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Posts posted by kromozome

  1. Yesterday night i had a dinner for the work in Paris. it ended at 2 oclock. I had my white helk shoes on my car so i decide to put them for driving to come back home (1 hour of driving). in Paris, i parc my car near the champs elysées and i walk out for 10 minutes. it was raining, and it was funny to feel the rainy drop on my feet. it was late but there were people on the street and my walk was noisy because of my heel. So i decide to go on an industrial area on the way to come back home where there was no people. I walked during 20 minutes. It was wonderfull. i was very happy to walk on the street with my heel but a little bit disapointed for my fear of people. Next time i will try to be more brave ant to walk along the champs elysées. but i don't think this occasion will come soon. Thanks for reading

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