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Posts posted by bob2hh

  1. Hi, AZN, Here you will find a lot of people to share your interests with. Greetings from the other side of the (right) pond. BTW, I am realising there is a lot of technical-oriented guys here (mechanics, engineers, etc.) sharing this common interest. Interesting to notice, provided this used to be a typically macho-minded orientation. Just another proof of how stupid and silly stereotypes are !. Well, take fun of this aficion, my dear aficionado !

  2. Hope you will excuse my poor English skills ... A flea (Joe) finds another flea (Dick) he hadn’t seen for a long time. Joe.- Hi, Dick, how are you doing ? Dick.- Well, everything right, except for this terrible cold I can’t get rid of. Joe.- True indeed. You look really bad. Dick.- Yeah, it’s terrible. I have tried everything, but I can’t get rid of this cold. Joe.- Maybe you suffer from the same problem I used to have. I used to sleep in a homeless dog, and you know, it was always wet, cold, terrible. But I managed to solve the problem by moving. I moved to sleep in a human instead of a dog. Dick.- True, but I already tried the same, I moved to sleep in a human as well and you see, nothing changed. Even worse than on dogs. Joe.- Dear Dick, may I ask you what kind of human did you move to ? Dick.- I moved to sleep in the moustache of a Harley-Davidson bike rider. Joe.- Of course ! That’s the reason ! Don’t you realise that this is a very bad place ? Considering these guys drink beer like animals and they keep always the moustache wet, and after that they ride their bikes, most of the time without helmet, you are just going to sleep in a wet place under a strong flow of cold air. Nothing could be worse for your cold. Dick.- So what could I do instead ? Joe.- Just do like me: Move to the pussy of a beautiful girl. You will be warm, protected, surrounded by fine clothes, ... it’s paradise. Dick.- Not a bad idea. I will do as you suggested me immediately. A week later, Joe and Dick find themselves together again: Joe.- Hi, Dick: What’s up ? You look even worse with your cold ! Didn’t you move to the pussy as I suggested ? Dick.- Yes, I did exactly as you told me. But it didn’t work: Although on the evening I moved to the girl’s pussy, on the very next morning I appeared always again in the damn biker’s moustache !

  3. Some informations I have been asked for the mules: - Size: 41 EUR - Heel height: 11 cm - Price: 62,6 EUR - Brand: Luichiny - Purchasing: Regular shoe shop. You know: you come in, ask for them in your size, try them, walk a bit, ask the salesladies for opinions / suggestions / variations, pay and get out. Sorry for my poor originality, but it is as simple as that ! They are very much in fashion now here, only fact is that heels ladies usually wear are block / stacked heels, from 2-4 in. A bit too boring for my taste, but I highly respect any others' feelings and opinions. A funny comment from a lady was: gee ! these are so spiky and so pointy that I would be afraid of myself if I got angry while wearing them !

  4. Dear Firefox and all, I feel there should be more contribution from non-English speaking countries. For example, I miss a lot of contribution from Italy and France, which are countries with a strong fashion tradition and sure have a lot of contributors which could flood us all with very interesting information. I strongly believe there should be one common language and thus let us feel part of a single community instead of having "ghettos". How to come out of such situation ? In spite of being unpolite to the non-English speaking people, I believe we have to recognize that we have to make an effort to participate. Even if we have to work a bit harder, consult the dictionary from time to time, risk ourselves to make mistakes, etc. I am sure that this extra work will be worth by far for the extra benefit of having the entire world in position to share with us our comments and feelings, and not only the ones in our language community. So, to all of you which are not English-native, please do make the effort. And to the English-native people, as many of you are currently doing, do keep encouraging, helping and sometimes forgiving the limitations that others might have. I believe it is the way to go.

