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Posts posted by zathrus69

  1. Those shoes made by "The Highest Heel" and are are available over the counter in the UK from Jef Baines, as well as online from Banana Shoes (which has already been mentioned). I notice you are based in Denmark, which doesn't make getting to Jef's very easy (but neither is it for UK'ers, as they have about five shops in the whole of the UK!). I have a pair myself (black, non-patent). Zathrus

  2. AE don't have the greatest reputation it is fair to say. I too have thought about getting one (or two!) or the vids but decided against it as I didn't trust them with my credit card. Then I found they sometimes advertise stuff on US Ebay, where you can pay by Paypal (just do a search on "Randi" - it worked for me!). If you can believe the Ebay feedback then they appear to have a much better reputation when selling via that outlet. I think they been flamed for their ability to sell shoes more than anything else - those people who have bought vids seem to have been OK but, as I said, I wouldn't trust them with my CC, so buying from them via Ebay might be better. As for which vid - my personal fave is SeaWorld. Randi has the largest collection of Lycra mini-skirts I have ever seen but there is just something about the dress she wears in that vid. Poetry in motion :D Zathrus

  3. I'm in my later fifties, and still looking to wear even higher heels than the 5.5'' I regularly wear now! I shall continue as long as health and strength permit.

    Good for you :D

    If my wife follows in your footsteps (no pun intended!) I'll be a happy man :D


  4. Perhaps she should stay away from the SuperArch shoes for a while and just go back to the sort of shoes she was wearing in her earlier vids. As they don't seem to do any indoor shoots any more I'm guessing the weather over in Maine doesn't help with matters either. I wouldn't try walking on that snow and ice in my 4" block boots, let alone 6" stilletto's! Zathrus

  5. From the clues I have put together...Randi hurt her ankle previously. Recently on the site they asked if anyone would like to see Randi again and A LOT of folks voted YES (myself included) unfortunately during the shoot Randi fell on her bad ankle again.

    I must have missed that vote. Anyway, her latest video is up on their site. Why she ever volunteered to try walking in Superarch shoes on that snow and ice I don't know. I wouldn't have tried it in flats - let alone 6" heels! Anyway, the fact that she hasn't given up only goes to prove that I'll never make a mathematician :-)


  6. In order to feed my desire for all things Randi I bought (on Ebay) a months membership to the Archenemy's private area. In case anyone was wondering, what you get is access to many more video clips of their models in action, plus all the stills - which in Randi's case is 5200 pictures! The video clips add up to around 15 minutes of footage per video (WMV format) and they give you a fair idea of what the full-length vid would be like. Watching Randi walk, something like a mile, from Seaworld car park to Shamu Stadium in 5.5" white patent courts gives you some idea of how incredible she is. The chap filming her couldn't keep up and kept telling her to slow down!! What a girl! As regards Randi herself - no updates since June 2003 and in her second vid from last (SuperArch02) she seemed to be checking out wedding reception arrangements. Putting 2 and 2 together (and probably getting 5.5!) I'd guess she got married and decided to put the modeling on hold. I'll probably ask AE whether we'll see any more from her but reports indicate they don't often respond to e-mail. Oh well, such is life :-( All that's left to say is (in a Vinnie Jones, Lock, Stock stylie)... Randi - it's been emotional :-) Zathrus

  7. I've bought these two pairs of shoes in Logo recently. Both under £20 in the Sale section.

    Posted Image

    Stiletto Boots - UK7, 4.5" heel.

    Posted Image

    Block-heeled Boots - UK7, 4" heel.

