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Posts posted by Walkonit

  1. I have sympathy for your situation. Loads of advice on this theme all over the forum, so have a good look around. Also worth mentioning is that many report regular purging of their heel collection only to find that the desire returns soon enough. Supressing it dosn't seem to work. Acceptance does.

  2. I'm a bit confused here. Isn't it difficult to wear heels in public before you own any ? Or is the poll enquiring only about purchases in a physical shoe shop instead of say an on-line shop ? Personally I bought on-line first, then in a physical shoe shop , and finally started public heeling.

  3. I visited the UK recently and noticed ALDO has some great looking boots this season at reasonable prices. Unfortunately the stores I visited didn't have the boots in the size I wanted (41).

    I checked out their website, but they don't ship internationally and wouldn't even ship to a friends house in the UK because my credit card billing address wasn't the same as the shipping address. This is the strictest security policy I've come across while internet shopping.

    The boots I wanted have now sold out at ALDO but are still found elsewhere:


    A bit extreme I know....buy hey I like extreme.

    Other I liked were:




    Being the stubborn *'?!-..#! I am I was not to be put off by Aldo's restrictive security policy. In the end I found the boots on Amazon in the US. Amazon would not ship internationally because of the restrictions set by Aldo, but would accept my credit card. So I set up an account with a US mail forwarding company (free set up and 8.5 USD per package) and the boots are on their way. They should arrive this week in time for xmas !

  4. the higher the heel the more it is an issue (obviously) and I have learnt that the best thing to do is to walk down the fall-line of a slope straight downwards. Steep sideways slopes are every bit as much of a nuisance so I avoid these even more so, slight sideways angles can be dealt with in stilettos easier than chunkier heels but there is no easy answer with heels and hills. The worst I find is a downhill street with a pavement that also slopes towards the roadside steeply! Horror for us high heelers.

    Very good advice that I totally agree with from Heel lover.

    Recognising & following the fall line of the slope is key. Following the fall line is like the heel is suddenly higher, however walking at an angle to the fall line makes it very easy to roll an ankle. With platforms its even worse as your center of gravity can go close to or outside the sole of the shoe meaning they are extremely unstable.

  5. What I think it all boils down to is that there are probably more men that wear heels or fashionable footware then we all might believe.

    I totally agree with you. Statistics tells us that those who are highly visible, famous or well known in an activity represent only the tip of the iceberg. In the case of heeling we could interpret that as the members of this forum only represent the tip of the iceberg.

    It's also interesting to see the number of internet shops out there selling larger sizes of high heels that clearly mainly cater for men. They sem to stay in business so must be selling plenty.

    Is there anybody on the forum who has the sales numbers from such an internet shop to give us an idea of how popular high heels for men realy are?

  6. Can't I just train as I go? I always have the bf's hand to hold on to. :smile:

    Of course you can !

    I'd suggest you plan to limit the duration of your trips out at first and build up the time. The main things tha need developing are increased flexibility and strength in lower leg muscles. These take a few weeks to change.

    Keep practising and focus on good walking style.

  7. For me writing my "samey" story of my first public heeling on this site a few years ago was a very valuable stage in "coming out." I don't think it would have been the same on a blog. Please keep up the good work !

  8. Walkonit,

    Listen to Dr. Shoe on this one since she has it exactly right. Factories produce a line of shoes for different retailers and just change the name according to the retailer's instructions.

    Example: Steve Madden's "MOSCOW" is Bakers' "CARINA". They were produced in the same factory of eastern China but Steve Madden typically charges 10-20% more than does Bakers for the same shoes. If you search such sites as heels.com or zappos.com you'll see some familiar shoes in there as well. It's like the big knockoff game.


    Hmmm. You confirmed my suspicions. Looking around a bit more there seem to be plenty of examples of this. Furthermore it looks like the same basic design comes in multiple variants, colours, fabric and attachments. It mkaes me think that perhaps there are really not so many factories producing mass market high heels.

  9. I'm curious to better understand how & why the same shoe model appears in different shops with different labels and prices.

