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Posts posted by jmorv

  1. New Look...couldn't help but see your post about your ordering "hell" with respect to the e-tailer Elite Heels. Unfortunately, this site falls under that category of a shoe company that doesn't provide the customer enoug important info when purchasing. Most shoe companies these days should realize that the demographics of female to male heel wearers is growing and with that, should help the customer out a little more. Jamie

  2. Just bought, and I emphasize only about 2 hours ago from a retail shoe shop in the OC called Orangeclubwear. I opted for the "sexy stiletto boot that hurts your feet but are a small sacrifice for sexy pillars of lust" called the Domina2000 from Pleaser. They are a knee high stretch patent boot with pointed toe and 6 inch heels. They are not for those with wide calves (as i d have), so they are a bit tight, but I love tight. Anywho, it'll take a few days to get them stretched out a bit, but when i am ready, pics will be on the way. :blinkbigeyes: Did I happen to mention I looooooove these boots? lol Jamie

  3. I am back again, with yet another pair of heels. This time, in the form of.... well, let the boots do the explaining :blinkbigeyes:

    Got them at an affordable 30 bucks :happy: Didn't even have to order from the internet! I hope they won't wear too soon. I have MANY plans with these (plans meaning outings) :pulsingheart:

    OMG, $30???? Ok, either the person who sold them was either deceased or totally insane and if you got them from a shp, they were either going out of business or insane! lol

    That is one heck of a deal...now I jealous...gonna go pout in the corner. :)


  4. tights can work, but I am looking at it as a cost effective way or in a pinch situation. I wear tights, but mostly black opaque, but finding nude or similiar skin colored tights is not easy to find, compared to hose. Also finding tights that mimic the look of hose, which generally has that sheen to them. Maybe I'm not conveying the idea correctly, but allow me some time to get the hose and I will snap some pics to show you what I mean. Jamie

  5. I know I haven't been here very long, but I am always up for giving helpful advice. One thing I've noticed are the amount of men who wear dresses with their high heels and boots. To me, that help complete the outfit and that's cool and all, but pairing a nice dress with pants kinda defeats the purpose, but I do know why: hiding the hairy legs. :blinkbigeyes: I too have leg hair and while I would love to go through the ritual of shaving, I know how it all comes back and it can be agony, so here's a tip for you guys who wear dresses or even capri pants that want to wear heels and show off a little leg that's "clean". Wear opaque or no sheer hose...two pairs. Now before you all start ranting, hear me out. I learned this some time ago from someone who liked to look en femme and the pictures definitely showed a good result. By wearing two pairs, you help cover the leg hair, and it also provides a beautiful sheen or freshly shaven look to your legs. Of course, two pairs of hose are thin enough that you can still fit your heels on your feet without discomfort. I'd been wanting to show off my nice 5inch plats to you all but again, my situtation is the same with the leg hair, so once I get to the drug store and buy some hose, then my pics will turn out better. I think the only downside may be some increased compression around the legs, but it's something you can get used to. Just some advice...take it for what it's worth. :pulsingheart: Jamie

  6. my shoe size is 11, although I can wear a 10, depending on the type of shoe. Shiek Shoes has a wide variety of heels and typically go to a size 10, but you can get lucky and find 11s. I bought my THBs at Off Broadway Shoes and found (suprisingly) size 11s which I snagged. For a good bit of news, I found a store here in Orange County called Orangewear, and they have a HUGE selection of shoes and they go up to a size 17. Great people that run the place and don't mind in the slightest if you're a guy buying for yourself. Their prices are the same as online which is good too and sell heels from 3 inches through 8. Jamie

  7. Needless to say I've been in a similiar situation. Once everything is revealed and even if you decide to go down the "straight" path, the wife will always be suspicious. It is obvious by this discovery that now she has an excuse to divorce poor Will. She has a problem with him wearing heels and that may get her thinking that his activities may lead to other things that will exclude her. Stick to your guns Will. If she cannot accept you for who you are and what you desire, then the marriage will fail. Jamie