    I had to replace the heel of the block-heeled boots as they were way too noisy and attracted attention while I was streetheeling. After a quick trip to Timpsons they are now resplendent with rubber heel caps that are whisper quiet. I checked them out yesterday and, even on wooden floors, they don't sound any different to my ordinary shoes. I haven't quite plucked up enough courage to wear the stiletto's out yet :-)


  8. You guys who have wives who don't mind being with you when you are streetheeling are *so* lucky. It's been three years since my wife became aware of my interest and she shows no signs of changing her views on the subject - not even slightly :-( Zathrus

  9. Opportunity knocked big time this week. A night away from home in a city-centre hotel. Meeting finished early so I had a chance to go heeling in a busy place (unlike the "is there anybody here?" out of town retail place I went to in my last post). Popped on a pair of 4" block-heeled boots under some long combats and, with virtually zero heel showing, off I went.

    Two seconds away from the hotel and I passed a young woman coming the other way. Her eyes shifted down to my shoes as soon as I got close to her. Why? Because only I could buy a pair of thick block heels that are noiser than a set of 6" metal-heeled stilletto's! Instead of "click, click" I'm walking with a loud "knock, knock" that patently gives them away as women's shoes. Men's shoes just don't make a sound do they. Anyway, "sod it" I thought and I pressed onwards.

    Next problem - hills. This place had some very steep hills and going down them in 4" heels was unexpectedly difficult. There were a lot of cobbled areas as well, which made me glad I wasn't wearing spikes.

    I had about 1.5 hours of heeling up and down the main strip but the shops closed about 30 mins into my walk. The place was very busy with workers going home and late shoppers and, for the most part, no-one seemed to take any notice - despite the noise my shoes were making! Three or four young ladies did "the glance" but no comments were made, which is a shame, as I'd been practicing a few witty retorts to the question "Are those women's shoes?".

    On the way back to the hotel I popped into a pub. I found a table in the corner and hid my boots as best I could. Nestling a warm pint of traditional ale I pondered what I'd just been doing. "Why do I put myself through this?", I thought. "Why can't society and, more pertinently, my wife, accept the fact that some men like to wear heels?", I questioned. More importantly though, "Why the hell did I have to buy a pair of boots noiser than a Dutch Glog Dancing troupe performing Riverdance?". :-)

    Thanks for listening,


  10. Thanks for the positive comments. As for the heelmeets - we'll have to see. It all depends on work, money and family commitments but I'd like to go along to one one day. I'll keep scanning the forum and if a date comes up I can make then I'll be there. As for the next step - I think just wearing the boots with my suit trousers is as good as wearing the boots outside trousers. For some reason, the tailor who adjusted them for me (the suit trousers that is - not the boots!) cut them real short. When I'm wearing my normal work shoes you can see my ankles! Wear heels with them and people who be in no doubt as to the nature of the shoes. So, that's the next step for me anyway. You'll be the first to know when I do it :-) Thanks again, Zathrus

  11. It was a long time coming but finally I did it :-)

    Last week my work took me far enough away from home that I could risk going out in heels and not bumping into someone I know. Add in the fact that I could wear my casual trousers (my suit trousers are cut too short for me to hide the heels) and I figured - well, if you don't do it now you never will.

    Changing into my 4" spike-heeled boots (bought from Brantano's about two years ago) I drove up the M6 for a while before a lack of fuel required me to pull into a service station. It was 6am and there were only two other vehicles on the forecourt. Without pausing for thought I got out and started fueling up. OK - now I'm outside in heels and there's no way back, I thought. Fully fueled I set off to pay and then a horrible truth hit me. I can't walk fast in heels. It was like the scene in a horror movie when the potential victim is trying to run for a door and it just gets further away. Time seemed to slow down and it seemed to take forever for me to get inside the shop. I was really aware of the click, click sound of my heels as well - which made me want to walk slower to try to soften the impact of the heel on the ground.

    I took a detour past the anti-freeze display and approached the cashier from the side. No strange glances, no comment. I paid, turned 180 degrees and walked out. She may have been watching me walk out but I didn't look round to find out. I jumped back in my car (another couple of cars had pulled up but the occupants paid me no attention) and drove the rest of the way to Scotland in heels.