  5. Dear Xaphod, In the meantime I did a little bit of research for you. THis appears to be at least one distributor in the UK: LIBERTO DALCO INTERNATIONAL LTD 17 GORST LANE LONDON NW10 6LA CONTACT RAJ SHAH TELEPHONE 0181 9612498 FAX 0181 9612676 MENSWEAR & WOMENSWEAR RANGE :-FRENCH DESIGNER CASUAL WEAR French mentioning is normal, Liberto's origin is French people. Hope it helps, and of course I not only mind but it is a honour for me you copying my style as well.

  6. Some more on the Jeans: They were bought in the very factory outlet store for 30€, regular price being 85€. There were 3 units left T34L36, one for me, another for the lady I was with, so there was only one left which probably has been already sold out. Of course, you can find any size at regular price in jeans stores, which is your only practical choice being far from Spain. That is why I suggested you to ask them for distributors / franchises in the UK. In spite of being definitely male fashion, I confess I had to be pushed ahead by the lady, but I don't regret having got them. Even with male footwear they look fantastic; and I get being in male footwear double-takes and guys / girls asking me where I got them from.

  7. Comfort:

    In order to walk comfortable, these boots require some adjusting in your balance / motion skills. But there is a point where you just have to “let the boots drive your motion”. It’s like a kind of liberation, it’s similar to the sensation that you have if you play jazz and start improvising. And, to me, it is mandatory not to walk too fast. I am a very fast male walker – always in a hurry !.

    Now it is getting a bit too warm to wear them except on evenings / nights. As Julie said, she knows our mood well: I love taking a walk on the seaside in the evening in quite, non-touristic-crowded, towns. There is nothing more relaxing than the waves sound. This is, plainly and simply talking, good quality of life. In heels, even better.

    Shoe Shopping:

    Well, all I did was to enter in a shoe store, ask for them and other similar models in my number (41), start trying them, walking on them around the store a little bit, asking for the salesladies opinions, asking for some discount in a stylish way (e.g. is the price as it appears in the label or being already out of winter season there might be some discount ? – I got a reduction of 30 € thanks to these magic words), pay 60 €, thank for the good service with a big, sincere smile and leave the shop. As simple as that. Pretty much, exactly the same everybody does. If salesladies are a bit encouraging, there is absolutely no problem. Everybody keeps winning. Normality, normality, normality.

    I would prefer a thousand times going in person to the shop instead of ordering through the web or email. Comments, suggestions and excellent customer service from kind salesladies are very rewarding experiences you otherwise miss. You can combine shoes with the rest of your outfit and check what all looks like. And price is much less than ordering through web.

    The biggest size I have seen from this brand in regular shoes stores is 41. But from what I have seen in their web, they are quite used to international trading and make sizes up to 46, but I suspect not for every model.

    For the time being, I will kindly ask the Webmaster to evetually include www.luichiny.es in the shops list. I have not tried their shopping services, but they have them and make models up to 46 and have international delivery service. But I never tried and have no experience for qualifying their international service.

    This is all the details I will publicly give in order to not advertise so openly and evetually go beyond the forum rules. For those of you who would like specific directions please email me and I will respond with detailed information (addresses, etc). Same for the ones who would ever plan to come to Spain and would like to know the places (tourism / shopping / hiking / skiing or whatever the reason might be).

    Comments & reactions:

    First at all, I have to confess I am not wearing these everyday, everywhere. I try to select the place I want to go carefully in order to find reasonably educated people, willing to dress properly in modern fashion with style. Ladies comment they are very beautiful outfit. I believe they judge not only the boots, but the overall combination as well. Some ask where did I get them, others confess they would have difficulties in wearing them (“I wish I could wear them, I would kill myself in these”), another told me she could walk faster than me !. Guys keep smiling in a quite idiot way or simply ignore the fact – it is their business, I react in a similar way to some male sandals I find the ugliest thing on earth.


    Brand is Liberto, size is T34L36 (Sizing scheme is same as Dockers). I would enter their web (www.liberto.es), look for "Contacto" and ask them for UK distributors / franchises. There must be something in Camden / London / Birmingham. But I warn you they are not cheap.

