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Posts posted by Jinx

  1. Although it's well possible the person(s) who hacked the site used this same vulnerability, I'm pretty sure it wasn't the Santy worm. The symptoms were al different from the ones known from the worm.

    Anyway's, we are up and running again and that's what is important. :-)

    Yes you're right, it was not santy.

    Anyhow, Red Devils Crew did not get any credit for hacking hhplace.org (or virtual server it is running on) becouse site admins were fast enough to recover site(s) back up and running before hack was approved :o

    And like you said, best thing is that we are back in business again :)

  2. Bubba, my thoughts are on a same track as Dawn HH... I'll just tell them that what a heck, I just like to wear my new shoes :D And later I defenetly introduce them my other 'new' highheeled shoes 8) People on that online chat already know my 'thing' for women shoes and that my wife already has shoe collection around 100 pairs... and they also know that I do lots of kind a weard things (in their opinion) so it won't be such a big thing for them when I tell that I 'started' to like wearing heels on my own :)

  3. Thanks to all for your kind words :D Jim, yes I got some nice feedback from our friends. Actually there is a story behind why I got courage to wear the boots at first place. Lady from that couple is not really "lady like" and she does not wear highheels at all, nor anything very femine stuff. But his buddy likes women to wear highheels a lot. He always asks her lady to try out my wife shoes while they are at our place. And from there we got idea to buy highheels for the lady as buddys birthday present *grin* At his birthday party we got some drinks (there was only four of us), and later we all ended up trying her new shoes. She barely was able to walk with those shoes, but when it was my turn... I walked like nothing and ofcourse they noticed it. Then she got evil grin on her face and challenged me; "If I wear my new highheels at bar some night, you'll join me and wear some nice highheels too!" And what I could say to that... Ofcoz' I'm in. 8) That night ended, and I though that she will forgot her challenge for me next morning... but she did not :) next day at online chat she reminded me of our bet. Couple of weeks went by, then I told her one day "Ok, I got some shoes for me (not that I had those boots already 8) ) so when we go out? I showed same picture for her online as you saw... Then couple of days went by, and last saturday came. Just before we left to our friends house, I told her at online that we'll leave home as soon as I manage to get my 'new' boots on... just warn your buddy that I'll wear my highheeled boots this night... so she did, and noted me back that it is ok, just wear those boots if you dare. And I did 8)

  4. Heya all folks,

    I wore these out with jeans last saturday. Went to friends house, didn't really walk outdoors so much... from our home to car and from car to friend house, and visa versa. and later at night we stopped at gas station near by to buy cigarets. Got no looks, maybe other sales girl at gas station was smiling a bit more than usual... but a great journey to me. My self confidence grew like hell.

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  5. I went out today first time wearing those new boots. Heels visible all the way, no hiding at all. We went to local small store to bye some stuff and actually my wife asked if I would like to wear new boots :D I got lots of looks, but second looks none. No one said a word for me. No gigling or pointing fingers. At first place I was really nearvous going out without hiding heels, but then I thought what the hell, it's my life and I make my own style. It was only something like 20 minutes, but damn it felt like a right thing to do!

  6. Very cool shoes your GF bought for you! Lucky you. I really have to check the site you mentioned, I'm more than willing to order similar pair. Damn, I just red you post again, you didn't order those from Faith :D

  7. Here is pair of boots my wife bought last week for me :D

    We met after work at town, and with wicked smile she handed me a bag... she just said "these are for you, hope they fit" and after opening that bag I must have looked like :(:(:o after few minutes she added "I saw those boots and thought that IMO those boots are suitable for you to wear outdoors. Hope that style is ok for you?". I smiled, then hugged and kissed her and said "all shoes and styles YOU pick up for me are more than ok for me"

    Enough words, here are the boots. Not so high heel, but suitable for me.

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