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Everything posted by Prutske255

  1. Prutske255


    Hello ; A month ago , i received a pair of FSJ wedges . They arrived more than a month later than 2 other pairs of booties i bought . After trying them on , they have a snug fit , but O.K. . I wore my wedges for about 1.5 hour inside the house , when i heart a strange noise ! Not flipping over my feet , but a "crack" . Before i had the possibility to check what was going on , on the other shoe the same noise . When i checked the shoes , the stitching of both shoes was ripped off !! I contacted FSJ , but no reaction . After 2 weeks , i contacted them again , and received a mail that they can do nothing about it . The shoes left the factory in good condition and that's all !!! I'm very disapointed about that company ! Prutske255
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