  8. I know this is a place for stories, but I happened to get inspired with the poetry bug while sitting here reading everyone's posts. My apologies, but I do hope you all enjoy. :blinkbigeyes: I see you sitting there from across the room Waiting for the right moment to move in and take action Like an innocent wink, your allure and charm wins me over I slip you on my feet, ever so gently moving you into position Toes sliding in like slipping under the covers on a cold winter night Your ever present clutch takes hold, fitting like a glove Watching that first step, you guide me along with caution I begin my graceful walk with confidence and beauty That signature click of your wicked heels draws the attention you require Atop those pillars of lust, you give me the courage to step further Into the night I walk with you, moving further with precision Looks are abound this eve, an audience of many you require An approving nod, a fleeting smile, an occasional gasp from the crowd Ever since the day you were born you knew your destiny There is no question to whom the master is You...you are my stilettos, and I the wearer...forever. Jamie

  9. Like any heel over 4", you should try them out on carpet first (the heel gives better when you are practicing your walk), second while practicing your walk, step forward toe then heel, to avoid falling or "popping" the heel and lastly, do a little at a time, meaning walk around for a couple of minutes to get used to the shoe but take a seat for a little while, roll your ankles around to get them stretched, flex your calf muscles to stretch them out too. As Chris said, practice as much as possible. I remember about 15 years ago when I got my first pair of stilettos (wild pair 5"), I just put them on and started to walk without any regard for my poor ankles...I paid the price, but then again it was a small sacrifice for the feel and beauty of a heel on my feet. :blinkbigeyes: Jamie

  10. Another look at Kate's shoes suggests that they are custom made. Judging by the way the extra "layer" of platform is placed on the existing and how the plat is streamlined and moulded up beneath the foot and how it meets the heel...just looks custom, but highly sexy and very well done. :blinkbigeyes: I STILL want those shoes though.

  11. Not to single out the populous of California and their open-mindedness for those who dress out of the ordinary, I know that everyone out here does try to make a statement with their looks. Hell, I was at a couple of malls over the past couple of weeks and I noticed the Goth-types walking around with so much makeup and piercings that no one gave a second look (although I had to, I notice the unusual, lol). On the flipside, you get those who look like they just stepped out of a fashion mag and again, no audience. At one mall, saw a teenage gal wearing 5inch stiletto plats and she was arm in arm with another gal. She was having a heck of a time walking in them and i had to say to myself "wow, I do better in 5 inches than her!!!). When I got back from my "trip", I kept saying to myself how wonderful it would be to walk around all the time, no matter where, wearing whatever I wanted, but I guess I still have latent thoughts of getting looks, drawing attention and not wanting to cause a scene. As I said, the sound you get from stilettos is unmistakable (I have a custom radar for that) and I always have to see who's wearing what. I think that's another aspect that i love about heels, the sound and how it relates to the shoe and the thrill i get from wearing them because it's me making the sound this time. :blinkbigeyes: Thanks again for your comments and words of encouragement. Again, if I could hang out with others who wear heels and if we are in public, i think my confidence level would kick up a notch. :pulsingheart:

  12. Speaking from experience, pedicures are sooooo relaxing and refreshing. I've been to the salon on occasion with my better half and have been treated rather well, with little to no embarrassment. The vibrating lounge chairs, the foot baths, the lotions all feel so wonderful, especially if you've been out and about all day. As for color on the toes, I would typically opt out or get clear as my toenails are in pretty good condition and look good trimmed and buffed. I highly encourage everyone to get one at least once and see what you think. As for manicures, well that's a horse of a different color. :blinkbigeyes: jamie