  8. Dear Yamyam, If you already have rules you certainly don't need anymore. I am very much against nazi-minded mentality. It is offensive to our intelligence having just too many rules. Concerning manual gearboxes, I suggest you do the following: - one day when you leave your job with a big headache, take a trip in the M25 or similar road in a busy traffic hour in a manual gearbox car. Make sure you have to stop / go / stop / go at least 200 times. - next day, do the same in an automatic gearbox car. You will find a slight difference in comfort. And the thrill of engaging clutch / 1st shift / clutch / neutral will quickly dissappear. The point is that if traffic were more fluid you could ENJOY having a manual gearbox and a more sporty driving style. Manual gearboxes in such context are just fine; it's part of the challenge and they give you no doubt a better control. However, how often do you find yourself in position of enjoying your BMW performance in full ? Consider: - Traffic jams - Radars & Speed limits (ah ! those road "friends" always ready to "help educating" you in a spirit of service and total monetary disinterest ...) - Others who, not feeling safe due to not being attached to the steering wheel, keep telling you please don't drive so fast ! - Your heels and your sense of responsability (a few tenths of second can make a difference) All those are factors which restrict the possibility to enjoy a manual gearbox to maybe only 10% of the potential time. In the remaining 90% an automatic transmission is far more practical. That's what's wrong with manual gearboxes. You can enjoy them only a minor percentage of time, unless you could afford having 2 cars: One for practical use (automatic) and one for occasional sports or 4WD use (manual).

  9. And these are for more challenging occasions. I would take them to places where I know in advance there will be some proven capacity for acceptance:

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    Hope you enjoy them and keep tuned for any comments. On my experience, they can be great for engaging conversation with open-minded ladies. And a lady with a beautiful mind is beautiful. Period.

    Best regards,


  10. Just to share them with you all, here is my current clogs selection for daily footwear, comfortable fashion:

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    Some more pics:

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    As you can see, it is the most "innocent" outlook (except if you opt for a full clog show, which I included here for getting a complete picture).

    With normal pants length, If anybody gets shocked by watching a guy on these, it means his clock stopped ticking long, long, long ago !.

    I have also found they are fresh, comfortable and a tremendous confidence builder. I do recomment to give these a try to all the shy people (as I was not too long ago) and get all the fun out of it.

    Best regards,


  11. Meaning not to be unkind to ladies, yesterday I was in a wedding party and I saw one lady wearing high heeled mules, those ones which support feet only from a small frontal section. Heels were bladed, 11 cms w/o platform. The kind of mule which is very easy to lose ! Judging the way she was walking and dancing she did not have a lot of practice. The point was that later on, she entered into her "monster" Mercedes ML470 (a real big piece of hardware). She did not have a replacement pair for driving. Naturally, manual shifting (I wonder why we Europeans are still so stupid concerning manual shifting) and I bet you all she was a real danger. Think about the combination: High heels, a big Mercedes ML, a wedding party where more or less people get out a bit "happy" ... That is why I agree to the fact there should be limitations regarding driving with high heels, and with even more reason in Europe than in Canada or the US. The point is that being a lady should not make necessarily a difference, depends strictly on the practice. After all, respect to your life and others is a very basic issue. Without this, what else does make any sense ?

  12. I was caught by 2 cops one evening just when I was opening the door of my car to get in. They realized my unusual footware, and came straight to me. Although we have an ID card in our country, they asked me for my driving license (DL). I reacted inmediately and gave it back to them, adding that I was very aware that it would need to be renewed in no more than 3 weeks (we have to renew it every 10 years), but it was still valid. Since they realized I was taking good care of my DL, they gave it a quick superficial look and that was all. Finally, they dared to make the real question: Why are you wearing such kind of shoes ? Inmediate answer: "Since Carnaval is 2 weeks from now, I have to take some good practice, and my flat's corridor is just too short for a real test". They kindly asked me to please not drive in them because it could be dangerous for me and others. I replied that I fully agree, and once they saw I took them off and took my regular male shoes on for driving they let me go.

