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Posts posted by aussieheels1

  1. the answer i gave my mum when she found my pair of heels in my room when i was 15 (along with some g-strings, skirt and tights)... "My girlfriend left it here".... and then it changes the whole situation of her worrying about me crossdressing to worrying me having unprotected sex...... worked a treat..... for a little while anyway.... ;)

  2. after reading a few threads about wearing heels to work, it reminded me of something that happened to me and would like to share (and didn't want to steal someone else's thread)... i would love to wear heels at work, or just wear heels in general... but haven't really had the guts to do so due to the normal reasons/excuses.... (society, wife's not supportive etc).... but november last year, in the company i was contracting for, there was an presentation to the rest of the company by one of the departments about the newly adopted brand values of the company (marketing BS, but that's a different story)... the IT team decided to use fairy tales to demostrate their view point.... the guy who was suppose to play goldie locks called in sick that day, and they were desperate for another guy to step in.... they called around and a few guys turned it down and I initially turned it down too (a bit shy i was) but then thought what the hell... sounds like fun and give me an excuse to wear a dress and a wig for an hour or so.... i then asked whether they want me in heels as well, and they said that would be cool if i didn't mind... so i jokinly said, i'm already wearing a dress might as well go the full way... they found a sinze 10, 3-4inch high maryjany type heels from one of the marketing girls that didn't mind me wearing it and away we go.... it was so liberating and fun experience... the scream and cheers of me making the entrance was deafening..... i was just acting stupid, following the script of the play and really exagerrate what they told me to do (basically as camp as possible).... and everyone had a great laugh (but i think i had the most fun).... i even got to stay in character after the performance for drinks and all the girls were flocking to me impressed with my ability in heels... and i manage to joke around with the guys and even the CEO telling him I'll meet up with him later.... all a bit of fun and overdoing it so that they don't think i was really enjoying it (i keep saying "i wish i could dressed like this every day, especially the heels" - but unfortunately no one took me seriously ;) ) it was the only time in my life that i could really wear what i wanted to wear (even thought the shoes weren't mine and not my choice)... without fear of criticism.... i have never wore heels at work again (except when i sometimes work on the weekend).... i hoped i haven't bored anyone.... but that's as close to being able to be accepted by people at work about my love for heels....

  3. i have to say... apart from my first pair of heels (which was a 6 inch platform stripper stilettos).... all my heels since then have been "normal" styles where you would see women wearing in their everyday life.... can't explain a reason for it, probably that more store would stock standard styles than the extreme styles and I'm too lazy to go to specific stores (and pay over the top prices) to get the extreme styles.... and i've never brought shoes off the net.... i do remember in my early stages, I did wish for more extreme shoes but now looking at my collection 30 -40 pairs of heels... i'm happy that i only have 1 pair of stripper heels .... (that's not to say i'm not going to add to this now ;) )

  4. i have to say i have never tried them on in a shop but would think that the experience would be very liberating.... i have ventured into shopping centres and shops in (relatively discreet) heels before and have enjoyed the experience, but I think trying on the shoes may be drawing more attention than i'm ready for at this stage... as everyone have stated, i know that the sales people will be helpful (afterall, the customer is always right).... and people in general may probably notice but won't comment (due to human nature).... so there's no real issue with trying them on except for my comfort level of doing so... i may do it one day but defninite not at the moment....

  5. johnie... i agree with you mate..... it is most definitely true..... the more people wear it out, the more socially acceptable it is.... but it's just like anything... it's always hard to be the first at anything..... again, i would love to be comfortable wearing heels out in public during the day... (in fact i've done it a few times and i think it will happen more and more - i hope so anyway)... i know it's only shoes but i take my shoes seriously :-)

  6. i think it's a hard call..... i tend to agree with thighbootguy... i think society haven't moved on that much, but it is more that I (you/us/whoever) are getting more confident and comfortable with the situation..... i think if you ask someone who is just starting out discovering their interest in heels, they would think society is totally intolerable as compared to some of us who have years and years to contemplate and be comfortable of it all.... me personally is still not fully comfortable with how the society view me in heels... but my personally attitude have definitely changed from only wearing heels hiding in my room to the rare occasion of late night petrol run at in tight jeans and 5 inch heels..... i wish it is completely socially acceptable and i can be in heels whenever i want but unfortunately i'm not personally comfortable with this yet (with friends, family and professional views thrown in).... it's been a while since I've been on the forums but it's great to be back ;)

  7. i think i agree with Pam..... you don't have to like something but it's the option/choice of being able to do/wear it without prejudice being the important thing.... i suppose the best comparison is that all of us share the love of wearing heels, i think we all would like the day when we have the option to wear whatever footwear we please without prejudice and fear (apologies to all those who are past this stage and wear heels openly in public, but i think most of us are still not this advance in out street heeling development)

  8. thank you for all your advice but unfortunately i've chickened out so far to raise the issue again..... it's getting almost back to normal (as we knew it before I told her) and i'm worry that the window to open up discussion is narrowing.... i'll definitely have another chat about it this weekend i think her feeling on the matter at the moment is that as long as i don't turn into a full time 24/7 heels wearer/cross dresser she would be fine..... i've got a feeling that she prefer me to enjoy my hobby my myself rather than sharing the enjoyment with me (i guess it would be hard to enjoy if it is something she isn't comfortable with)... which is a shame cause i really wanted to share all my experiences with her....

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