  13. I've noticed a few folks here sharing their experiences wearing heels in public, so I thought I would share mine. I'm out in Southern California for a while on assignment for work, so while out here, I did some shoe shopping and picked up a nice pair of THBs, which I haven't owned in quite a while. For the past week, I'd been getting in some practice walking around in them at my place, doing everyday chores, etc. I was rather pleased with the way they fit me and how a 5 inch heel worked for me for walking. Anywho, Friday night I took the plunge to walk around in public...well, not necessarily in broad daylight (I like to think of myself as a "stiletto vampire". :blinkbigeyes: I went out in the eve, when everything had die down for activity, got dressed in some warmer clothing consisting of a shirt, jeans, jacket. With the THBs and the jeans, it was a nice combo, slightly concealed but at first glance, you really wouldn't notice I was in heels. Yeah, I still have a shyness towards being spotted. I got in my car and started to drive around, taking in the nightlife and with that said, I had never driven a stick in heels, so this was a first! I got the hang of it (have to let your feet rest more on the heels or else you wind up speeding up and slowing down alot. Here's the funny part and a bit of a forewarning to those who want to go out in heels and being prepared....make sure you have enough gas in your vehicle. lol While driving, I noticed the gas gauge was rather low...very low actually and I was on the freeway at the time. I pulled off and began my search for a gas station. This was a bit difficult since I didn't know the area I was in, so I searched and searched. Not many places were open because of the time of night, but I got lucky and found a station, not to mention one that wasn't too busy so I didn't have to worry about drawing attention. I pulled up and got out. Immediately, I felt a bit awkward considering that i never filled up in heels (funny how we take so much for granted). While at the station, someone was in another bay filling up but I doubt they saw me, even though i was standing there admiring how i looked in my new boots. Ok, so i finished, returned to my vehicle and eventually found a nice, quiet place to park. So the thing about high heels that can be an immediate alert are their distinctive sounds on hard surfaces...some would refer to it as heel click. Well this place had just the right amount of acoustics to make that sound rather noticeable. I spent about 20 minutes or so walking around, slow and fast, getting more practice in. No one saw me that I know of, but I have to be honest, I felt liberated. To be outside in the world and even if no one saw me, I felt free and happy. Ok, long story short, I enjoyed myself and now that I made that accomplishment, it'll be time to create a new goal like being out in the daytime with heels on. I know a couple of local folks from back home that wear heels and would love to hook up with them...strength in numbers!

  14. I believe you are the first man I've ever heard of that gets turned on by men's shoes......go figure.....

    As I said, sometimes it's the out of the ordinary that sparks something inside. Seeing that I have a serious shoe fetish, that's a given for a turn on. :blinkbigeyes:

    I'm hoping you were just being sarcastic with the remark. You familiar with the expression "whatever floats your boat"? That's for me.

  15. Bought a pair of Diba THBs about a week ago, got some practice in walking around the house which is a cinch in 5 inch heels. Went out Friday and Saturday night in public with them on and I have to say that first off, they are still comfortable as ever (I do wear a sock with them which helps with some cushion) but the downside is the type of pavement you walk on with them. Smooth concrete is a cinch but rough asphalt tends to make the heel "stick" when I walk and that's even with keeping in mind to walk toe/heel. Anywho, they are still a dream to walk around in, they hug the foot and ankle all the way up the leg. Sorry for gushing, but these boots are both fashionable (look great with a pair of jeans), they conceal well despite the 1/2" plat and 5 inch heel and lastly, they look sexy. :blinkbigeyes: Oh yeah, I have pics of them in my album here too if anyone wants to see. Jamie

  16. sometimes out of the ordinary things can turn people on...I think this is what would be classified as a fetish, which my interpretation states any object that is transfixed upon for sexual gratification. Your being turned on by that can also be construed as something taboo that stirs sexual feelings, whatever they may be. I am a bisexual person and when it comes to foot fashion, I get turned on by both so you are not alone. :blinkbigeyes: Jamie

  17. I bought them specifically at Off Broadway Shoes which is located at The Block, in Orange, CA...pretty much in the vicinity of Disneyland, Anaheim Angels Stadium. Unfortunately, I found the last size 11, but if anyone has smaller feet, I HIGHLY recommend this buy. At $70 for designer THBs that are a skin tight fit and run spot on for foot size and also that the same model boot sold elsewhere starts at $98, don't pass it up!

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