  13. Dear Micha, I asked about Frankfurt because I was once warned by a German colleague to be very careful there. From your comments I deduct it is as any other big town. Maybe he had a bad experience that left him ill-minded about Frankfurt; who knows. I will post a new topic in the guys section concerning an experience I had with cops. Best regards, bob2hh.

  14. Dear Xaphod, You are certainly right; for a guy, thin heels should remain only for short walks, in some kind of special circumstances only. Besides, the heel tip can quickly ruin (or should be replaced very often) and, at least to me, it is only pleasant as long as you walk in firm, flat surfaces where the walking behaviour is smooth and predictable. For example, if in the street there are tiles with some minor geometrical drawings (to avoid slipping when it rains); and you catch the heel tip on the very edge of them you can easily break something. This is the case in my city, so I would not take them for a regular street walk. This is why it is certainly much better having a heel at least 1.5-2 cm wide for "all purpose" walking. However, the point is that even with stiletto heels, a guy does not seem as ugly or unacceptable or ridiculous as initially expected. Facing things with an attitude of total normality is a key factor for success. On the other side, I guess that ladies face exactly the same kind of problems and constraints. Best regards, bob2hh.

  15. Dear Xaphod,

    It might be interesting to you to pay a visit to www.luichiny.es

    Probably most of you will know; it is quite well present in the US.

    This year they make a very feminine design, but it is amazing. They used to make a lot of platform-oriented designs, but they are coming back to the platformless and thin-stiletto designs. Very nice for ladies, especially for the ones who hate platforms.

    Even if all the "manuals" of male heel wearing refrain us from wearing pointy toes and thin stilettos, I have read in a Spanish heeling forum the opinion of a lady who literally said she changed completely her mind upon seeing a guy wearing a Luichiny thin-stiletto design under jeans. From awful to amazing.

    I made the test 2 days ago; I took the Luichiny thin-stiletto boots under jeans and went to a furniture store usually run by a high heeled young lady. The lady was very positive, she even made a lot of fun telling me "she was running faster" when going to the rear of the store to show me some furnitures. We engaged in a nice conversation from which there was a total acceptance of the fact that those heels had a very nice look.

    However, I confess that I usually stick to the classic men heeled styles: block heels and moderate platforms under more or less flared jeans.

    I have a combination which is ideal for the newcomers; it is virtually undetectable and works as a formidable confidence builder: Mustang clogs under slightly flared jeans. I would post a picture if I had my camera ready (battery low now).

    well, best regards and let me know if you knew Luichiny.


  16. Dear Micha, I wonder if you refer to flamenco boots as what is known worldwide as cuban heels; you can still find quite a number of men wearing cuban heels in the range of 2-4 in. but in the reality it is not very different from men wearing some cowboy boots which feature similar heels. You being from Germany, I remember very well shops like TACK where I could find very interesting designs that I used to walk with in towns like Berlin, Duesseldorf, Hameln, etc. in my business trips. I am not currently travelling to Germany as often as I did when I was working for a German company, but chances are this is gonna change very soon. You live in a very nice country for heeling fashion as well, and it is perfect for my 41 size since it is a far more common size for German ladies than for Spanish ones. I am not saying I have difficulties to find 41's in Spain, but the fact is that in Germany the variety is wider due to simple demographic questions and time. One question aside: I was always warned that Russian mafia was very powerful in Frankfurt; does this mean center of Frankfurt could be unsafe in the evenings ? Have you ever had any experience with cops catching you on heels ? I always though German cops are very strict. Best regards, bob2hh

  17. Well, after months of detailed study in this forum, I have finally decided to jump in. I have gained a reasonable knowledge of the "leaders" (no need to mention any names) and I hope I will get a richful addition to my experiences if I receive the honour of being welcome. Best regards, Robert. PS: If any of you have any interest on the Spanish high heel fashion I will gladly help with advices, photos, shopping guides, webs, etc. I will be very glad to help, since I believe it is a quite interesting place for high heelers, and having been lurking I realize most of you (except some experts) apparently haven't had the chance to know.

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