    On the way back I popped into Logo and bought some 4" block-heeled boots in their sale as I figured these would be less obvious than my spike-heels. I tested them out at Designer Outlet Village. It was raining so it was very quiet but I walked around the shops without any obvious stares from passers-by. An assistant (male) in the shoe shop there glanced down at my shoes the moment I walked in but perhaps shoe shop assistants always do that? It was only as I was leaving the Village that two teenage girls I passed started to giggle behind me as I walked away. Still - teenage girls pretty much giggle at anything don't they?

    So, at last I've joined the ever growing masses of men who wear heels out. I won't be able to repeat this for some time (it'll take an ever greater leap of faith for me to wear my heels with my suit trousers) but it sure felt good.

    Thanks for listening.


  12. Zathrus is a character from my fav' Sci-Fi series, Babylon 5. Zathrus was wise and knew a great deal about everything, even though he acted like a fool most of the time ("Zathrus always forgetting things"). His hiding of his true self struck a chord with me.....or perhaps I just couldn't think of a better handle :-) Imagination.....now that really *is* clever :D Zathrus

  13. Although my wife still couldn't accept it, I tried to. Reading more about the subject on the internet helped, as did just going with it. As I accepted that it was indeed a part of me, my cross dressing went from the odd garment to full on dressing with make up. It was only then that I realised that actually the only part of the whole experience I was interested in was the shoes!

    Spoken as if you had read my mind Chris! Only after spending time on this forum have I realised the whole TV thing I went thro' a few years back was just a solution for wanting to wear womens shoes in public. The reality is - I don't need to cross-dress to do it and I feel a whole lot better for knowing this. I still have to overcome my fear of going out though. I'll get there, in the end. When I do you'll all be the first to know :-)


  14. ...Randi, at Arch Enemys

    I think I'm in love! Long dark hair (in the more recent vids), shapely legs and an avid HH wearer. My dream girl!!!

    Problem is - brief 2-3 minute viewings aren't enough and I want to see more of her....and her shoes, of course! Solution - buy one of her vids?

    However, the feedback rating for Arch Enemys is appalling. Previous posters have complained about them not delivery on shoes and boots but what are they like for DVDs? Has anyone on this forum bought a vid from them? Did it turn up? Was it exactly as advertised?

    By the way - my fave is the Seaworld clip. Those shoes and that long summer dress. Wow!

    Weird thing is, my wife's best friend looks like Randi. Everytime she comes round I expect her to walk in wearing 6" stiletto's!!.......she never does by the way :-(

    Hang on - does this mean I fancy with my wife's best friend? :(

    Sounds like I'd better get the hell out of this posting.....



  15. Best ever? I've given this some thought since this thread was started but the clear winner is the following sighting... It was the late 80's (probably '88, based on where I was and why I was there). I was queuing for a choccie bar at Richmond mainline BR station when I happened to glance across at the queue for the ticket office. Standing in the queue was a woman wearing the most stunning pair of black court shoes. I had a side-on view and, based on the angle of her feet, the shoes must have had a 6" heel. What struck me about her, apart from the shoes, was that she was wearing a dark business suit with a skirt that finished just below the knee. Very elegant, extremely sexy and a million miles away from being tarty. I reached the front of my queue, bought my choccie bar and walked to my train. While I was sitting there, thinking how wonderful she was, I saw her walking alongside the train. You wouldn't have known she was wearing 6" heels from the way she walked, no staggering or teetering, just perfect. To my surprise she got into the same carriage I was in and sat down around 5 metres from me. Being around 8am the train was packed and I could just about see her shoes from where I was. I don't think I took my eyes off them all the way to Hammersmith, where I (unfortunately) had to get off. I went on the same train for weeks until the project ended but I never saw her again. Happy memories :-) Zathrus

  16. WARNING: Contentious statement follows :(

    Speaking personally, I can't wait for the current HH trend to be over (my god, is he insane? - Ed.)

