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Posts posted by manus

  1. My wife accepts the fact that I like to wear heels, so I would not have any problems with her. But in order to make up my mind I need to know the "consequences"... To choose I need information: the consequences. What is going to happen if I choose to wear heels in front of my baby... what kind of social consequences? any consequences on my baby (emocional, social, family...)? I try to think about consequences... can you help me? Thank you very much for your advices .

  2. You are probably right. I think the best thing to do is wear the heels as normal shoes... I think I will have to show, one day, to my family that I like to wear heels. I must admit that I'm really scared to talk about this to my family... I think I must act like an adult... but I'm still afraid :D I don't want my little girl to be disturbed by the way people look at her father on the street. How do you act when you are street heeling with your daugters and someone "looks at" your boots? And what about negative feedback from people?

  3. Hello, I'm married and I'm very happy (proud, satisfied...) to have a little girl (only 3 months). I use to wear hiheel boots at home and sometimes on the street... My little girl is still very young, but I don't really know what to do... Can I keep wearing my heels, or is it better to stop and only wear them in absolute privacy? Do you have children? What do you do? Can you help me? Thank you

  4. (Sorry for delay) I have bought the same boots but in larger size... Now they are confortable and easy to wear... I have been wearing those boots during a whole day in my own city whitout any pain... I must admit that the shiny vinyl look makes people stare at your boots.... but whitout comments... By

  5. I like the look, the feeling... and I think I like to "choque" (shock?)people... You know sometimes I like to feel diferent. I hate being like everybody!!! I like heels and like to wear them, and if people don't like to see me in my boots... I won't let people change this passion... Thank you for wearing and showing your heels on the street (please don't hide them). To change other people mind we need to show them that wearing heels for a man can be a natural thing...

  6. I think man leather trousers are more confortable... (you have more place for your.... :D ) I use to buy lots of diferent thinks in Andorra... (alcohol, electronic devices, cheese, clothes and shoes...). But I'm still looking for a shop that will have woman shoes in large sizes... (do you speak catalan? Jaral2?) :)

  7. No, they are not from exotic high heels. I have bought them on ebay. I agree with you they are very confortable. I always wear traditional jeans and never had any problem with those boots... I don't like to wear extrem heels on the street, they are not enough confortable if you want to walk for a while.... In fact, I don't like extrem heels... I think boots and shoes are made for walking... Thank you for your replies (and sorry for mistakes...)

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