    I have an example:

    - 18 months ago I bought a Carvela Ambrosia in black suede on sale from 120 for 90 uk pounds. They are adecent quality 6" covered platform stiletto peep toe.


    - Sometime later I saw what looked like the same shoe with different decoration on Bakers site in the states for 160 USD.


    - Recently I saw what looked like the same shoe (in synthetic rather than real sude) for 20 UK pounds on Ebay. I was so curious that I bought them. On receiving them I compared them and clearly thay appear to the same shoe apart from the sythetic suede.


    So what's going on ? Are the version on ebay a cheaper copy or are they instead a later production run of the same shoe at the same factory sold to a different customer ?

  10. interesting discussion between spaceinvader and shafted. I've lived both in the UK and the US and know there is a difference in floor type found in houses, although the old UK softwood floor is slowly becoming less common as hard wood laminates have grown in popularity. Walking on the exposed stiletto pin is also much more common in the UK than in the US. The stiletto heel does seem to last a long time, but take on a scruffy appearence and become "kicked-in" after a while . This is because the pin continues to wear down (along with the plastic heel material) since its 1cm or more long.

  11. Isn't it just a cyclical thing ? Heel heights just like skirt lengths and other clothes dimensions tend to vary over time because fashionable people (and the people selling them) like change. I'm convinced that you could make many statistical correlations between heel height and other things. Did you notice for example that the article failed to mention the eighties and the fifties which were economic boom times yet filled with heels? If you use the cyclical argument of change, then its likely that heel heights will reduce over the coming years, but it won't happen tommorrow. Enjoy the high heel trend while lasts !

  12. My passion for heels goes back to when I was perhaps about 10 years old. In the neighbourhood I grew up in there was a large tree with some sort of small berry which overhung the pavement/sidewalk. Each autumn the fruit would of course fall and cover the walkway. My friends and I used to collect up some of this fruit and throw it at each other as young boys do. Also in my neighbourhood there was a girl in her early twenties at the time who, we were told, worked as a model. She was tall and stunningly beautiful, always well dressed and liked to wear high heels on her wayto wherever she was going. I was always mesmerized by her and a litte frightened of her at the same time. I particularly remember one time that was probably the basis for my love of heels ever after. My friends and I were busy collecting fruit under the tree when the girl strode towards us on her way somewhere. This day she wore a stunning pair of brown stiletto platform boots. As she approached she called out "out of my way small boys" or something to that effect. The group parted and she walked through effortlessly stepping on and flattening the sea of small fruit in her path. I was in love with her, with heels, with the whole thing. Looking back on it I'm sure she got a kick out of this situation as well.

  13. Most importantly, "be yourself". Ever gone through airport security in heels? I have. I'm sure people found it interesting seeing me pick up and put on my stiletto boots as they were coming out of X-ray. When wearing heels in public a smile goes a long way.

    Airport security is a fun situation. The security crew don't react to the boots on the conveyor until you pick them up and put them on of course.

  14. You handled the situation very well, Roni and your reasoning is very true. I wonder how many of the people watching you that were male secretly admired you and were in fact jealous and would have liked to be in heels themselves.


    Probably lots. ...When guys take an interest in girls heels and ask "how can you wear those?" I wonder if they really mean "I'd love to wear those"

  15. I find Zara a bit on the small side as well. A 41 is usually OK for me, but in Zara most of their size 41 is a shade too small. I saw these shoes in Zara last week in Norway and think they are great. I need to try them on to see if they would work for me, but didn't get a chance to try them on. They are also a lot cheaper in the UK (like most things). Anybody else have comments on how they feel to walk in? Who will be the first to show them being worn in their avatar?

  16. Just maybe this link will turn a few heads round on the current issues?


    I wouldn't say the girls are raiding our side to get their own back, it's more like the designers/buyers have moved the display racks over.

    Take your choice from 1/2 to 2".

    I've just picked up a 1" pair which is more closer to 11/2 apart from the toe "point" being more central than offset with the male norm. Even the check out girl thought they were mens. Oh and they were only £15.


    Yes it seems there are lot of "male" styles for the girls this autumn. Just about any male shoe style is now a female style as well. So whats a guy to do ?

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