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Posts posted by RPMindy

  1. Santa has really been good to me this year. That is why I'm a strong believer that Ellen-Jay is the perfect model for these most exsquisit of fine shoes. I'm so caught up, I can't even type right. The stock of the Empress Shoe Company has also been good to my investment portfolio. This year has truely been a great year for me!!!!!!! I don't think it's permissible for me to say....... but..... being the rebel I am.......... Ellen-Jay, the black hoserie brings out the craftmanship of the shoes the best. I am truely a happy guy this Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will not be naughty and greety by asking for anymore that what I've seen. I'm truely happy. Therefore, no need for straigh head on views of those perfect shoes. After all, I do want Santa to be good to me next year too :) Merry Christmas to you all. And thank you my dear Empress Ellen-Jay! RPM

  2. Ellen-Jay, The last set of pictures you've posted are absolutely fabulous. I love the red pair of heels you posted. I'm hoping to find a pair like that for my girlfriend. Although I'm not really a platform person, you do work the white sandals well. I too agree with you, they look much more fitting without the straps. plus, they would have gotten in the way of your dangly shot. i like that one too. you have a very nice collection!!!! I know that i'd be happy to view your colleciton and keep track of it's progress. but you have that position already covered;) keep posting away fabulous and fantastic pictures. RPM

  3. Hey,

    Your pals are giving you sound advice. (liek Ellen-Jay's advice and jeffM, to name a few) Your diet can play a critical role in how you feel. Excersize also plays a critical role also in processing your nutrition and your self-image. I won't launch into a thesis today, the ground work has already been covered. The advice you've gotten sounds very on point to me.

    lastly, i was once given some great advice when I was very blue. I'll pass it along to you.

    people write their experience in words. your world responds to the words you use. no one knows you're feeling blue until you mention it. so, start writing a brighter picture for yourself and you'll get encouraged by the brighter feedback from everyone else.

    To me, that meant stop talking down about myrself when i met folks. when i stopped, folks got to be more talkative to me and i felt better. (plus i formed more meanigful relationships and contacts... but that's just me) I know this isn't exactly what you're going through, but hold on, there is a silver lining for you and it's closer than you think. Your fellow forum members have given you a gold mine of support. Keep your spirits up.


    p.s. if you find there is nothing going wrong biochemically within yourself, then a healthy great diet and a nice workout will do a good part. getting out there and focusing on what you like to learn out there without pre-judging yourself negatively will do the rest. but, that is all i can say for now.

  4. i'm not the expert here. but for me, i've made a point of asking most of the time when i take street shots. it's embarassing, but i figured if they say yes then i won't have to worry about getting sued or anything. i tend to just take the shoes and edit out what will identify the location of the shot. i don't want legal troubles and i don't want my concious botherin me. so yes, i've had my share of dirty looks, but also i've gotten compliments for my shooting perspective and landed a shooting gig once that way. RPM

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