my feet almost the whole time we walked toward each other. After we passed, every time I looked around (3 times) she was watching my feet. :):winkiss::nervous:

Coincidently, had the same thing happen to me at Bletchley Tesco just yesterday. I walked along the mezzanine toward the downward moving stairway, and a black woman employee practically broke her neck watching me as she also pushed a cage full of clothes along the sales walkway.... Obviously had something of a sheltered life? :sad:


They must really be envious of your high heels. Nice outing for you. Congratulations.

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They must really be envious of your high heels. Nice outing for you. Congratulations.


Roni, I'd so like to think that was true, but I suspect it was pure disbelief. :sad:

With either, I wasn't at all bothered. I thought both were rude for staring, but I've done the same with girls wearing high heels, so should know better than criticise. :nervous:


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