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Paul (North-East)

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Posts posted by Paul (North-East)

  1. Hi Lucy, I've been really looking forward to this report and so far it's been well worth the wait. As usual you have given your post an extremely sensuous slant. I can visualise you in those gorgeous mules as I write. I can fully appreciate why the stockings had to go, but I'm sure they added to the sexiness of the occasion. It would have been a great moment to share with a heel loving guy. I look forward to the next part with much anticipation. Love, Paul.

  2. Hi Kay,

    Another gorgeous photo of your lovely self, many thanks.

    To answer your question, I have 3 favourites when it comes to high heels. The common factor is a 5" stiletto heel and they must be low cut. Other than that, I equally love mules like the ones in your photos above, a classic court shoe and slingbacks.

    I can't find an exact match for the style of shoe your after but found these similar pairs.

    1st pair is from Bananashoes, http://www.bananashoes.com/

    My wife has a pair and they really are very sexy!

    or you could try

    http://www.leatherworks.org.uk/ for these:-

    I know there not an exact match, but all very nice nevertheless.

    Hope this helps.

    Love, Paul.

  3. I'm sorry you feel the need to leave Vicki. Guys outnumber the girls by about twenty to one I would guess, so your contributions are very important to us. I hope you have a change of heart and decide to stay, if not good luck in all you do and take care. Love, Paul.

  4. Well, here's one member (me) who thinks they're a knockout:

    Make that at least 3 members Heelfan. In my opinion, mules with low cut straps are one of the sexiest styles of shoes.

    There not the same with those high band straps. You can't beat that slap slap sound and that element of danger that they might be lost at any moment!

    Cheers, Paul.

  5. Hi again everyone, Thanks to everyone who responded to my last story. I did not realise it was so long since I had contributed anything. On going to remind myself on who to thank for their replies, I hadn’t realised it had fallen off the bottom of the board! During the seventies and eighties I attended a number of outdoor Rock festivals. Now as anyone who has ever been to one of these events will tell you, it is traditional for it to rain, often torrential! As you can imagine when 50,0000 + people are all walking around in a wet field, before long, it is soon turning to mud. Most people, expecting this are suitably shod in boots of some description. There is however, a minority, perhaps it is their first experience of an outdoor gig, who come dressed as if they are going out for a night on the town. One girl in particular springs to mind. Our little group, having been for something to eat from one of the over priced food stalls, were milling around on the fringes. I then noticed two very attractive girls walking through the mud towards us. One however, really caught my attention. She was wearing a knee length black skirt with tassels around the hem, black fishnet tights and white socks with those lace tops. On her feet she was wearing a lovely pair of 4 ½ inch black patent stiletto court shoes. As you can imagine, this was not the best choice of footwear for a muddy field and she was really struggling in them. With every step she took, her heels would sink into the mud. As soon as she tried to take the next step, the shoe would be pulled off the heel of her foot as she tried to break free from the sticky mud. She then tried standing on the balls of her feet, so that the heel did not sink. This worked better, even though the back of the shoe would sometimes slip off. Occasionally, she would lose her balance and the heel would sink into the mud. She would then have to work it free again. Amazingly, she did not totally step out of her stilettos, but came close a few times. I must admit, I found the whole experience quite erotic and for a while, was more interested in her than the bands! Arriving home from work one summer evening, as it was such a lovely day I decided to sit on the front step of our terraced house with a nice cool lager. Enjoying the late afternoon sun, it was not long before I heard the familiar clatter of stiletto heels. Now, I believe I can tell what type of shoe is being worn by the sound they make. It seems to work with metal tipped stilettos anyway. For example, slingbacks have a sort of hollow clatter to them. Anyway, I could not yet see the wearer of these lovely sounding heels, due to the view being obscured by bay windows. As the road was so quiet, I had heard her from quite a long way off. She was walking very slowly and seemed to take forever to come into view. Hmm, stiletto court shoes I thought, and if I’m not mistaken, they sound a bit sloppy, due to the exaggerated scrapping sound that was accompanying the familiar click click. Eventually she appeared and was well worth the wait. A very attractive girl, with shoulder length, curly auburn hair. She wore a black mini-skirt and black tights covering a fantastic pair of legs. The crowning glory though, as I had guessed, was a lovely pair of 5”, black patent leather court shoes. I was also right about them being a bit sloppy. With each step, both shoes slipped off her feet revealing a nice shapely nylon clad foot. As she slowly walked past, I made eye contact with her and we smiled at each other. If I hadn’t been married, I would have proposed to her on the spot! She looked so sexy! She continued up the street, me following on my hands and knees. Just kidding, just kidding. I saw her quite often after this and found out that she lived in a house on the next street, when I saw her enter it one day. To my great pleasure, she nearly always wore heels, but nothing quite matched my first sighting of her. Cheers, Paul.

  6. I have to agree Anne Louise, the curve of the heel is rarely as graceful these days. Why can't manufacturers notice these things, it's so obvious. My wife has replaced many a pair of stilettos back on the shelf due to badly shaped heels. Love, Paul.

  7. Although, primarily a lover of higher heels, I do sometimes find the occasional pair of lower heels to be quite sexy, usually in a mule style. You still get all that lovely flopping up and down which I love so much. The closed toe mules posted by Steph are my favourites amongst her collection. Very cute! Cheers, Paul.

  8. Until I discovered the internet, and forums such as this one, I knew practically nothing of the language of shoes and what effect I might be having on onlookers. Sometimes I think it might be better to remain ignorant. I'm now so conscious of those little things which I knew I did, but didn't realise were significant - dangling a shoe and sometimes 'losing' it, 'leaning' one ankle against the other, slipping a foot in and out of its shoe as I stand at a supermarket shelf - and now I find myself doing it all the more if I think someone is watching. Now I have to add heel-wobbling to the list - I really should be better behaved at my age!

    Anne Louise

    Hi Anne Louise,

    I hope that you don't feel so self-concious that you stop all these lovely little games with your shoes. All these little things add so much to the sex apeal of a lovely lady in heels. What if someone does notice! Just carry on and enjoy yourself, I'm sure they will, and I deffinitely would! :roll:

    Love, Paul.

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