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Victorias OTHER Secret

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Posts posted by Victorias OTHER Secret

  1. Sometimes i wear prefume in public in male mode. I would like to know if people can smell it & can tell its prefume?

    just curious.

    I am becoming more and more impressed with Avon scents the more I try them and Peony Soft Musk is no exception.

    Peony Soft Musk comes in a sleek glass bottle with a plastic peach colored pop off lid and the normal spritz dispenser. The perfume itself also has a peach tint to it. It retails for $14.50 for 1.7 oz. Avon also offers other products like their perfumed skin softener and body powder in the same scent, which is nice because you can layer the scent for more lasting power. Often times Avon runs great sales. I have purchased the skin softener at $1.99 for normal 5 oz. sized jar. I have also purchased both the full size perfume and skin softener for a great sale price of $10.00 for both and they have also ran a sale of buy one perfume at regular price and get another for $1.99. All some really good deals.

    Peony Soft Musk is a really nice soft, light, sweet,musky scent. It is not heavily musky at all just delicate and slightly floral. This is my perfect every day summer scent. My 12 year old daughter loves this to and it is very appropriate for her to wear also, not romantic or sexy just very pretty, soft and feminine.

    My only complaint is that I feel since it is such a light fragrance that it doesn't have all day staying power. But like I said earlier Avon offers other products so you can build on it. I still usually wind up reapplying the perfume in the afternoon.

    All in all, I am very, very pleased with Peony Soft Musk, I am really a "mood" scent kind of girl and change my scent with my mood but for now Peony Soft Musk is my favorite every day summer scent.

  2. Ok, i am really confused! I asked the same question on another forum. I got the response below. Maybe its cause the guys on here are really into womens shoes, so anything with less than 1.5 heel is nothing to them. ***************** well.... okay, while some look kinda unisex... if you really pay attention to the design of the shoe they were all made for a woman. The first pair is obvious... 'high, high top' boots were meant to accentuate the length of the leg, thus making a womans leg more attractive and the lower version the toes are too sharp for a mans foot and meant to make a female foot look more 'dainty' The second pair, eh... the high boot could pass but kinda looks plain like a rubber boot. The other three pair are way feminine becauase of the fluff at the ankles or on the last pair the strap over 'buckle' and the whole shape of the foot on the last pair is way female. The third pair a way to compact to be a mans shoe, the design is clearly trying to visually reduce the space a foot is occupying (female like small feet) by adding the fluff at the ankles, it makes the length of the foot look shorter. Just my critique... but bottom line... if you like a shoe wear it. Other peoples opinion really don't mean a thing when it comes to self worth and a shoe is just mearly protection from the elements so a plastic bag would do as well.

  3. you do not feel that All those boots are feminine? They are narrow, the front is low, and in combination with the narrowness that makes them feminine. Furthermore, the features are rounded, such as the strap, the sewing, the collar. They don't have much heel in inches, but the sewing and shape of those collars manage to stress the heel and make it look higher.

  4. Can any of these in this pic


    or any of these;


    I know i would have to use a cuff to cover the stretch "V" on the low boot, thats a dead giveaway that they are ladies. The reason i ask is that I am thinking of getting some winter boots. I would prefer them to be womens, but i do not want anything outragerous. Just something alittle feminine & unisex enough looking that they can pass. I am a teacher & sometimes i have to go outside in the snow for various activities, supervision, etc....hence the need for them to pass.


  5. I love video games. I guess its the little kid inside of me. The inner child. I own a GC, xbox & i play computer games. Some of my favs are DOA 3 (xbox), Eternal Darkness (GC), Star Trek: Elite Force (computer) , Diablo 2 x-pak (computer), Neverwinter Nights (computer)....cannot wait go get Halo , i played it on xbox, but i do not like the control pad, I am a mouse & KB man when it comes to FPS!
  6. I agree with azraelle. I wear & prefer womens low rise flared jeans. I love them! They hold their shape alot longer than mens jeans (due to the spandex).

    I go to Addition-Elle or Smart Set. I even try on the jeans before i buy them (in all womens clothing stores) The salesgirls (for the most part) are really great. maybe its my confidence, i act like i should be there. I just walk right in & tell the 1st salesgirl what i want & in what size. And i like the real girly ones without any front or back pockets. I wear these all the time with my GF, male friends, etc.

  7. In the summer, i waxed my legs, wore a very feminine womans ankle chain with diamonds on it, painted my toe nails with Maybelline #10 prefectly clear wet shine nail polish, and wore womwns sandals. My family saw me in these & so did my male friends. I just said it was all my Gfs doing! My Gf was kool with all of that too! But she was jealous of my smooth legs. She even commented on them.....

    "hhhheeeyyyyyy!!!! Your legs are smoother tham mine!" :(

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