    Why I hear you ask? Simply because I am tired of seeing other women wearing heels everywhere I go, yet my wife won't wear them unless it is a special occasion and I faithfully promise I won't make her walk more than 20 paces in them.

    I love her to bits but on this one subject she frustrates the hell out of me. She won't wear heels down the supermarket yet, when I go with her, I find loads of women strutting about in 3-4" heels (knee-highs, ankle boots, courts even). We go down the local village community centre for a school thingy (not usually the place you expect to find HH wearers) yet there they are, spike and thin block heels everywhere. It's madness. I can't get away from the bloody things.

    I could go on about nightmare shopping trips where my wife just turns her nose up at the shoes I'm picking out for her and we go home empty handed - only for her to go out on her own 2-3 days later and buy a pair of 1.5" blockie boots from Clarks. Comments like, "I don't want to look tarty" or "I'm a Mum" annoy me. She's only bloody 35 for god's sake!

    Sometimes, just sometimes, she surprises me and wears 4" heels for a day out shopping but most of the time it's "right shoe for the right occasion", which means trainers or her damn Clarks boots (I'd burn the bloody things if I thought I'd get away with it). She knows I love high heels but she doesn't wear them enough.

    I can't change her and, as I said, I love her to bits, so I'm not about to off and leave her because she doesn't fit the mould of my ideal woman. I don't expect her to wear 4" stiletto's for a walk in the park either but saving them for the one time in the month when we can get a babysitter and go out isn't enough for me.

    So while the current HH trend continues I am being tortured every day by what I see on the streets. The Laurie's, Susan's, Becky's and Carolyn's of this world - I love what you're doing girls but it's doing me 'ead in, so please, let there be an end to this madness :(

    Either that or I persade her to go on "What Not to Wear". Trinnie and whatserface seem to always put the ladies in heels when "smartening them up" so perhaps therein lies my solution :-)

    Sorry if I depressed anyone with this post. Welcome to my world, those I have :-(


  17. I bought a pair like these (but in black) in a discount store in Leicester last year. Allowing for the platform the instep was equivalent to a 5" heel and they were reasonably stable - despite the strange heel arrangement. I never wore them out (I never go out in my heels - still trying to overcome that little hurdle) and binned them just a few months ago to make way for a proper pair of 5" heels. Nice shoes though. Zathrus

  18. Daz, next time you are in London why not visit Leatherworks? Their place in in Southgate Road and is about 10 minutes walk from Highbury and Islington tube station. Additionally The Little Shoe Box is about three minutes walk in the other direction. Worth a trip.

    Went there myself last week while I was down in London on a course. I got off the Tube at Old Street and I wouldn't recommend the walk from there if you are someone of a nervous disposition (like me) as you have to pass some (how can I put this) "seen better times" housing estates. I didn't realise TLSB was close by as well - bugger.

    The chap in Leatherworks was very helpful (got there half-hour before closing) but I was too chicken to ask if I could try anything on (I'm a UK 7 so I might have been lucky with the items on display). Very nice display of shoes, though, sadly, well outside my current price range :-(

    I completely panicked on the way back to Old Street and hailed a cab to Kings X. Is the walk any better from H&I? Cabs in London are bloody expensive!


  19. I don't go around watching women in heels and getting sexually aroused all the time by the way. More often it's like "Oh yes those are the Baratts new style 4" boots. She's wearing with quite short trousers and a very smart matching jacket". It's more like a hobbyist might take train numbers. I take an interest in current shoe fashions and the clothes worn with them.

    Same with me. While I do get "that certain feeling" every once in a while when I'm watching, the vast majority of the time I think "nice shoes, wonder where she got those from?" - especially if she has taken the time and effort to match the shoes to the outfit.

    Firefox - If you can actually spot the maker of the shoes at twenty paces you are obviously more adept at shoe recognition than I am. At the moment all 4" black spike-heeled boots look the same to me - guess I need to do some more window shopping :-)


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