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Posts posted by JayZee

  1. Hi Marcus! I think you are very brave and I think you shall go for what YOU think gives you pleasure...don't mind the age - I know people of 60-70 with more life than some of 30-40. I'm 47 and my GF is 57. Maybe the issue has a lot to do with different culture and norms in different countries. If you "can live with it" - go for it! IMHO Rgds Jayzee

  2. Hi Ellen-Jay! I have not looked at this tread from day 1! I have just done that and, boy, what have I been missing. I think you have tha sexiest legs, and a very nice collection of (I think) high quality shoes... As somebody will know your black patent pumps are my favorite!! Keep us all happy - post more pictures! You must have one lucky husband! Regards JayZee

  3. We have been together for 10 years WITHOUT marriage, and I think we will never get married (mutual agreement!) as we both have 2 kids (4 all together!) from our first marriages! Getting married will make things very complicated, and where we live (Denmark!) that is not unusual at all! Above have nothing to with the "heel-problem" though! Regards JayZee

  4. >bucko I fully understand your situation, as it, in many ways, are the same as mine. "You don't like me, you like the shoes" - "It will ruin my feet!" - "I'm not like the porn-stars on the Net/video!" etc. etc. is my wifes reaction! I love my GF, but unfortunately I wasen't clever enough to tell her about my fasination of high heel on one of our first dates! (Don't think many guys do???) We are in our 40's and have been together for 10 years, and I don't (think I) have a fetish, "just" a fasination! I think a relationship is giving and taking, and both have to change or adapt, not into totally new persons, but just small things! First she was OK, and very sexy with the shoes, but then she think it "just got to much!" and she put the shoes (worth over 250£) in the garbage! Let me tell you: That is not the way to do it! - and I'm sorry that I don't know how to do it! But if you find out, please let me know! Good luck! JayZee

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